Full Service Community Schools Program

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2008 Awards

Ten (10) new awards were made in FY 2008.


Grantee Name:Fresno Unified School District (FUSD)
Project Title:Full Service Community Schools
Project Contact:Linda Furnas, Grants Coordinator
(559) 457-3186
Mailing Address:1833 E. Street
Fresno, CA 93706
Partner Entities: Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Valley, Center for Multicultural Cooperation, Comprehensive Youth Services, Cornerstone Foundation of Fresno, Educational Resource Consultants, Fresno County Office of Education, Fresno Police Activities League, Fresno Police Department, and Fresno Unified School District
Qualified Services:Early Childhood Education; Remedial Education & Academic Enrichment; Mental Health Counseling; Parenting Skills Training; Parental Involvement; Mentoring and Youth Development; Community Service/Service Learning; and Medical and Dental Services

FUSD has extensive experience working with community based organizations and public agencies to provide coordinated services to students and families. All partners have experience working together to provide services to at-risk children and communities. The initiative will serve four schools (Carver Academy, grades 5-8; King Elementary, grades K-4; Kirk Elementary, grades K-6; and Lincoln Elementary, grades K-6). The program will build upon the foundation in place at each school, with the existing Carver/King Neighborhood Resource Center at the core of the program. This will be a targeted geographic approach serving four schools in close proximity of each other within a high poverty/high crime community. A minimum of 2,000 children (newborn to 8th grade) and 1,000 family members will be served annually. This represents an unduplicated count; many individuals will receive services from more than one program component throughout the year. Services will be provided on a daily basis.

Grantee Name:Urban Education Partnership
Project Title:Pacoima Neighborhood Partnership (PNP)
Project Contact:Ellen Pais (213) 622-5237 x266
Mailing Address:315 W. Ninth Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Partner Entities:LAUSD Local District 2, San Fernando High School, Arleta High School, Sylmar High School, Project GRAD LA, Youth Speak Collective, Pacoima Beautiful, Kennedy-San Fernando Community Adult School
Qualified Services: a) Remedial education and academic enrichment activities; b) Mentoring and other youth development programs; c) Parenting education and parent leadership. The qualified services are already in place, and our ambitious FSCS organizing project will begin at one high school and roll out to the other two in years 2 and 3

The lead agency has a 20-year history in the area, solid relationships with the target schools and nonprofits, a long record of parent engagement, and has been the lead agency or on the steering committee of many community-school collaboratives, including six at present. The partners have long provided the qualified services in the area, have strong relationships with the target schools, and a commitment to collaboration. PNP began forming in 2005 at the request of the community and schools, conducted an 18-month needs assessment, and identified the barriers to service and needs of the community. Thus, PNP has community buy-in and support. The PNP members have the capacity to deliver the services and develop a coordinated system.

The northeast San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles is a low-income, minority, working-class area that lacks a college-going culture. The community identified high dropout rates and low graduation rates at the target high schools (enrollment 8,300) as their primary concern, and four key needs to be addressed: a coordinating body to organize services; more parent involvement in children's education; increased participation in underutilized services at the schools; more academic enrichment and student support. The project goal is to increase the number of students who stay in school, graduate and are prepared for postsecondary education. PNP partners have secured non-FSCS funds to provide the qualified services, as well as the cooperation of an additional 26 nonprofit and government agencies in the area. PNP seeks FSCS funds to develop a coordinated system of service delivery that connects students and parents to services that meet their needs, to establish centralized evaluation and communication, to further develop school-nonprofit-community relationships and processes, and to align services between the high schools and feeder middle schools. The PNP collaborative will offer vision, planning and oversight for the delivery of services in three areas: evaluation, communication and resource development. Each school will have a coordinator (paid by grant funds), an advisory council and a resource coordinating council to map resources, organize services, ensure students and parents who need assistance are referred to appropriate services, and to respond to emerging needs. In year 1, PNP will help feeder middle schools align their services with the high schools. The number of unduplicated individuals to be served per year is 5,600. The frequency varies by service: Tutoring: M-Th and summers. Academic enrichment: 2 days/week for 35 wks, two 6-day SAT prep classes, one-month summer institutes. Youth development: 3 times/week, weekly, quarterly and seasonal college access workshops. Parent leadership: monthly trainings, weekly meetings, ongoing outreach, seasonal workshops on college access.

Grantee Name:The Youth Policy Institute (YPI)
Project Title:Belmont Full-Service Community Schools (FSCS) program
Project Contact:Dixon Slingerland, Executive Director (213) 688-2802
Mailing Address:634 South Spring Street
Suite 818
Los Angeles, CA 90014
Partner Entities:LAUSD Local District 4; Belmont High School; the Alliance for a Better Community (ABC); the SalvadoranAmerican Leadership and Educational Fund (SALEF); Families In Schools (FIS); Central American Resource Center (CARECEN); Central City Neighborhood Partner (CCNP); Centro Latino; Inner-City Arts; Music Center; Homies Unidos, and Clinica Oscar Romero
Qualified Services:Services provided or coordinated in the Belmont FSCS program include all 12 program areas. Based on needs assessments completed at each target school, the program will particularly target mentoring and youth development services, remedial education and academic enrichment services, parenting education and leadership services, and assistance for students who have been truant, suspended, or expelled through partnerships with the Belmont Education Collaborative. The program will also provide professional development for teachers and staff at target schools in integrating community school resources

A community-based organization, is partnering with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and other partners in the Belmont Education Collaborative to offer the Belmont Full-Service Community Schools (FSCS) program at four schools in the Pico Union/Westlake community of Los Angeles: (1) Gratts Elementary School; (2) Esperanza Elementary School; (3) John Liechty Middle School; and (4) Monsenor Oscar Romero Charter Middle School.

The Youth Policy Institute is the applicant agency, and a member of the Belmont Education Collaborative. BEC is a coalition of community-based organizations, civic offices and schools established in 2005 to ensure that schools in Pico Union/Westlake graduate all students. YPI is a community-based organization that has considerable experience providing youth and adult services, case management, employment training, and referrals for families in a school setting typical of the proposed full-service community schools model. YPI has a $13 million annual budget and 600 staff, and operates programs at 51 sites in Los Angeles that serve 14,000 youth and adults each year. The organization has been awarded U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer's Excellence in Education Award for educational technology. In the last year, YPI has raised over $17 million to support this approach which is well-suited to the goals of the FSCS program.

The Belmont FSCS program will conduct an initial Planning Period for the first six months of Year 1 that will include a comprehensive needs assessment building on the work already completed. The program will then operate the final six months of Year 1 through the end of Year 5. It is expected that the Belmont FSCS program will serve 1,283 students and family members in Year 1 (the six month period after Planning), 3,032 students and family members in Year 2, 3,272 students and family members in Year 3, 3,641 students and family members in Year 4, and 4,008 students and family members in Year 5.


Grantee Name:Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County
Project Title:Bridges Beacon Center at Highland Elementary School
Project Contact:Andrea Stephenson, Director of Family Community Programs (561) 740-7000
Mailing Address:

Partner Entities:Adopt-A-Family of the Palm Beaches, Inc., Highland Elementary, School, Palm Beach County Health Department
Qualified Services:Early childhood education, parental involvement and family literacy activities, parenting education and parent leadership, mentoring

Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County will collaborate with partner agencies to create a seamless integration of qualified services for a Full Service Community Schools (FSCS) Program in the 33460 zip code of Lake Worth, Florida. The average income per capita is reported to be $19,770. Children's Services Council has more than 20 years of experience and for the past eight years, CSC provided management and technical assistance to 14 existing Beacon Centers.

Housed under the umbrella of the Bridges Beacon Center, the FSCS Program at Highland Elementary School will implement two High/Scope Toddler and Preschool classes with dual language, Spanish-English concepts to serve 30 two and three-year olds. Classes will be offered up to ten hours a day from Monday to Friday. Parental engagement will be based on Parent-Child Development Centers and AVANCE model programs that provide weekly home visits and center-based parent-child interaction to 30 parents of potential Highland students to engage children's learning first in the homes and then in the classroom. A school-based youth mentoring program at the school will create 40 mentors/student matches from K-4 once a week, one hour per day. Nutrition and health services will be available to the entire school and its surrounding community at a newly renovated health clinic, just blocks away from the school.


Grantee Name:George Washington Community School (GWCS)
Project Title:Circle City Learning Community
Project Contact:Clark Lienemann (317) 639-6106
Mailing Address:1920 W. Morris Street
Indianapolis Public Schools
Indianapolis, IN 46221
Partner Entities:Indiana University, Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis Public Schools, Indy Parks, Young Audiences, La Plaza, the Alpha Youth Foundation, an affiliate of Cornerstone Church of Hope, "Dollars for Scholars," Learning Well, Midtown Mental Health, and the WIDC and We Care Neighborhood Associations
Qualified Services:At GWCS--academic & remedial education; parent involvement & family literacy; mentoring & youth development; parenting education & leadership; community-based service & service learning; nutrition & fitness; health care; mental health counseling; adult education & adult ENL; at the 3 anchoring Community Centers-early childhood education; job training & career counseling; as well as additional services of many of the above services provided both at GWCS and the CBOs. Most services will be provided daily in the new Learning Center in an extended day to 7:00 pm in Yr. 1 and later, in subsequent years, as well as on Saturdays and for 6 weeks in the summer

The 37,500 students attending Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS) are faced with multiple challenges--homelessness, low parent educational levels, a high number of single parents, a rapidly growing population of English-as-a-new Language learners, a high unemployment and high poverty rate. These negative societal factors are even more dramatic on the near westside of Indianapolis where the only high school had been shut down for almost 10 years. Led by the Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center, the high school was re-opened in 2000. Mary Rigg has continued to be instrumental in bringing together other community partners, IUPUI, businesses, and neighbors to turn this school into George Washington Community School (GWCS) to address the many needs of the youth, grades 7-12, 90% poverty and 56% minority (including 24% Hispanic). The GW Community Advisory Committee developed the Circle City Learning Community project to (1) ensure students graduate fully prepared for careers or postsecondary study; and (2) to provide technical assistance to 4 other IPS schools and other schools throughout the nation seeking such assistance. GWCS is a proven, nationally recognized, emerging community school model, demonstrating early success and promise in one of America's most challenging inner-city public school environments. Over 1,200 students/families will be served in Yr 1 increasing to a total of 9,500 students/families by Yr. 5.

New York

Grantee Name:The United Way of Buffalo & Erie County
Project Title:The Full Service Community School--Closing the Gap in School Performance Consortium
Project Contact:Nicole C. Bycina (716) 887-2749
Mailing Address:742 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo NY 14209
Partner Entities:Buffalo City School District, Buffalo Public Schools #43 and #93, Catholic Charities of Buffalo, Every Person Influences Children, Joan A. Male Family Support Center, United Way of Buffalo & Erie County, and Western New York United Against Drugs and Alcohol
Qualified Services:The FSCS-CTG Consortium will coordinate the following services at each of the two schools identified for expansion at the request of the Buffalo City School District: remedial education and academic enrichment activities; programs that promote parental involvement and family literacy activities; mentoring and other youth development activities; parenting education and parent leadership; programs that provide assistance to students who have been truant, suspended or expelled; and mental health counseling services

For the proposed project, the FSCS-CTG Consortium will expand our full service community school model to serve an additional two low performing schools in the Buffalo City School District, serving all 1,648 students and their families each year of the project. The FSCS-CTG Consortium has implemented its fully integrated service model in six Buffalo Public Schools since 2000, serving over 3,000 students this year. Funding to expand the FSCS-CTG model to two additional schools will bring vital resources to a community- Buffalo, NY- that was recently ranked as the second poorest big city in the nation based on U.S. Census data. As is common with urban schools, Buffalo Public School students often live in single female-headed households, experience poor health and housing instability. The FSCS-CTG Consortium will mitigate these factors by coordinating comprehensive services that address nonacademic barriers to learning (social, emotional, and physical) for students and their families, providing the supports needed for students to thrive academically.

Goals and expected outcomes for each school year for the proposed project follow:

Academic Achievement: Schools will meet Adequate Yearly Progress determined by the NYS Education Department; NYS Assessment scores will increase school-wide by 20%; and of students enrolled in services 20% will earn a passing Grade Point Average. Attendance will increase school-wide by 8% and by 20% for students enrolled in services.

Developmental Assets: A 20% increase of enrolled students in grades 5-8 will report staying out of fights, keeping their anger under control, and improved decision making skills.

Parental Involvement: Attendance at parent teacher conferences, open houses, and family events will increase 10% at each school annually.

Parenting Skills: Workshop participants will score a minimum of 80% positive impact across each domain (knowledge, self-evaluation, attitude, parental confidence and parental isolation).

School Climate: By year 5, each school will score 80% on the PBIS School-wide Evaluation Tool, indicating full implementation of Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports.

Discipline: School-wide discipline referrals/informal suspensions will decrease by 40%; and an increase of 20% of the students enrolled in services will have fewer discipline referrals.

Suspensions: An increase of 20% of students enrolled in services will have fewer informal suspensions over the course of the school year.

Rhode Island

Grantee Name:Dorcas Place Adult and Family Learning Center, Inc.
Project Title:Providence, RI Community Schools Program
Project Contact:Rebecca Boxx (401) 273-8866 x115
Mailing Address:220 Elmwood Avenue
Providence, RI 02907
Partner Entities:Providence Public School District, Greater Providence YMCA, John Hope Settlement House
Qualified Services:Remedial education and academic enrichment activities, programs that promote parental involvement and family literacy activities, parenting education and parent leadership, nutrition Services, mental health counseling services, adult education, including instruction of adults in English as a second language

The Providence Public School District as the LEA has partnered with the lead agency, Dorcas Place Adult and Family Learning Center for more than 13 years in providing adult education, family literacy and after-school programming. Dorcas Place has a 27-year history of managing state and federal grants and contracts providing quality adult and family literacy programs, and the partnering organizations have extensive experience implementing programs within the targeted schools, and have developed strong relationships in these schools and in the community. The five elementary schools targeted for this program are Robert L. Bailey, Charles N. Fortes, Charlotte Woods, Sgt. Cornel Young and Alfred Lima. All are located within no more than two miles of each other in the three Providence neighborhoods of South Providence, West End and Elmwood.

The partnering agencies will focus on creating a system of services at these levels:

  • Daily Family Literacy & Adult Ed classes for ESOL families (Year One: 40 adults & 40 Children; Years Three thru Five:120 adults & 120 children)
  • Weekly wrap around case management for families of children with emotional disturbance (Year One: 30 families; Years Three thru Five: 90 families)
  • Bi-weekly coordinated family engagement activities and parent leadership initiatives (Year One: 130 families; Years Three thru Five: 360 families)
  • Five-day per week before and after-school enrichment programming with an emphasis on nutrition and healthy lifestyle education and summer enrichment programming (Year One: 65 children, Years Three thru Five: 165 children)
  • Total served Annually: 945 adults & children by Years Three thru Five. Through a well-developed system of coordinated implementation this Providence Full-Service Community Schools Program will achieve the result of children and families being fully prepared to be successful, thriving families in their community

South Carolina

Grantee Name:Orangeburg Consolidated School District Five
Project Title:The One Stop Full Service Community School (One Stop FSCS)
Project Contact:Anna Jacobs (803) 533-7984
Mailing Address:578 Ellis Avenue
Orangeburg, South Carolina, 29115
Partner Entities:The partners include the Department of Mental Health, Tri County Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, A Better Way, and Orangeburg Calhoun Allendale Bamberg Community Agency to bring needed services to the FSCS site
Qualified Services:These services will include remedial education and academic support, mental health counseling, programs that promote parental involvement and family literacy activities, Community service and service learning opportunities, services to expelled students and their families, and job training and career counseling services

The Orangeburg Consolidated School District Five (OCSD5) will convert the existing alternative education site into a Full Service Community School. OCSD5 has a long history of working collaboratively with several community, public and private agencies. This grant will service at-risk youth and at-risk parents. The One Stop FSCS will coordinate a holistic approach to addressing the needs of over 500 participants-by providing a comprehensive range of educational and human services on a daily basis. A typical profile of students and families targeted by this grant would reflect a middle/high school student, expelled from the traditional school for disruptive behavior, his mother (a single parent of two) is a recovering drug addict, minimum wage employee, with a high school diploma. This student has a general apathy towards authoritative figures. His mother has fears and suspicion about drugs and gang involvement. The mother feels helpless and desperate for solutions. The programs and services of the One Stop FSCS will provide solutions for this family and many others like them.


Grantee Name:Ogden City Schools
Project Title:School and Community in Ogden Partnering for Excellence (SCOPE)
Project Contact:Kathleen Bideaux (801) 737-7300
Mailing Address:1950 Monroe BLVD
Ogden, UT 84401
Partner Entities:Weber State University; Hispanic Coalition; Ogden-Weber Applied Technology College; Weber Human Services; YMCA / YWCA; Utah Division of Workforce Services; Mexican Ministry of Education; Ogden-Weber Community Action Partnership; Your Community Connection; and Community of Caring
Qualified Services:Early Childhood Education; parental involvement / family literacy; Community service / service-learning; adult education (including ESL instruction); Mentoring / youth development; job training / career counseling; and primary health and dental care

SCOPE will focus on a single school, converting Mound Fort Middle School into a full-service community school. In doing so, SCOPE will be guided by four research-based project objectives (see p.2-5). The seven SCOPE qualified services (see p.11-20) are based on the identified needs and on the capacity and expertise of OCS and its community partners. SCOPE will serve 200 families in the target population during Year 1 and more in subsequent years. Services will be available to individuals and families in Ogden before and after school, in the evenings, on weekends, and in the summer.


Grantee Name:Seattle Public Schools
Project Title:Seattle Full-Service Community Schools Project
Project Contact:Carolyn Kramer (205) 934-8320
Mailing Address:PO Box 34165
Seattle, WA 98124-1165
Partner Entities:YMCA of Greater Seattle is the lead partner for Cleveland High School and Communities in Schools is the lead partner for Rainier Beach High School. Other school partners that have been involved in grant planning include Reinvesting in Youth, Seattle MESA, Communities for Youth, Washington Women in Transition, Broadway Bound, Intiman Theater, and the Teen Health Center providers
Qualified Services:Remedial education and academic enrichment activities; mentoring and youth development programs; programs that promote parental involvement and family literacy activities; programs that provide assistance to students who have been truant or suspended; and primary health and dental care

The goal of the Seattle Full-Service Community Schools (FSCS) Project is to increase the number of students who meet achievement standards and challenging academic content at two under-performing high schools, Cleveland and Rainier Beach, through the implementation of a coordinated, collaborative school/community partnership that provides comprehensive educational, social, and health services for students, families, and communities. The Seattle FSCS Project Objectives include 1) to improve the ability of the schools and community partners to coordinate, communicate, and collaborate in reducing academic and non-academic barriers to learning; 2) to increase family involvement with their student's education; 3) to increase students' access to academic, enrichment and support services; and 4) to increase the percentage of students demonstrating healthy well-being and positive youth development.

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Last Modified: 09/15/2008