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21st Century Community Learning Centers
This program supports the creation of community learning centers that provide academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools.

Administration for Children and Families (ACYF)
ACYF administers the major Federal programs that support: social services that promote the positive growth and development of children and youth and their families; protective services and shelter for children and youth in at-risk situations; and adoption for children with special needs.

Afterschool Alliance
Afterschool Alliance is dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of afterschool programs and advocating for quality, affordable programs for all children.

American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF)
AYPF provides learning opportunities for policy leaders, practitioners, and researchers working on youth and education issues at the national, state, and local levels.

Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice (CECP)
CECP is dedicated to a policy of collaboration at federal, state, and local levels that contributes to and facilitates the production, exchange, and use of knowledge about effective practices.

The Children's Aid Society
The Children's Aid Society supports community and school partnerships by providing resources and technical assistance to educators, policymakers, researchers and funders.

Coalition for Community Schools
The Coalition for Community Schools works toward improving education and helping students learn and grow while supporting and strengthening their families and communities.

Communities in Schools
Communities In Schools supports the connection of needed community resources with schools to help young people successfully learn, stay in school, and prepare for life.

Forum for Youth Investment
The Forum for Youth Investment is dedicated to helping communities and the nation make sure all young people are ready for college, work, and life.

Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP)
HFRP publishes and disseminates research findings and provides technical assistance to a nationwide network of practitioners, policy makers, and educators on policies and programs that empower families and communities to help children reach their potential.

Judith P. Hoyer Early Child Care and Family Centers
Judith P. Hoyer Early Child Care and Family Education Centers, or "Judy Centers", provide a central location for early childhood education and support services for children birth through kindergarten age who reside in specific Title I school districts across the state of Maryland.

The Milton S. Eisenhower Foundation
The Milton S. Eisenhower Foundation identifies, funds, evaluates, and builds the capacities of and replicates community schools in the inner city for children, youth and families. The foundation communicates what works (and what does not work) to citizens, media, and decision makers through national policy reports.

The Mott Foundation
The Mott foundation supports community and school partnerships by providing resources and funding. The Foundation has also established a new list serve (Mott After School) and links for individuals interested in the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program.

National Association for Partners in Education (NAPE)
NAPE is an objective voice in developing school volunteer, intergenerational, community service, and business partnership programs throughout the United States.

National Center for Community Education (NCCE)
It is the mission of the NCCE to promote community and educational change by providing state-of-the-art leadership development, training and technical assistance to community schools.

National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education (NCPIE)
NCPIE is a national coalition of organizations that includes over 75 family/community organizations, state and national associations, government agencies, higher education, research organizations, and consultants.

National Community Education Association (NCEA)
NCEA's mission is to provide leadership to those who build learning communities in response to individual and community needs. It does this by providing its members with national and regional training conferences and workshops; specialized periodicals, publications, and products; opportunities for peer support and networking; and information and referral services.

National Dropout Prevention Centers (NDPC)
NDPC provides knowledge and promotes networking for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and families to increase opportunities for youth in at-risk situations to receive the quality and services necessary to successfully graduate from high school.

Promising Practices in Afterschool System (PPAS)
PPAS is an effort to find and share information that is working in afterschool programs. The PPAS website is for afterschool program directors, program staff, volunteers, parents, community members, policymakers, funders, researchers, and anyone else who cares about children and youth.

Research, Reports, & Articles

Afterschool: The Bridge Connecting Schools and Communities
download files PDF (50.3KB) This brief discusses the benefits that students reap when schools form partnerships with their surrounding communities.

Building a Community School
download files PDF (368 KB) Building a Community School offers relevant data on the advantages of the Community Schools model and practical help with many of the challenges educators are likely to face when starting one.

Community Programs to Promote Youth Development
download files PDF (738 KB) This report by the National Research Council examines national and local experiences with community interventions and programs for youth and assesses their strengths and limitations in promoting adolescent health, development, and well-being. It offers a framework and research agenda for a broad audience of policymakers, researchers, service providers, and community leaders to promote the healthy development of the nation's youth.

Education and Community Building: Connecting Two Worlds
download files PDF (394 KB) This paper attempts to help educators and community builders understand one another, to describe strategies that work to guide better interactions, and to offer recommendations for future joint efforts.

Evaluation of Community Schools: Findings to Date
Evaluation of Community Schools: Findings to Date summarizes data from available evaluations of community school initiatives.

How Community Schools Make a Difference
This article discusses the benefits, challenges, and commonalities of community schools.

Making the Difference: Research and Practice in Community Schools
download files PDF (909 KB) Making the Difference: Research and Practice in Community Schools examines the impact of 20 community school initiatives across the country.

Strengthening Partnerships: Community School Assessment Checklist
download files PDF (164 KB) This assessment tool contains a series of checklists to assist schools and community leaders in creating and/or strengthening community school partnerships.

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Last Modified: 03/24/2008