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Colorado Plateau Research Station Mission

Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, map

The Biological Resource Division (BRD) works with others to provide the scientific understanding and technologies needed to support the sound management and conservation of our Nation's biological resources.

The following general principles guide the implementation of our mission and form the basis of our strategic planning:

BRD develops scientific and statistically reliable methods and protocols to assess the status and trends of the Nation's biological resources.

BRD utilizes tools from the biological, physical and social sciences to understand the causes of biological and ecological trends and to predict the ecological consequences of management practices.

BRD leads in the development and use of the technologies needed to synthesize, analyze and disseminate biological and ecological information.

BRD strives for quality, integrity and credibility of its research and technology by constantly improving its scientific programs through internal quality control, external per review and competitive funding.

BRD enters into partnerships with scientific collaboratiors to produce high-quality scientific infromation adn partnerships with the users of scientific information to ensure this information's relevance and application to real problems.

BRD provides reliable scientific information to all American citizens while recognizing a special obligation to serve the biological information needs of Department of the Interir bureaus.

BRD strives for a diverse, safe, healthy and productive workforce and provides opportunities for the continuing education and professional development of its employees.