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Contact Information:

photo of Judson Wynne
Wynne, J. Judson
Wildlife Ecologist/ Land Cover Specialist
(Not yet specified.)
Research Station:
Work Address:
2255 North Gemini Drive, Flagstaff, AZ, 86001
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Biographical Sketch:

J. Judson Wynne is a wildlife ecologist, who is currently involved with Southwest Regional GAP wildlife habitat model development and accuracy assessment. He is also expanding upon previous research in biospeleology and cave conservation in Belize, Central America. Recently completed studies include development and verification of satellite imagery-based vegetation land cover models and passerine bird-habitat models of the Pinalenos Mountains, Arizona, and a rapid ecological inventory of Actun Chapat cave, west-central Belize. He holds an M.S. in Environmental Science and Policy from Northern Arizona University and a UNESCO/ Cousteau Certificate in Ecotechnie from the Free University of Brussels. Mr. Wynne has conducted and assisted on environmental and biological projects throughout the southwestern U.S., Belize, Mexico, Scotland and Belgium.

Project List

  • (Not yet specified.)

Publications, Maps, and other Products

  1. Wynne, J. Judson, G.E. Cushing, T.N. Titus, M.G. Chapman, C.A. Drost, R.S. Toomey III, M. Jhabvala, P. J. Boston, G.C. Diaz, K. Peterson, J. Thompson & R. Harter. 2007. Thermal behaviors of earth caves and possible cave-like structures detected on Mars. USGS. [Abstract]
  2. Wynne, J. Judson, N.A. Cabrol, P.J. Boston, G.E. Cushing, T.N. Titus, C.A. Drost, R.S. Toomey III, & R. Harter. 2007. What are Mars analogue sites and why are they important in the search for caves on Mars. USGS. [Abstract]
  3. Wynne, J. Judson and William Pleytez. 2005. Sensitive ecological areas and species inventory of Actun Chapat cave, Vaca Plateau, Belize. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. [Journal Article]
  4. Jeff Jenness, J. Judson Wynne. 2005. Cohen's Kappa and Classification Table Metrics 2.0: An ArcView 3x Extension for Accuracy Assessment of Spatially Explicit Models. USGS. Open-File Report OF 2005-1363. [Open-File Report]