# Learn R Topic 10

Biology: Status and Trends of Biological Resources Program

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Topic 10: Analysis of Variance

Michael Crawley, 2007,The R Book, Chapter 11
See the text for descriptions. You can copy and paste the statements below into thr R Commander script window and execute them.
Anything after # on a line is a comment. I have added annotations as comments and shown the output as comments following each command.

d=read.table("http://www.bio.ic.ac.uk/research/mjcraw/therbook/data/yields.txt",header=T); attach(d); d
#    sand clay loam
# 1     6   17   13
# 2    10   15   16
# . . .
d1=data.frame(stack(d)); colnames(d1)=c("y","soil"); attach(d1); d1
#     y soil
# 1   6 sand
# 2  10 sand
# . . .
mean=by(y,soil,mean); var=by(y,soil,var); cbind(mean,var)
#      mean       var
# clay 11.5 15.388889
# loam 14.3  7.122222
# sand  9.9 12.544444

# 	Fligner-Killeen test of homogeneity of variances
# data:  y by soil 
# Fligner-Killeen:med chi-squared = 0.3651, df = 2, p-value = 0.8332 # no problems


m=lm(y~soil); anova(m)
Analysis of Variance Table
# Response: y
#           Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
# soil       2  99.200  49.600  4.2447 0.02495 *
# Residuals 27 315.500  11.685                  
# ---
# Signif. codes:  0 |***| 0.001 |**| 0.01 |*| 0.05 |.| 0.1 | | 1 


a=aov(y~soil); model.tables(a,se=T)
# Tables of effects
# soil
# clay loam sand 
# -0.4  2.4 -2.0 # difference from overall mean
# Standard errors of effects
#          soil
#         1.081   # not appropriate for comparing effects
# replic.    10

#### another example
d=read.table("http://www.bio.ic.ac.uk/research/mjcraw/therbook/data/competition.txt",header=T); attach(d); d
#    biomass clipping
# 1      551      n25
# 2      457      n25
# . . .

m=lm(biomass~clipping); anova(m)
# Analysis of Variance Table
# Response: biomass
#           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)   
# clipping   4  85356   21339  4.3015 0.008752 **
# Residuals 25 124020    4961                  

par(mfrow=c(1,2)); plot(clipping,biomass); bargraph.CI(clipping,biomass)

# Note that the error bars show standard error NOT confidence intervals.

#### factorial experiments ########################################################
d=read.table("http://www.bio.ic.ac.uk/research/mjcraw/therbook/data/growth.txt",header=T); attach(d); d
#    supplement   diet     gain
# 1   supergain  wheat 17.37125
#  . . . 
#        agrimore  control supergain supersupp
# barley 26.34848 23.29665  22.46612  25.57530
# oats   23.29838 20.49366  19.66300  21.86023
# wheat  19.63907 17.40552  17.01243  19.66834par(mfrow=c(1,2))

m=lm(gain~diet*supplement); anova(m)
# Analysis of Variance Table
# Response: gain
#                 Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
# diet             2 287.171 143.586 83.5201 2.999e-14 ***
# supplement       3  91.881  30.627 17.8150 2.952e-07 ***
# diet:supplement  6   3.406   0.568  0.3302    0.9166    
# Residuals       36  61.890   1.719                      
# ---
# Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 

summary(m)  # showes individual degrees of freedom coefficients
# Coefficients:
#                                       Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
# (Intercept)                            26.3485     0.6556  40.191  < 2e-16 ***
# diet[T.oats]                           -3.0501     0.9271  -3.290 0.002248 ** 
# diet[T.wheat]                          -6.7094     0.9271  -7.237 1.61e-08 ***
# supplement[T.control]                  -3.0518     0.9271  -3.292 0.002237 ** 
# supplement[T.supergain]                -3.8824     0.9271  -4.187 0.000174 ***
# supplement[T.supersupp]                -0.7732     0.9271  -0.834 0.409816    
# diet[T.oats]:supplement[T.control]      0.2471     1.3112   0.188 0.851571    
# diet[T.wheat]:supplement[T.control]     0.8183     1.3112   0.624 0.536512    
# diet[T.oats]:supplement[T.supergain]    0.2470     1.3112   0.188 0.851652    
# diet[T.wheat]:supplement[T.supergain]   1.2557     1.3112   0.958 0.344601    
# diet[T.oats]:supplement[T.supersupp]   -0.6650     1.3112  -0.507 0.615135    
# diet[T.wheat]:supplement[T.supersupp]   0.8024     1.3112   0.612 0.544381    
# Residual standard error: 1.311 on 36 degrees of freedom
# Multiple R-squared: 0.8607,	Adjusted R-squared: 0.8182 
# F-statistic: 20.22 on 11 and 36 DF,  p-value: 3.295e-12 

#### nested designs and split plots #####################################################
d=read.table("http://www.bio.ic.ac.uk/research/mjcraw/therbook/data/splityield.txt",header=T); attach(d); d
#    yield block irrigation density fertilizer
# 1     90     A    control     low          N
# . . .
# Fields (blocks) were the largest units 
# irrigation or control was applied to half of each field 
# Each irrigation plot was split into 3 and a seedling density applied (low, medium, or high)
# Each density plot was split into 3 and a fertilizer was applied (N, P, or NP)
# Each level has a different error term because of restrictions on randomization.

m=aov(yield~irrigation*density*fertilizer+Error(block/irrigation/density));  summary(m)
# Error: block
#           Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
# Residuals  3 194.444  64.815               

# Error: block:irrigation
#            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
# irrigation  1 8277.6  8277.6  17.590 0.02473 *
# Residuals   3 1411.8   470.6                  
# Error: block:irrigation:density
#                    Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
# density             2 1758.36  879.18  3.7842 0.05318 .
# irrigation:density  2 2747.03 1373.51  5.9119 0.01633 *
# Residuals          12 2787.94  232.33                  
# Error: Within
#                               Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
# fertilizer                     2 1977.44  988.72 11.4493 0.0001418 ***
# irrigation:fertilizer          2  953.44  476.72  5.5204 0.0081078 ** 
# density:fertilizer             4  304.89   76.22  0.8826 0.4840526    
# irrigation:density:fertilizer  4  234.72   58.68  0.6795 0.6106672    
# Residuals                     36 3108.83   86.36                      

#### another example 
d=read.table("http://www.bio.ic.ac.uk/research/mjcraw/therbook/data/rats.txt",header=T); attach(d); d
#    Glycogen Treatment Rat Liver
# 1       131         1   1     1
# . . .
# Three experimental treatments were applied to rats, with two rats per treatment.
# Right, center and left portions of each rat's liver was sampled.
# Two pieces of each was analyzed separately for glygogen using different assays.

Treatment=factor(Treatment); Rat=factor(Rat); Liver=factor(Liver)
# As above must provide error term for nested design.
m=aov(Glycogen~Treatment+Error(Treatment/Rat/Liver)); summary(m)
# Error: Treatment
#           Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq
# Treatment  2 1557.56  778.78
# Error: Treatment:Rat
#           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
# Residuals  3 797.67  265.89               
# Error: Treatment:Rat:Liver
#           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
# Residuals 12  594.0    49.5               
# Error: Within
#           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
# Residuals 18 381.00   21.17               
1-pf(778.78/265.89,2,3) # p for treatment =  0.1970992

#### You can obtain the same analysis more simply by using the means for each independent application of the treatment.
d1=aggregate(d,list(Treatment,Rat),mean);  d1$Treatment=factor(d1$Treatment); d1
#   Group.1 Group.2 Glycogen Treatment Rat Liver # Group.1=Treatment, Group.2=Rat, but will work with character values.
# 1       1       1 132.5000         1   1     2
# 2       2       1 149.6667         2   1     2
# 3       3       1 134.3333         3   1     2
# 4       1       2 148.5000         1   2     2
# 5       2       2 152.3333         2   2     2
# 6       3       2 136.0000         3   2     2
m1=aov(d1$Glycogen~d1$Treatment); summary(m1) # need to specify d1, as d is assumed
#              Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
# d1$Treatment  2 259.593 129.796   2.929 0.1971 # same F and p value as above
# Residuals     3 132.944  44.315               

#### WRONG analysis (pseudo replication) by failing to note nested design.
m2=aov(d$Glycogen~d$Treatment); summary(m2) # WRONG pseudoreplication
#             Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
# d$Treatment  2 1557.56  778.78  14.498 3.031e-05 ***
# Residuals   33 1772.67   53.72  # Only 6 rats received independent treatments: 1 df mean, 2 df treatments, 3 df error

#### effect sizes ##################################################
d=read.table("http://www.bio.ic.ac.uk/research/mjcraw/therbook/data/Daphnia.txt",header=T); attach(d); d
#    Growth.rate Water Detergent Daphnia
# 1     2.919086  Tyne    BrandA  Clone1
# . . .

m=aov(Growth.rate~Water*Detergent*Daphnia); anova(m)
# Analysis of Variance Table
#Response: Growth.rate
#                        Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
# Water                    1  1.985   1.985  2.8504 0.0978380 .  
# Detergent                3  2.212   0.737  1.0586 0.3754783    
# Daphnia                  2 39.178  19.589 28.1283 8.228e-09 ***
# Water:Detergent          3  0.175   0.058  0.0837 0.9686075    
# Water:Daphnia            2 13.732   6.866  9.8591 0.0002587 ***
# Detergent:Daphnia        6 20.601   3.433  4.9302 0.0005323 ***
# Water:Detergent:Daphnia  6  5.848   0.975  1.3995 0.2343235    
# Residuals               48 33.428   0.696                

model.tables(m,"means",se=T) # Works with aov models but not lm
# Tables of means
# Grand mean    
# 3.851905 
#  Water 
# Water
#  Tyne  Wear 
# 3.686 4.018 
#  Detergent 
# Detergent
# BrandA BrandB BrandC BrandD 
#  3.885  4.010  3.955  3.558 
#  Daphnia 
# Daphnia
# Clone1 Clone2 Clone3 
#  2.840  4.577  4.139 
#  Water:Detergent   # : and not * incicates an interaction
#       Detergent
# Water  BrandA BrandB BrandC BrandD
#   Tyne 3.662  3.911  3.814  3.356 
#   Wear 4.108  4.109  4.095  3.760 
#  Water:Daphnia 
#       Daphnia
# Water  Clone1 Clone2 Clone3
#   Tyne 2.868  3.806  4.383 
#   Wear 2.812  5.348  3.894 
#  Detergent:Daphnia 
#          Daphnia
# Detergent Clone1 Clone2 Clone3
#    BrandA 2.732  3.919  5.003 
#    BrandB 2.929  4.403  4.698 
#    BrandC 3.071  4.773  4.019 
#    BrandD 2.627  5.214  2.834 
#  Water:Detergent:Daphnia 
# , , Daphnia = Clone1
#       Detergent
# Water  BrandA BrandB BrandC BrandD
#   Tyne 2.811  2.776  3.288  2.597 
#   Wear 2.653  3.082  2.855  2.656 
# , , Daphnia = Clone2
#       Detergent
# Water  BrandA BrandB BrandC BrandD
#   Tyne 3.308  4.191  3.621  4.106 
#   Wear 4.530  4.615  5.925  6.322 
# , , Daphnia = Clone3
#       Detergent
# Water  BrandA BrandB BrandC BrandD
#   Tyne 4.867  4.766  4.535  3.366 
#   Wear 5.140  4.630  3.504  2.303 
# Standard errors for differences of means
#          Water Detergent Daphnia Water:Detergent Water:Daphnia Detergent:Daphnia Water:Detergent:Daphnia
#         0.1967    0.2782  0.2409          0.3934        0.3407            0.4818                  0.6814
# replic.     36        18      24               9            12                 6                       3

replications(Growth.rate~Water*Detergent*Daphnia,d) # number of replications per treatment
#                   Water               Detergent                 Daphnia         Water:Detergent           Water:Daphnia 
#                      36                      18                      24                       9                      12 
#       Detergent:Daphnia Water:Detergent:Daphnia 
#                       6                       3 

plot(t) # You can plot these confidence intervals, but with this number of comparisons, it is unreadable.

#### multiple comparisons #############################################################################
d=read.table("http://www.bio.ic.ac.uk/research/mjcraw/therbook/data/Fungi.txt",header=T); attach(d); d
#      Habitat Fugus.yield
# 1      Birch   20.838291
# . . .

m=aov(Fugus.yield~Habitat); anova(m)
# Analysis of Variance Table
# Response: Fugus.yield
#            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
# Habitat    15 7527.4   501.8  72.141 < 2.2e-16 ***
# Residuals 144 1001.7     7.0            

t=TukeyHSD(m); t # must se aov not lm 
#   Tukey multiple comparisons of means
#     95% family-wise confidence level
# Fit: aov(formula = Fugus.yield ~ Habitat)
# $Habitat
#                           diff         lwr         upr     p adj
# Ash-Alder           3.53292777  -0.5808096   7.6466651 0.1844088
# Aspen-Alder        12.78574402   8.6720067  16.8994814 0.0000000
# Beech-Alder        12.32365349   8.2099161  16.4373908 0.0000000
# Birch-Alder        14.11348150   9.9997441  18.2272189 0.0000000
# Cherry-Alder       10.29508769   6.1813503  14.4088250 0.0000000
# Chestnut-Alder     12.24107899   8.1273416  16.3548163 0.0000000
# Holmoak-Alder      -1.44360558  -5.5573429   2.6701318 0.9975654
# Hornbeam-Alder     10.60271044   6.4889731  14.7164478 0.0000000
# Lime-Alder         19.19458205  15.0808447  23.3083194 0.0000000
# Oak-Alder          20.29457340  16.1808360  24.4083108 0.0000000
# Pine-Alder         14.34084715  10.2271098  18.4545845 0.0000000
# Rowan-Alder         6.29495226   2.1812149  10.4086896 0.0000410
# Spruce-Alder       -2.15119456  -6.2649319   1.9625428 0.9036592
# Sycamore-Alder      2.80900108  -1.3047363   6.9227384 0.5644643
# Willow-Alder        2.77635167  -1.3373857   6.8900890 0.5848838
# Aspen-Ash           9.25281625   5.1390789  13.3665536 0.0000000
# Beech-Ash           8.79072572   4.6769884  12.9044631 0.0000000
# Birch-Ash          10.58055373   6.4668164  14.6942911 0.0000000
# Cherry-Ash          6.76215993   2.6484226  10.8758973 0.0000065
# Chestnut-Ash        8.70815122   4.5944139  12.8218886 0.0000000
# Holmoak-Ash        -4.97653335  -9.0902707  -0.8627960 0.0042690
# Hornbeam-Ash        7.06978268   2.9560453  11.1835200 0.0000018
# Lime-Ash           15.66165428  11.5479169  19.7753916 0.0000000
# Oak-Ash            16.76164563  12.6479083  20.8753830 0.0000000
# Pine-Ash           10.80791938   6.6941820  14.9216567 0.0000000
# Rowan-Ash           2.76202449  -1.3517129   6.8757618 0.5938269
# Spruce-Ash         -5.68412232  -9.7978597  -1.5703850 0.0003946
# Sycamore-Ash       -0.72392669  -4.8376640   3.3898107 0.9999996
# Willow-Ash         -0.75657610  -4.8703135   3.3571613 0.9999993
# Beech-Aspen        -0.46209053  -4.5758279   3.6516468 1.0000000
# Birch-Aspen         1.32773748  -2.7859999   5.4414748 0.9990469
# Cherry-Aspen       -2.49065633  -6.6043937   1.6230810 0.7546149
# Chestnut-Aspen     -0.54466504  -4.6584024   3.5690723 1.0000000
# Holmoak-Aspen     -14.22934960 -18.3430870 -10.1156123 0.0000000
# Hornbeam-Aspen     -2.18303358  -6.2967709   1.9307038 0.8929860
# Lime-Aspen          6.40883803   2.2951007  10.5225754 0.0000264
# Oak-Aspen           7.50882938   3.3950920  11.6225667 0.0000003
# Pine-Aspen          1.55510312  -2.5586342   5.6688405 0.9946232
# Rowan-Aspen        -6.49079177 -10.6045291  -2.3770544 0.0000191
# Spruce-Aspen      -14.93693858 -19.0506759 -10.8232012 0.0000000
# Sycamore-Aspen     -9.97674295 -14.0904803  -5.8630056 0.0000000
# Willow-Aspen      -10.00939235 -14.1231297  -5.8956550 0.0000000
# Birch-Beech         1.78982801  -2.3239093   5.9035654 0.9787523
# Cherry-Beech       -2.02856580  -6.1423031   2.0851716 0.9381871
# Chestnut-Beech     -0.08257450  -4.1963119   4.0311629 1.0000000
# Holmoak-Beech     -13.76725907 -17.8809964  -9.6535217 0.0000000
# Hornbeam-Beech     -1.72094305  -5.8346804   2.3927943 0.9852674
# Lime-Beech          6.87092856   2.7571912  10.9846659 0.0000042
# Oak-Beech           7.97091991   3.8571826  12.0846573 0.0000000
# Pine-Beech          2.01719366  -2.0965437   6.1309310 0.9408763
# Rowan-Beech        -6.02870123 -10.1424386  -1.9149639 0.0001123
# Spruce-Beech      -14.47484805 -18.5885854 -10.3611107 0.0000000
# Sycamore-Beech     -9.51465241 -13.6283898  -5.4009151 0.0000000
# Willow-Beech       -9.54730182 -13.6610392  -5.4335645 0.0000000
# Cherry-Birch       -3.81839381  -7.9321312   0.2953435 0.1011027
# Chestnut-Birch     -1.87240252  -5.9861399   2.2413348 0.9682125
# Holmoak-Birch     -15.55708708 -19.6708244 -11.4433497 0.0000000
# Hornbeam-Birch     -3.51077106  -7.6245084   0.6029663 0.1925375
# Lime-Birch          5.08110055   0.9673632   9.1948379 0.0030585
# Oak-Birch           6.18109190   2.0673545  10.2948293 0.0000633
# Pine-Birch          0.22736564  -3.8863717   4.3411030 1.0000000
# Rowan-Birch        -7.81852924 -11.9322666  -3.7047919 0.0000001
# Spruce-Birch      -16.26467606 -20.3784134 -12.1509387 0.0000000
# Sycamore-Birch    -11.30448042 -15.4182178  -7.1907431 0.0000000
# Willow-Birch      -11.33712983 -15.4508672  -7.2233925 0.0000000
# Chestnut-Cherry     1.94599129  -2.1677461   6.0597286 0.9558589
# Holmoak-Cherry    -11.73869328 -15.8524306  -7.6249559 0.0000000
# Hornbeam-Cherry     0.30762275  -3.8061146   4.4213601 1.0000000
# Lime-Cherry         8.89949435   4.7857570  13.0132317 0.0000000
# Oak-Cherry          9.99948571   5.8857484  14.1132231 0.0000000
# Pine-Cherry         4.04575945  -0.0679779   8.1594968 0.0592074
# Rowan-Cherry       -4.00013544  -8.1138728   0.1136019 0.0661686
# Spruce-Cherry     -12.44628225 -16.5600196  -8.3325449 0.0000000
# Sycamore-Cherry    -7.48608662 -11.5998240  -3.3723493 0.0000003
# Willow-Cherry      -7.51873603 -11.6324734  -3.4049987 0.0000003
# Holmoak-Chestnut  -13.68468457 -17.7984219  -9.5709472 0.0000000
# Hornbeam-Chestnut  -1.63836854  -5.7521059   2.4753688 0.9908681
# Lime-Chestnut       6.95350306   2.8397657  11.0672404 0.0000030
# Oak-Chestnut        8.05349441   3.9397571  12.1672318 0.0000000
# Pine-Chestnut       2.09976816  -2.0139692   6.2135055 0.9193954
# Rowan-Chestnut     -5.94612673 -10.0598641  -1.8323894 0.0001526
# Spruce-Chestnut   -14.39227354 -18.5060109 -10.2785362 0.0000000
# Sycamore-Chestnut  -9.43207791 -13.5458153  -5.3183406 0.0000000
# Willow-Chestnut    -9.46472732 -13.5784647  -5.3509900 0.0000000
# Hornbeam-Holmoak   12.04631603   7.9325787  16.1600534 0.0000000
# Lime-Holmoak       20.63818763  16.5244503  24.7519250 0.0000000
# Oak-Holmoak        21.73817898  17.6244416  25.8519163 0.0000000
# Pine-Holmoak       15.78445273  11.6707154  19.8981901 0.0000000
# Rowan-Holmoak       7.73855784   3.6248205  11.8522952 0.0000001
# Spruce-Holmoak     -0.70758898  -4.8213263   3.4061484 0.9999997
# Sycamore-Holmoak    4.25260666   0.1388693   8.3663440 0.0349691
# Willow-Holmoak      4.21995725   0.1062199   8.3336946 0.0380910
# Lime-Hornbeam       8.59187160   4.4781343  12.7056090 0.0000000
# Oak-Hornbeam        9.69186296   5.5781256  13.8056003 0.0000000
# Pine-Hornbeam       3.73813670  -0.3756007   7.8518741 0.1207078
# Rowan-Hornbeam     -4.30775819  -8.4214955  -0.1940208 0.0302058
# Spruce-Hornbeam   -12.75390500 -16.8676424  -8.6401676 0.0000000
# Sycamore-Hornbeam  -7.79370937 -11.9074467  -3.6799720 0.0000001
# Willow-Hornbeam    -7.82635878 -11.9400961  -3.7126214 0.0000001
# Oak-Lime            1.09999135  -3.0137460   5.2137287 0.9999007
# Pine-Lime          -4.85373490  -8.9674723  -0.7399975 0.0062590
# Rowan-Lime        -12.89962979 -17.0133671  -8.7858924 0.0000000
# Spruce-Lime       -21.34577661 -25.4595140 -17.2320393 0.0000000
# Sycamore-Lime     -16.38558097 -20.4993183 -12.2718436 0.0000000
# Willow-Lime       -16.41823038 -20.5319677 -12.3044930 0.0000000
# Pine-Oak           -5.95372625 -10.0674636  -1.8399889 0.0001484
# Rowan-Oak         -13.99962114 -18.1133585  -9.8858838 0.0000000
# Spruce-Oak        -22.44576796 -26.5595053 -18.3320306 0.0000000
# Sycamore-Oak      -17.48557232 -21.5993097 -13.3718350 0.0000000
# Willow-Oak        -17.51822173 -21.6319591 -13.4044844 0.0000000
# Rowan-Pine         -8.04589489 -12.1596322  -3.9321575 0.0000000
# Spruce-Pine       -16.49204170 -20.6057791 -12.3783043 0.0000000
# Sycamore-Pine     -11.53184607 -15.6455834  -7.4181087 0.0000000
# Willow-Pine       -11.56449548 -15.6782328  -7.4507581 0.0000000
# Spruce-Rowan       -8.44614681 -12.5598842  -4.3324095 0.0000000
# Sycamore-Rowan     -3.48595118  -7.5996885   0.6277862 0.2019434
# Willow-Rowan       -3.51860059  -7.6323379   0.5951368 0.1896363
# Sycamore-Spruce     4.96019563   0.8464583   9.0739330 0.0044944
# Willow-Spruce       4.92754623   0.8138089   9.0412836 0.0049788
# Willow-Sycamore    -0.03264941  -4.1463868   4.0810879 1.0000000

# 	Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD 
# p adjustment methods include: bonferroni, holm, hochberg, hommel, Benjamini & Hochberg ("BH"), Benjamini & Yekutieli ("BY"), and none.
# data:  Fugus.yield and Habitat 
#          Alder   Ash     Aspen   Beech   Birch   Cherry  Chestnut Holmoak Hornbeam Lime    Oak     Pine    Rowan  
# Ash      0.00323 -       -       -       -       -       -        -       -        -       -       -       -      
# Aspen    < 2e-16 8.9e-13 -       -       -       -       -        -       -        -       -       -       -      
# Beech    < 2e-16 7.8e-12 0.69581 -       -       -       -        -       -        -       -       -       -      
# Birch    < 2e-16 1.4e-15 0.26218 0.13135 -       -       -        -       -        -       -       -       -      
# Cherry   5.9e-15 5.6e-08 0.03645 0.08761 0.00150 -       -        -       -        -       -       -       -      
# Chestnut < 2e-16 1.1e-11 0.64494 0.94428 0.11461 0.10116 -        -       -        -       -       -       -      
# Holmoak  0.22299 4.3e-05 < 2e-16 < 2e-16 < 2e-16 < 2e-16 < 2e-16  -       -        -       -       -       -      
# Hornbeam 1.3e-15 1.6e-08 0.06625 0.14673 0.00342 0.79462 0.16697  < 2e-16 -        -       -       -       -      
# Lime     < 2e-16 < 2e-16 2.3e-07 3.6e-08 3.0e-05 4.7e-12 2.5e-08  < 2e-16 2.0e-11  -       -       -       -      
# Oak      < 2e-16 < 2e-16 2.4e-09 3.2e-10 5.6e-07 2.5e-14 2.2e-10  < 2e-16 1.1e-13  0.35260 -       -       -      
# Pine     < 2e-16 4.7e-16 0.18945 0.08938 0.84742 0.00079 0.07715  < 2e-16 0.00187  6.5e-05 1.3e-06 -       -      
# Rowan    3.6e-07 0.02057 1.7e-07 1.0e-06 6.3e-10 0.00090 1.4e-06  9.0e-10 0.00036  < 2e-16 < 2e-16 2.3e-10 -      
# Spruce   0.07026 3.6e-06 < 2e-16 < 2e-16 < 2e-16 < 2e-16 < 2e-16  0.54952 < 2e-16  < 2e-16 < 2e-16 < 2e-16 3.8e-11
# Sycamore 0.01855 0.54035 2.8e-14 2.6e-13 < 2e-16 2.7e-09 3.8e-13  0.00043 7.1e-10  < 2e-16 < 2e-16 < 2e-16 0.00365
# Willow   0.01993 0.52226 2.4e-14 2.2e-13 < 2e-16 2.3e-09 3.3e-13  0.00047 6.1e-10  < 2e-16 < 2e-16 < 2e-16 0.00335
#          Spruce  Sycamore
# Ash      -       -       
# Aspen    -       -       
# Beech    -       -       
# Birch    -       -       
# Cherry   -       -       
# Chestnut -       -       
# Holmoak  -       -       
# Hornbeam -       -       
# Lime     -       -       
# Oak      -       -       
# Pine     -       -       
# Rowan    -       -       
# Spruce   -       -       
# Sycamore 4.6e-05 -       
# Willow   5.1e-05 0.97796 
# P value adjustment method: none

#### contrasts - pages 368-386 #############################################################
d=read.table("http://www.bio.ic.ac.uk/research/mjcraw/therbook/data/competition.txt",header=T); attach(d); d
#    biomass clipping
# 1      551      n25
# . . .
m=lm(biomass~clipping); anova(m)
#             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)   
# clipping     4  85356   21339  4.3015 0.008752 **
# Residuals   25 124020    4961   

# Coefficients:
#                 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
# (Intercept)       465.17      28.75  16.177  9.4e-15 ***
# clipping[T.n25]    88.17      40.66   2.168  0.03987 *  
# clipping[T.n50]   104.17      40.66   2.562  0.01683 *  
# clipping[T.r10]   145.50      40.66   3.578  0.00145 ** 
# clipping[T.r5]    145.33      40.66   3.574  0.00147 ** 
# Residual standard error: 70.43 on 25 degrees of freedom
# Multiple R-squared: 0.4077,	Adjusted R-squared: 0.3129 
# F-statistic: 4.302 on 4 and 25 DF,  p-value: 0.008752  

#         [T.n25] [T.n50] [T.r10] [T.r5] # each is compared to the mean
# control       0       0       0      0
# n25           1       0       0      0
# n50           0       1       0      0
# r10           0       0       1      0
# r5            0       0       0      1

   c(0, 1, 1,-1,-1),
   c(0, 1,-1, 0, 0),
   c(0, 0, 0, 1,-1));
contrasts(clipping) # orthoganal (independent) becasue each sums to 0 and cross products sum to 0.  
#         [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]  # [,1] is control vs others
# control    4    0    0    0  # [,2] is n vs r
# n25       -1    1    1    0  # [,3] is n25 vs n50
# n50       -1    1   -1    0  # [,4] is r5 vs r10
# r10       -1   -1    0    1  # Contrasts are orthogonal (uncorrelated) because each column sums to 0
# r5        -1   -1    0   -1  # and cross products all sum to 0.

m1=lm(biomass~clipping); summary(m1)
# Coefficients:
#              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
# (Intercept) 561.80000   12.85926  43.688  < 2e-16 ***
# clipping1   -24.15833    6.42963  -3.757 0.000921 *** # control vs others
# clipping2   -24.62500   14.37708  -1.713 0.099128 .   # n vs r
# clipping3    -8.00000   20.33227  -0.393 0.697313     # n25 vs n50  
# clipping4     0.08333   20.33227   0.004 0.996762     # r5 vs r10 
# Residual standard error: 70.43 on 25 degrees of freedom
# Multiple R-squared: 0.4077,	Adjusted R-squared: 0.3129 
# F-statistic: 4.302 on 4 and 25 DF,  p-value: 0.008752 

#### More contrasts from John Fox, 2002, An R and S-Plus Companion to Applied Regression pages 127-130. ####
data(Prestige); d=Prestige; attach(d); d;
#                          education income women prestige census type
# GOV.ADMINISTRATORS            13.11  12351 11.16     68.8   1113 prof
# . . .
#      [T.prof] [T.wc] # default is treatment or indicator coding, each relative to the first, which is used as a baseline
# bc          0      0
# prof        1      0
# wc          0      1
contrasts(type)=contr.treatment(levels(type), base=2); contrasts(type)
#      bc wc   # Change base for comparisons.
# bc    1  0
# prof  0  0
# wc    0  1
contrasts(type)="contr.helmert"; contrasts(type)
#      [,1] [,2]
# bc     -1   -1
# prof    1   -1
# wc      0    2
contrasts(type)="contr.sum"; contrasts(type)
#      [,1] [,2]
# bc      1    0
# prof    0    1
# wc     -1   -1
contrasts(type)='contr.SAS'; contrasts(type)
#      bc wc
# bc    1  0
# wc    0  1
# prof  0  0
#### set levels for ordered factor
type=ordered(type, levels=c("bc","wc","prof")); type # Levels: bc < wc < prof 
contrasts(type)="contr.poly"; round(contrasts(type),3)
#          .L     .Q
# [1,] -0.707  0.408
# [2,]  0.000 -0.816
# [3,]  0.707  0.408

#### Multivariate Analysis of Variance ################################################
d=read.table("http://www.bio.ic.ac.uk/research/mjcraw/therbook/data/manova.txt",header=T); attach(d); d
#    tear gloss opacity rate additive
# 1   6.5   9.5     4.4  Low      Low
# . . .

y=cbind(tear,gloss,opacity); m=manova(y~rate*additive); summary(m)
#               Df Pillai approx F num Df den Df   Pr(>F)   
# rate           1 0.6181   7.5543      3     14 0.003034 **
# additive       1 0.4770   4.2556      3     14 0.024745 * 
# rate:additive  1 0.2229   1.3385      3     14 0.301782   
# Residuals     16   

summary.aov(m) # univariate anova
#  Response tear :
#               Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)   
# rate           1 1.74050 1.74050 15.7868 0.001092 **
# additive       1 0.76050 0.76050  6.8980 0.018330 * 
# rate:additive  1 0.00050 0.00050  0.0045 0.947143   
# Residuals     16 1.76400 0.11025                    
#  Response gloss :
#               Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
# rate           1 1.30050 1.30050  7.9178 0.01248 *
# additive       1 0.61250 0.61250  3.7291 0.07139 .
# rate:additive  1 0.54450 0.54450  3.3151 0.08740 .
#  Response opacity :
#               Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
# rate           1  0.421   0.421  0.1036 0.7517
# additive       1  4.901   4.901  1.2077 0.2881
# rate:additive  1  3.961   3.961  0.9760 0.3379
# Residuals     16 64.924   4.058               

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