FY 2006 Uganda Partners

Information subject to change as improved data becomes available.

The list below includes prime1 partners obligated3 Emergency Plan money in fiscal year 2006 and the sub-partners2 of those prime partners.

The 2006 prime and sub-partner list reflects organizations that were obligated FY 2006 money during fiscal year 2006 - that is from October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006.

The list is based on data provided by U.S. Government agency field offices during the Annual Program Results updates submitted to the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator. This information will be updated as new data becomes available.

Prime Partner:
African Medical and Research Foundation
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $1,550,000
Program Areas: Palliative Care: TB/HIV
Laboratory Infrastructure
Sub-Partners: National Tuberculosis & Leprosy Program, Uganda

Prime Partner:
AIDS Information Centre
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $3,539,869
Program Areas: Abstinence and Be Faithful
Condoms and Other Prevention Activities
Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Palliative Care: TB/HIV
Counseling and Testing
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services

Prime Partner:
Baylor University, College of Medicine
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $2,737,252
Program Areas: Palliative Care: TB/HIV
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Counseling and Testing
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Drugs
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services
Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Prime Partner:
Catholic Relief Services
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $8,784,303
Program Areas: Abstinence and Be Faithful
Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Palliative Care: TB/HIV
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Counseling and Testing
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Drugs
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services
Laboratory Infrastructure

Prime Partner:
Chemonics International
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $1,400,000
Program Areas: Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Palliative Care: TB/HIV
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Counseling and Testing
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services
Strategic Information
Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Prime Partner:
Emerging Markets
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $700,000
Program Areas: HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services

Prime Partner:
Family Health International
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $300,000
Program Areas: Condoms and Other Prevention Activities
Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Counseling and Testing

Prime Partner:
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $900,000
Program Areas: Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services

Prime Partner:
Integrated Community Based Initiatives
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $905,000
Program Areas: Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Counseling and Testing

Prime Partner:
International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $1,100,000
Program Areas: Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Palliative Care: TB/HIV
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services

Prime Partner:
International Medical Corps
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $225,000
Program Areas: Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
Abstinence and Be Faithful
Condoms and Other Prevention Activities
Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Palliative Care: TB/HIV
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Counseling and Testing

Prime Partner:
International Rescue Committee
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $375,000
Program Areas: Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
Abstinence and Be Faithful
Condoms and Other Prevention Activities
Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Palliative Care: TB/HIV
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Counseling and Testing

Prime Partner:
John Snow, Inc.
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $8,780,171
Program Areas: Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
Abstinence and Be Faithful
Condoms and Other Prevention Activities
Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Palliative Care: TB/HIV
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Counseling and Testing
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services
Laboratory Infrastructure
Strategic Information
Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening
Sub-Partners: Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development, Gulu
Bandimagwara Cultural Group
Bugiri Local Government, Uganda
Environmental and Community Health Outreach Foundation
Fort Portal Diocese HIV/AIDS Focal Point
Francois Xavier Bagnoud International
German Foundation for World Population Consortium
Gulu Local Government, Uganda
Ibanda Child Development Centre
Kamuli Local Government, Uganda
Kisubi Hospital
Kitgum Local Government, Uganda
Kyembogo Holy Cross Family Centre
Kyenjojo Local Government, Uganda
Luwero Local Government, Uganda
Maturity Audiovisuals Mayanja Memorial Nursing Home, Uganda
Mayuge Local Government
Mbarara Local Government, Uganda
Nakapiripirit Local Government, Uganda
Rakai Local Government, Uganda
Rural Welfare Improvement for Development
Save the Children US
St. Joseph's Hospital
Straight Talk Foundation, Uganda
Student Partnership Worldwide- Mayuge
Uganda Community Based
Uganda Private Midwives Association
Uganda Reproductive Health Bureau
Wakiso Local Government, Uganda
World Vision Bundibugyo
World Vision Gulu
World Vision Kapeeka
World Vision Kitgum
World Vision Kooki

Prime Partner:
Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $4,150,000
Program Areas: Condoms and Other Prevention Activities
Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prime Partner:
Johns Hopkins University Institute for International Programs
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $200,000
Program Areas: Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Prime Partner:
Joint Clinical Research Center, Uganda
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $13,422,060
Program Areas: Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Palliative Care: TB/HIV
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Drugs
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services
Laboratory Infrastructure

Prime Partner:
Kumi Director of District Health Services
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $795,000
Program Areas: Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Counseling and Testing

Prime Partner:
Makerere University Faculty of Medicine
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $6,520,365
Program Areas: Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Palliative Care: TB/HIV
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Counseling and Testing
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Drugs
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services
Laboratory Infrastructure

Prime Partner:
Makerere University Institute of Public Health
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $2,235,870
Program Areas: Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
Abstinence and Be Faithful
Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Palliative Care: TB/HIV
Counseling and Testing
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Drugs
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services
Laboratory Infrastructure
Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening
Sub-Partners: Ministry of Gender, Labor and Sports, Uganda
Rakai Health Sciences Program
Reach Out, Mbuya, Uganda
St. Francis Hospital, Nsambya-Kampala
Straight Talk Foundation, Uganda
The AIDS Support Organization
The Uganda Red Cross Society
Uganda AIDS Commission
Uganda Peoples Defence Forces

Prime Partner:
Medical Research Council of Uganda
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $600,000
Program Areas: HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Drugs
Strategic Information

Prime Partner:
Mildmay International
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $7,994,682
Program Areas: Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Counseling and Testing
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Drugs
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services
Laboratory Infrastructure
Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Prime Partner:
Ministry of Health, Uganda
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $2,575,000
Program Areas: Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
Abstinence and Be Faithful
Medical Transmission/Injection Safety
Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Counseling and Testing
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services
Laboratory Infrastructure
Strategic Information
Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Prime Partner:
National Medical Stores
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $3,900,000
Program Areas: Counseling and Testing
Laboratory Infrastructure
Sub-Partners: Joint Medical Stores

Prime Partner:
New York AIDS Institute
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $300,000
Program Areas: Strategic Information

Prime Partner:
Population Services International
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $3,004,929
Program Areas: Condoms and Other Prevention Activities
Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Prime Partner:
Protecting Families Against AIDS
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $1,115,076
Program Areas: Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
Sub-Partners: Islamic Medical Association of Uganda
Tororo District Hospital

Prime Partner:
Research Triangle International
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $466,000
Program Areas: Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Counseling and Testing
Sub-Partners: AIDS Health Care Foundation
AIDS Information Centre

Prime Partner:
Social and Scientific Systems
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $1,350,000
Program Areas: Strategic Information

Prime Partner:
The AIDS Support Organization
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $16,863,700
Program Areas: Abstinence and Be Faithful
Condoms and Other Prevention Activities
Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Palliative Care: TB/HIV
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Counseling and Testing
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Drugs
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services
Strategic Information
Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Prime Partner:
Uganda Virus Research Institute
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $170,000
Program Areas: Laboratory Infrastructure

Prime Partner:
University of California at San Francisco
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $880,000
Program Areas: Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services
Strategic Information
Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Prime Partner:
US Agency for International Development
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $3,178,818
Program Areas: Management and Staffing

Prime Partner:
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $10,613,639
Program Areas: Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Palliative Care: TB/HIV
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services
Laboratory Infrastructure
Strategic Information
Management and Staffing

Prime Partner:
US Department of Defense
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $225,000
Program Areas: HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services
Management and Staffing

Prime Partner:
US Department of State
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $315,734
Program Areas: Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Management and Staffing

Prime Partner:
US Peace Corps
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $600,700
Program Areas: Abstinence and Be Faithful
Condoms and Other Prevention Activities
Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Management and Staffing

Prime Partner:
Walter Reed
Obligated FY06 Funds:   $714,400
Program Areas: Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
HIV/AIDS Treatment/ARV Services
Laboratory Infrastructure
Strategic Information
Management and Staffing


1 Prime partner: A prime partner is an entity which receives funding directly from, and has a direct contractual relationship (contract, cooperative agreement, grant, etc.) with, the USG agency. Please note that there is a distinction between an organization and a partner. An organization can be any organization listed in the Country Operational and Plan Reporting System (COPRS). An organization becomes a partner by being selected by a country as either a prime or a sub. A partner has a funding relationship with the USG agency. (Source: President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief FY 2007 Country Operational Plan Guidance; Page 40)

2 Sub-partner: A sub partner is defined as an entity to which a prime partner allocates funding. (Source: President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, FY 2007 Country Operational Plan Guidance; Page 44)

3 Obligation: An agreement that will result in outlays, immediately or in the future. When you place an order, sign a contract, award a grant, purchase a service, provide incremental funding or take other actions that require the Government to make payments to the public or from one Government account to another, you incur an obligation. Budgetary resources must be available before obligations can be incurred legally. Obligations should not exceed available budgetary resources. For this Annual Program Results Report, only report on obligations made during the fiscal year (October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006). (Source: President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief FY 2006 Annual Program Results (APR) Guidance for Focus and 2006 Mini-COP Country Reporting, p.6)

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