FY 2007 Zambia Partners

Information subject to change as improved data becomes available.

The list below includes prime1 partners obligated3 Emergency Plan money in fiscal year 2006 and the sub-partners2 of those prime partners.

The 2007 prime and sub-partner list reflects organizations that obligated FY 2007 money during fiscal year 2007 - that is from October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007.

The list is based on data provided by U.S. Government agency field offices during the Annual Program Results updates submitted to the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator. This information will be updated as new data becomes available.

Prime Partner:



ABT Associates

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Strategic Information

Treatment: ARV Services




Prime Partner:



Academy for Educational Development

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Counseling and Testing



Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Management Program

Society for Family Health - Zambia

Prime Partner:



American Institutes for Research

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Orphans and Vulnerable Children



Adventist Development and Relief Agency—Kabwe Adventist Family Health Institute

Copperbelt Health Education Project

Family Health Trust

Forum for African Women Educationalists of Zambia

Programme Against Malnutrition

Prime Partner:



American International Health Alliance

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Treatment: ARV Services



African Palliative Care Association

Prime Partner:



CARE International

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Prime Partner:



Catholic Relief Services

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Strategic Information

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services



Archdiocese of Kasama

Chikuni Mission Hospital

Children's AIDS Fund

Chilonga Mission Hospital

Chipata Diocese

Cicetekelo Hospice

Constella Futures Group

Diocese of Mansa

Human Service Trust

Jon Hospice

Katondwe Mission Hospital

Martin Hospice

Missionaries of Charity

Mongu Catholic Diocese

Monze Catholic Diocese

Mother Marie Therese Linssen Hospice

Mother of Mercy Hospice

Mpika Catholic Diocese

Mtendere Mission Hospital

Mukinge Mission Hospital

Our Lady's Hospice

Palliative Care Association of Zambia

Ranchod Hospice

Sichili Mission Hospital

Solwezi Catholic Diocese

St. Francis Community

St. Francis Hospital

St. Theresa Hospital

The Futures Group International

University of Maryland, Institute of Human Virology

Wusakile Private Hospital

Prime Partner:



Central Contraceptive Procurement

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention

Prime Partner:



Central Statistics Office

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Strategic Information

Prime Partner:



Chemonics International

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Medical Transmission: Injection Safety




Manoff Group, Inc

Prime Partner:



Chest Diseases Laboratory

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Laboratory Infrastructure

Prime Partner:



Children's AIDS Fund    

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful



Expanded Church Response    

Helping Hands Africa

Prime Partner:



Christian Aid

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children



Catholic Archdioceses of Lusaka

Copperbelt Health Education Project

Family Health Trust

Ndola Catholic Diocese

Prime Partner:



Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Treatment: ARV Services



Boston University

Livingstone General Hospital

University Teaching Hospital

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Laboratory Infrastructure

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Strategic Information

Prime Partner:



Copperbelt University

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Prime Partner:



Development Aid People to People Zambia

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Prime Partner:



Education Development Center

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children



Radio Maria Chipata Zambia

Radio Mosi O Tunya Livingstone Zambia

Prime Partner:



Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Strategic Information

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services



Africa Directions

Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia

Project Concern International     

University of Zambia

Prime Partner:



Family Health International    

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Laboratory Infrastructure

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Treatment: ARV Services



Churches Health Association of Zambia

Expanded Church Response

Kara Counseling Centre

Management Sciences for Health

Prime Partner:



Hope Worldwide

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Prime Partner:



IAP Worldwide Services, Inc.

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Management and Staffing

Prime Partner:



International Executive Service Corp

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Counseling and Testing



Latkings Outreach Programme

Prime Partner:



International Youth Foundation

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful



Zambia Girl Guides Association    

Zambia Red Cross Society

Zambia Scouts Association

Zambia Young Men's Christian Association

Zambia Young Women's Christian Association

Prime Partner:



IntraHealth International, Inc

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Medical Transmission: Injection Safety

Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Strategic Information

Treatment: ARV Services



Community Based TB/HIV/AIDS Organization

Health Communications Partnership

John Snow, Inc.

Khulu Associates

Malaria/Medical Institute at Macha

University of Zambia School of Medicine

Prime Partner:



John Snow Research and Training Institute    

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Strategic Information

Treatment: ARV Services



Abt Associates

Afya Mzuri

Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Management Program

Dorcamo Community HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care

Dzithandizeni Nutrition Group

Faith Based Elimination Sinazongwe

Forum for Community Action Against Poverty, HIV/AIDS, Destitution and Exploitation (FLAME)

Initiatives, Inc.

Kafubu Block Mission Children's Home and Orphanage

Kawambwa Anti AIDS Club

Kazembe Home Based Care

Latkings Outreach Programme

Livingstone Contact Trust Youth Association

Luyando Home Based Care

Mupita Anti-AIDS Club

Network for Zambian People Living with HIV/AIDS District Chapter Chipata

New Covenant Women's Club Chingola

People Living with HIV/AIDS Luanshya Support Group

People Living with HIV/AIDS Support Group Petauake

Pride Community Health Club

Shaping Our Destiny Petauake

Sinazongwe Youth Group

Tulipamo Post Test Club Kapiri Mposhi

Youth Development Organization


Zambia Health Education Communication Trust

Prime Partner:



John Snow, Inc.

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Strategic Information

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Prime Partner:



Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Treatment: ARV Services



Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Management Program    

Prime Partner:



Macro International

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Strategic Information



Central Statistics Office

Prime Partner:



Ministry of Health, Zambia

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Strategic Information

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



National AIDS Council, Zambia

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Strategic Information

Prime Partner:



National Arts Council of Zambia

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Prime Partner:



National Association of State and Territorial AIDS Directors

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Strategic Information

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



Opportunity International

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children



Christian Enterprise Trust of Zambia

Habitat for Humanity Zambia

Prime Partner:



Pact, Inc.

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful



Adolescent Reproductive Health Advocates

Choma Youth Development Organization

Community for Human Development

Contact Youth Trust Association

Henwood Foundation

Kabwe Home Based Care

Kawambwa Anti AIDS Club

KAYS ARTS Promotion

Kilela Balanda


Luapula Families In Distress

Mongu Youth Alive Zambia

Mumena Rural Development  Trust

Solwezi Youth Alive Zambia

Workplace HIV/AIDS and Gender Trust

Youth Development Organization

Zambia Interfaith Non Governmental Organization

Zambia Young Women's Christian Association

Prime Partner:



Partnership for Supply Chain Management

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Laboratory Infrastructure

Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening 

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Treatment: ARV Drugs



John Snow, Inc.

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Prime Partner:



PLAN International

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children



Family Health Trust

Society for Women And AIDS in Africa

World Vision International

Zambia Interfaith Non Governmental Organization

Prime Partner:



Population Services International

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support




Prime Partner:



Project Concern International

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children 

Prime Partner:



Provincial Health Office - Eastern Province

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Laboratory Infrastructure

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Strategic Information

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



Provincial Health Office - Southern Province

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Laboratory Infrastructure

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



Public Health Institute

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Management and Staffing

Prime Partner:



Research Triangle Institute

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing



Afya Mzuri

Family Health International

Zambia Health Education Communication Trust

Zambia Interfaith Non Governmental Organization

Prime Partner:



Sanquin Consulting Services

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Medical Transmission: Blood Safety

Prime Partner:



Social and Scientific Systems

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Strategic Information

Prime Partner:



The American Society for Microbiology

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Laboratory Infrastructure

Prime Partner:



Tropical Diseases Research Centre

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Laboratory Infrastructure

Strategic Information

Prime Partner:



Tulane University

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Treatment: ARV Services



Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia

Zambia Exclusive Breastfeeding Services (ZEBS)

Prime Partner:



United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing



Afrika Aktion Hilfe

HODI Zambia

Ministry of Community Development and Social Services

Zambia Red Cross Society

Prime Partner:



University of Alabama, Birmingham

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Prime Partner:



University of Nebraska

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Laboratory Infrastructure

Prime Partner:



University of Zambia

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Prime Partner:



University Teaching Hospital

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Laboratory Infrastructure

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



US Agency for International Development

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Management and Staffing

Prime Partner:



US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention

Laboratory Infrastructure

Management and Staffing

Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Strategic Information

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



US Department of State

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Management and Staffing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Prime Partner:



US Peace Corps

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Management and Staffing

Prime Partner:



Vanderbilt University

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Prime Partner:



World Concern

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children



Church of Central Africa Relief & Development    

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries

Operation Blessing International

Reformed Church in Zambia Eastern Diaconia Services

Reformed Community Support Organization

World Hope International

Prime Partner:



World Vision International

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Treatment: ARV Services




CARE International

Catholic Relief Services

Expanded Church Response

Livingstone Catholic Diocese

Lusaka Catholic Diocese

Ndola Catholic Diocese

Population Council

Salvation Army

Prime Partner:



Zambia National Blood Transfusion Service

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Strategic Information


1 Prime partner: A prime partner is an entity which receives funding directly from, and has a direct contractual relationship (contract, cooperative agreement, grant, etc.) with, the USG agency. Please note that there is a distinction between an organization and a partner. An organization can be any organization listed in the Country Operational and Plan Reporting System (COPRS). An organization becomes a partner by being selected by a country as either a prime or a sub. A partner has a funding relationship with the USG agency. (Source: President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief FY 2007 Country Operational Plan Guidance; Page 40)

2 Sub-partner: A sub partner is defined as an entity to which a prime partner allocates funding. (Source: President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, FY 2007 Country Operational Plan Guidance; Page 44)

3 Obligation: An agreement that will result in outlays, immediately or in the future. When you place an order, sign a contract, award a grant, purchase a service, provide incremental funding or take other actions that require the Government to make payments to the public or from one Government account to another, you incur an obligation. Budgetary resources must be available before obligations can be incurred legally. Obligations should not exceed available budgetary resources. For this Annual Program Results Report, only report on obligations made during the fiscal year (October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006). (Source: President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief FY 2006 Annual Program Results (APR) Guidance for Focus and 2006 Mini-COP Country Reporting, p.6)

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