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Accelerated Dial-Up Service
$ 1 4
95 * a month
First Month Free
Fastest Dial-Up You Can Get
Email with Spam Protection
No Credit Card Required
Norton AntiVirus™
Pop-Up Blocker and More...

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*Additional phone charges and usage restrictions may apply.
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AOL® Users - Keep Your Email Address & Save.       More Info
Unlimited Dial-Up Service
$ 9
95 * a month
Email with Spam Protection
No Credit Card Required
First Month Free More Info  Sign Up Now
*Additional phone charges and usage restrictions may apply.
DSL / Broadband
Looking for even more speed?
With NetZero DSL you'll enjoy our fastest Internet access. We give you   everything you need to get online faster, plus great rates.

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Enter your home number to see DSL plans in your area. Please do not use a mobile phone number.
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Why We Need Your Phone Number
Access the Internet with a Toll-Free 800 Number.
Try NetZero Toll-Free Dial-Up Service—no long distance charges!
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Try NetZero Free Dial-Up Service—includes email with spam protection. More Info


NetZero is a nationwide Internet Service Provider, available in more than 8,000 cities across North America. NetZero offers unlimited paid service and a Free ISP.

NetZero's Platinum Internet service offers a high-quality Internet connection for less than other ISP's including AOL, EarthLink and MSN#. The service will download in as little as 2 minutes and provides POP and web email from any computer, a reliable Internet connection, compatibility with instant messaging programs offered by AOL, Earth Link, MSN and Yahoo and Internet service for Mac users.

NetZero HiSpeed Internet offers accelerated dial up Internet access, with Web surfing up to five times faster than conventional dial up and includes Pop-up Blocker. The NetZero High Speed Internet service works from any phone jack using a standard dial up connection does not require any new hardware.

The NetZero Free ISP offers ad-supported free internet access, including webmail, for up to 10 hours per month.

NetZero Video Mail is the easiest , safest way to send personalized video messages. Sign Up for a FREE NetZero account and start sending personalized Video Mail today!

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