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Consumer News
BBB Answers the Question, 'What Happens If Your Insurance Company Goes Bust?'
Consumers Can Free Up Income by Reducing Insurance Costs
Household Income Rises, Poverty Rate Unchanged, Number of Uninsured Down
Many Americans Still Don’t Understand Homeowners Insurance Doesn’t Cover Flood Damage
Heading Off to College? In Tough Economic Times It’s Important to Have Adequate Insurance Coverage

Feature Links
New I.I.I. Web Site Helps Small and Mid-Sized Businesses Understand Their Insurance Needs - Health
National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information
12 Tips to Protect Yourself from Health Care Fraud
Watch out for Medicare Rx Drug Plan Schemes
Life Stages Insurance Tool
Life And Health Insurance Foundation For Education
Coalition Against Insurance Fraud
Insure Kids Now
The Official U.S. Government Site for People with Medicare

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