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Pharmacies may charge widely different prices for the same medicine, so it's a good idea to comparison shop.

  • Ask your physician and pharmacist if a generic drug could be appropriate. Generics usually cost less than brand name drugs. Many insurance companies use a multi-tier co-payment plan for prescription drugs. Be sure to ask before filling the prescription.
  • Consider using a mail-order or online pharmacy, especially if you will be taking a drug for a long time. They often charge less.

An increasing number of consumers are replacing a trip to the pharmacy with a trip on the Internet. While there are online pharmacies that provide legitimate prescription services, there are also some questionable sites that make buying medicines online risky. Do business only with a licensed U.S. pharmacy. Check with the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy to determine if the site is licensed and in good standing. Visit or call 847-698-6227.

An online pharmacy should offer you access to a registered pharmacist who can answer any questions you might have about drug interactions, side effects, etc. Be wary of sites that:

  • Sell drugs without a prescription
  • Sell drugs not approved by the FDA
  • Advertise quick cures
  • Tell stories of "amazing results"

If you suspect a site is not a licensed pharmacy, report it and any complaints to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration at

Want to know the side effects of a particular medication? Curious whether a drug has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration? For answers to these questions, and information on approved prescription drugs, over-the-counter and discontinued drugs, visit For general drug information, contact the FDA.

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