AGU 2003 Fall Meeting; 8-12 December; San Francisco, CA
8-12 December 2003; Monday-Friday
Moscone Center West, 800 Howard Street
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San Francisco skyline at night

* Important Visa Information *

YOU MADE THE 2002 FALL MEETING A SUCCESS with over 9,500 attendees. Join with your colleagues again from 8-12 December 2003 in beautiful San Francisco.

* New Session Hours for the 2003 Fall Meeting *

Fall Meeting Program

The Fall Meeting provides an opportunity for researchers, teachers, students, and consultants to review the latest issues affecting the Earth, the planets, and their environments in space. This meeting will cover topics in all areas of geophysical sciences.

New Meeting Facility—Moscone West

Moscone West, the new meeting facility, is a very impressive building with all meeting levels above-ground. The facility has light and airy lobby areas, giving a more considerable open feeling than in Moscone North and South. Moscone West, located at 800 Howard Street, is one-half block west of Moscone North and South. It takes about 5 minutes to walk from the Marriott Hotel to Moscone West. The Program Committee and AGU staff are working hard to optimize the use of this new facility and are optimistic that we will have a terrific meeting in the new space.


AGU Meetings Department
2000 Florida Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20009 USA
Phone: +1-800-966-2481, ext. 333 or +1-202-777-7333
Fax: +1-202-328-0566
E-mail: (subject: 2003 Fall Meeting)


Photographs courtesy of San Francisco Convention & Visitors Bureau.

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