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President Bush Names Tim Oppelt Acting Assistant Administrator for ORD

President Bush designated E. Timothy Oppelt to be Acting Assistant Administrator of the Office of Research and Development at EPA. Oppelt has worked at EPA for 34 years, conducting research and directing national pollution control technology programs. Of his appointment, Oppelt said, "I am honored to lead such a great group of dedicated people. During my tenure, I hope to increase operational efficiencies and improve communication. I do not intend to be a caretaker. There are things we need to get done."

Oppelt's career exemplifies the use of research that leads to important practical applications. Following the Sept. 11 attacks, Oppelt formed EPA's National Homeland Security Research Center (NHSRC). This highly specialized laboratory has developed technologies and guidance to prevent and mitigate possible chemical or biological threats to buildings and drinking water infrastructure. To accomplish this, Oppelt successfully coordinated the work of NHSRC with 18 other research groups in DHS, DoD, DOE and HHS. In the 1980's, his direction of EPA research on hazardous waste management led to national regulations and standards under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. In 1988, Oppelt was named Director of EPA's Risk Reduction Engineering Research Laboratory in Cincinnati. In 1995, he became Director of the National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL). Under his direction, NRMRL developed the Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program which has produced over 200 innovative cleanup technologies. Oppelt holds degrees in civil and sanitary engineering from Cornell University and an MBA from Xavier University.

The President is expected to nominate an Assistant Administrator later in the spring.


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