MCMIS Data Dissemination
Report Price List

Report Media Type Public Price
Crash File Extract CD-ROM $36.00
Personalized Crash   $33.00
Crash Count   $12.00
Census File Extract CD-ROM $23.00
Personalized Census   $33.00
Census Count   $12.00
Carrier Safety Profile Hardcopy, e-mail $27.50 *
Web Carrier Safety Profile Internet $20.00
Inspection File Extract CD-ROM $70.00**
Personalized Inspection   $100.00**
Inspection Count   $31.00

* When you order multiple CSPs there is a discount: (2-6= 15%)
(13 + =25%)
Note:To be eligible for the discount, all CSPs ordered must be shipped at the same time and to a single location.

** Price per Calendar Year (CY). For example, an Inspection
File Extract for CY 2000 is $70, while an Inspection
File Extract for CY 1998-2000 would be $210.