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Highways for LIFE

Implementation of the Highways for LIFE Pilot Program

The purpose of the Highways for LIFE (HfL) pilot program is to accelerate the adoption of innovations and new technologies, thereby improving safety and highway quality while reducing congestion caused by construction. The HfL program is intended to bring about this cultural change in a few years rather than decades. The program is focused on using incentives for construction projects to demonstrate what is possible, technology partnerships to help the highway construction industry realize the benefits of proven but under utilized technologies, and technology transfer, communication, and stakeholder involvement to build and equip the workforce and educate the public.

Since the authorization of SAFETEA-LU, the legislation that funds the Highways for LIFE Pilot Program, the team has been busy refining the approach and implementation of the program. A Federal Register notice was issued on December 28, 2005 requesting comments on the proposed HfL implementation plan. Another Federal Register notice was issued on May 25, 2005 addressing the comments provided as well as the final HfL implementation plan.

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  • Performance Contracting for Construction Workshop
    Lakewood, CO
    November 18-20, 2008

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This page last modified on 11/05/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration