There is also additional background information for this table group.

Contents for Group

Symbols Used in Tables
  (B)    Base less than 75,000.
  (NA) Not available.
  (X)    Not applicable.

Table HI08.  Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of coverage by Selected Characteristics for Children Under 18: 2005

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2005 estimates reflect a modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                  Covered by private or government health insurance
                                                                           Private health insurance    Government health insurance
                                                                           __________________________  ____________________________________
                                                Total    Not                        Group    Direct-
                                                persons  covered  Total    Total    health   purchase  Total    Medicaid  Medicare  Champus


 Total........................................   73,985    8,050   65,935   48,686   45,039     4,035   21,934    19,723       538    2,264

Under 3 years.................................   12,268    1,317   10,951    7,283    6,856       575    4,481     4,101       106      422
3 to 5 years..................................   12,132    1,227   10,905    7,706    7,231       639    3,989     3,589       104      401
6 to 11 years.................................   23,671    2,338   21,333   15,763   14,803     1,302    7,064     6,397       165      671
12 to 17 years................................   25,914    3,169   22,745   17,934   16,148     1,519    6,400     5,636       163      770

Race or Hispanic Origin

     All Races................................   73,985    8,050   65,935   48,686   45,039     4,035   21,934    19,723       538    2,264
White alone or in combination.................   58,790    6,167   52,623   40,561   37,460     3,415   15,556    13,821       325    1,801
  White alone.................................   56,548    5,967   50,582   39,182   36,187     3,303   14,691    13,096       306    1,667
    White alone, not Hispanic.................   42,863    2,988   39,875   33,454   30,822     2,861    9,067     7,730       203    1,425
Black alone or in combination.................   12,338    1,419   10,919    6,068    5,674       399    5,915     5,515       204      396
  Black alone.................................   11,300    1,338    9,961    5,504    5,155       359    5,427     5,073       197      348
Asian alone or in combination.................    3,499      377    3,122    2,619    2,422       265      706       549        14      147
  Asian alone.................................    2,890      342    2,548    2,148    1,974       238      548       457        12       83
Hispanic (of any race)........................   14,802    3,183   11,619    6,209    5,822       467    6,125     5,821       123      280


Northeast.....................................   12,828      974   11,854    9,134    8,591       576    3,493     3,322       108      134
Midwest.......................................   16,229    1,217   15,013   11,807   11,009       857    4,211     3,928        94      295
South.........................................   26,848    3,491   23,357   16,421   15,237     1,343    8,794     7,609       273    1,231
West..........................................   18,080    2,369   15,711   11,324   10,202     1,259    5,437     4,863        63      604


Native........................................   70,964    6,997   63,967   47,364   43,841     3,887   21,158    18,993       512    2,231
Foreign-born..................................    3,021    1,053    1,968    1,323    1,198       148      776       730        25       33
 Naturalized citizen..........................      467       76      391      311      279        31      104        91         1       13
Not a citizen.................................    2,554      977    1,577    1,011      918       117      672       640        25       20

Family Status

In families...................................   72,332    7,651   64,681   48,067   44,518     3,994   21,202    19,016       522    2,246

  Family type

  Married couple families.....................   51,338    4,727   46,611   38,665   36,235     3,209   10,985     9,202       236    1,849
  Male householder, no spouse present.........    4,030      721    3,309    2,288    2,023       205    1,324     1,233        45      101
  Female householder, no spouse present.......   16,964    2,204   14,760    7,114    6,260       580    8,893     8,581       241      296

  Family income

  Less than $25,000...........................   15,732    2,764   12,968    3,767    3,210       440   10,270     9,927       286      324
  25,000-$49,999..............................   17,383    2,640   14,744    9,899    8,892       992    6,299     5,735       115      640
  50,000-$74,999..............................   14,295    1,209   13,085   11,450   10,675       923    2,523     2,028        58      496
  75,000 or more..............................   24,922    1,039   23,884   22,952   21,741     1,639    2,111     1,326        63      787

  Family Reference Person - Work Experience

  Worked during year..........................   58,265    5,464   52,801   42,009   39,050     3,401   14,450    12,733       306    1,769
   Full time..................................   49,561    4,654   44,907   36,809   34,423     2,822   11,105     9,638       254    1,508
   Part time..................................    8,704      811    7,894    5,200    4,627       579    3,345     3,095        52      261

  Did not work................................   14,067    2,187   11,880    6,058    5,468       593    6,752     6,283       215      477

  Number of Family Workers Age 18-64

  None........................................    5,327      828    4,499    1,062      815       195    3,759     3,609       130      170
  One.........................................   30,282    3,760   26,521   17,762   16,142     1,607   10,891     9,994       246      928
  Two or more.................................   36,724    3,063   33,661   29,244   27,561     2,192    6,553     5,413       145    1,148

In unrelated sub-families.....................      680      159      521      290      259        21      273       261        10       10
Unrelated individuals.........................      972      240      732      329      262        21      459       446         6        8

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2006 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI08.  Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of coverage by Selected Characteristics for Children Under 18: 2005

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2005 estimates reflect a modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                  Covered by private or government health insurance
                                                                         Private health insuranc  Government health insurance
                                                                         _______________________  __________________________________
                                                Total    Not                    Group   Direct-
                                                persons  covered  Total  Total  health  purchase  Total  Medicaid  Medicare  Champus


 Total........................................    100.0     10.9   89.1   65.8    60.9       5.5   29.6      26.7       0.7      3.1

Under 3 years.................................    100.0     10.7   89.3   59.4    55.9       4.7   36.5      33.4       0.9      3.4
3 to 5 years..................................    100.0     10.1   89.9   63.5    59.6       5.3   32.9      29.6       0.9      3.3
6 to 11 years.................................    100.0      9.9   90.1   66.6    62.5       5.5   29.8      27.0       0.7      2.8
12 to 17 years................................    100.0     12.2   87.8   69.2    62.3       5.9   24.7      21.8       0.6      3.0

Race or Hispanic Origin

     All Races................................    100.0     10.9   89.1   65.8    60.9       5.5   29.6      26.7       0.7      3.1
White alone or in combination.................    100.0     10.5   89.5   69.0    63.7       5.8   26.5      23.5       0.6      3.1
  White alone.................................    100.0     10.6   89.4   69.3    64.0       5.8   26.0      23.2       0.5      2.9
    White alone, not Hispanic.................    100.0      7.0   93.0   78.0    71.9       6.7   21.2      18.0       0.5      3.3
Black alone or in combination.................    100.0     11.5   88.5   49.2    46.0       3.2   47.9      44.7       1.7      3.2
  Black alone.................................    100.0     11.8   88.2   48.7    45.6       3.2   48.0      44.9       1.7      3.1
Asian alone or in combination.................    100.0     10.8   89.2   74.9    69.2       7.6   20.2      15.7       0.4      4.2
  Asian alone.................................    100.0     11.8   88.2   74.3    68.3       8.2   19.0      15.8       0.4      2.9
Hispanic (of any race)........................    100.0     21.5   78.5   41.9    39.3       3.2   41.4      39.3       0.8      1.9


Northeast.....................................    100.0      7.6   92.4   71.2    67.0       4.5   27.2      25.9       0.8      1.0
Midwest.......................................    100.0      7.5   92.5   72.8    67.8       5.3   25.9      24.2       0.6      1.8
South.........................................    100.0     13.0   87.0   61.2    56.8       5.0   32.8      28.3       1.0      4.6
West..........................................    100.0     13.1   86.9   62.6    56.4       7.0   30.1      26.9       0.4      3.3


Native........................................    100.0      9.9   90.1   66.7    61.8       5.5   29.8      26.8       0.7      3.1
Foreign-born..................................    100.0     34.9   65.1   43.8    39.7       4.9   25.7      24.2       0.8      1.1
 Naturalized citizen..........................    100.0     16.3   83.7   66.6    59.8       6.6   22.3      19.4       0.2      2.9
Not a citizen.................................    100.0     38.3   61.7   39.6    36.0       4.6   26.3      25.1       1.0      0.8

Family Status

In families...................................    100.0     10.6   89.4   66.5    61.5       5.5   29.3      26.3       0.7      3.1

  Family type

  Married couple families.....................    100.0      9.2   90.8   75.3    70.6       6.3   21.4      17.9       0.5      3.6
  Male householder, no spouse present.........    100.0     17.9   82.1   56.8    50.2       5.1   32.9      30.6       1.1      2.5
  Female householder, no spouse present.......    100.0     13.0   87.0   41.9    36.9       3.4   52.4      50.6       1.4      1.7

  Family income

  Less than $25,000...........................    100.0     17.6   82.4   23.9    20.4       2.8   65.3      63.1       1.8      2.1
  25,000-$49,999..............................    100.0     15.2   84.8   56.9    51.2       5.7   36.2      33.0       0.7      3.7
  50,000-$74,999..............................    100.0      8.5   91.5   80.1    74.7       6.5   17.6      14.2       0.4      3.5
  75,000 or more..............................    100.0      4.2   95.8   92.1    87.2       6.6    8.5       5.3       0.3      3.2

  Family Reference Person - Work Experience

  Worked during year..........................    100.0      9.4   90.6   72.1    67.0       5.8   24.8      21.9       0.5      3.0
   Full time..................................    100.0      9.4   90.6   74.3    69.5       5.7   22.4      19.4       0.5      3.0
   Part time..................................    100.0      9.3   90.7   59.7    53.2       6.6   38.4      35.6       0.6      3.0

  Did not work................................    100.0     15.5   84.5   43.1    38.9       4.2   48.0      44.7       1.5      3.4

  Number of Family Workers Age 18-64

  None........................................    100.0     15.5   84.5   19.9    15.3       3.7   70.6      67.8       2.4      3.2
  One.........................................    100.0     12.4   87.6   58.7    53.3       5.3   36.0      33.0       0.8      3.1
  Two or more.................................    100.0      8.3   91.7   79.6    75.0       6.0   17.8      14.7       0.4      3.1

In unrelated sub-families.....................    100.0     23.4   76.6   42.6    38.1       3.0   40.1      38.4       1.4      1.4
Unrelated individuals.........................    100.0     24.7   75.3   33.8    26.9       2.1   47.2      45.9       0.7      0.9
Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2006 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.

Race Footnotes

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Contact: Housing and Household Economic Statistics Information Staff at (301)763-3242
Last revised: April 16, 2007