README.TXT SWSTAT Surface-Water Statistics Version 4.1 2002/02/25 IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have n-day data sets that were created using the N-day option in version 3.2 of SWSTAT, you will need to run WDMRX to correct a problem with the SEADBG and SEADND attributes. WDMRX is distributed with SWSTAT. Instructions for installation, execution, and testing are provided below. After installation, see swstat.txt in the doc subdirectory for summary information on SWSTAT. For assistance, enhancement requests, or to report bugs, contact the Hydrologic Analysis Software Support Program by sending e-mail to TABLE OF CONTENTS A. DISTRIBUTION FILES B. DOCUMENTATION C. EXTRACTING FILES D. COMPILING (optional) E. INSTALLING F. RUNNING THE PROGRAM G. TESTING H. CONTACTS A. DISTRIBUTION FILES The following distribution packages (containing the software, test data sets, and information files) are currently available for UNIX systems: swstat4.1.source.tar.gz - Source code only swstat4.1.Solaris.tar.gz - Compiled for Sun UltraSPARC-II under Solaris 2.6 B. DOCUMENTATION Lumb, A.M., and Kittle, J.L., Jr., and Flynn, K.M., 1990, Users manual for ANNIE, a computer program for interactive hydrologic analyses and data management: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 89-4080, 236 p. The swstat program was originally a part of the annie program documented in the above report. Updated documentation for the current version of the swstat program is not available. The annie manual (listed below) may be useful for understanding how the user interface and the wdm file work. Flynn, K.M., Hummel, P.R., Lumb, A.M., and Kittle, J.L., Jr., 1995, User's manual for ANNIE, version 2, a computer program for interactive hydrologic data management: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4085, 211 p. This document is available in electronic format. A Portable Document Format (PDF) version is included in the doc subdirectory of the ANNIE program distribution. This and other formats can also be found at See for information on ordering printed copies of USGS publications. C. EXTRACTING FILES Compressed tar files are used to distribute the source code and versions of the software compiled for selected UNIX operating systems. All of the files needed to install and test the program are contained in the file swstat4.1.OS.tar.gz (where OS is a string indicating the intended operating system.) If there is not a tar file for your operating system or you want to compile the software, the source version of the tar file contains all of the files needed to compile and install the program on a UNIX-based computer. For all of these distributions, the directory swstat4.1 is created (or overwritten) when the files are extracted from the tar file; if this directory already exists, you may want to delete or rename it before extracting the files. Follow the steps below to extract the files from a distribution tar file. The software is configured for installation under /usr/opt/wrdapp. The wrdapp directory may be a separate file system mounted at /usr/opt/wrdapp. If you choose to install the software elsewhere, you will need to retrieve the source version of the tar file and compile the software. Steps in extracting files explanation ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- mv swstat4.1.____.tar.gz /usr/opt/wrdapp If the tar file is not already in the directory where you want the distribution installed, move it there. cd /usr/opt/wrdapp If you are not in the directory where the tar file is located, go there. gunzip swstat4.1.____.tar.gz Uncompress the distribution file. tar -xvpof swstat4.1.____.tar Extract the distribution files from the tar file. This creates the following directory structure (the contents of each directory are shown to the right): swstat4.1 files NOTICE.TXT, RELEASE.TXT, and this README.TXT `-----bin compiled executable `-----bin_data message file required during program execution `-----doc documentation files (see file Contents.txt) `-----src Makefile (and, with source tar, the source code) `-----msg (with source tar, script & file to build message file) `-----test scripts to run verification tests `-----data standard data sets used in verification tests Notes: a) The bin and bin_data subdirectories are not included in the source distribution; they are created during compilation. b) Source code is included only with the source distribution. c) It is recommended that no user files be kept in the program directory structure. If you plan to put files in the program directory structure, do so only by creating subdirectories. d) To compile a new version of the software, you will also need: (1) libraries and other data files from the libanne library distribution (version 4.0, or later, available from, (2) a Fortran compiler (77 or later), and (3) a Graphical Kernel System (GKS) library. D. COMPILING (optional) If you have retrieved a pre-compiled distribution of the software, skip to the Installing section below. If a compiled version of the software is not available for your computer or you want to build the executable yourself, follow the instructions in this section. The source distribution is provided for those users who want the source code. Little or no support can be provided for users generating their own versions of the software. In general, to compile a new version of the software, you will need: a) a Fortran compiler (77 or later), b) a minimal level of knowledge of Make, the compiler, and the UNIX operating system, c) libraries and other data files from the libanne library distribution (version 4.0 or later, available from, and d) a Graphical Kernel System (GKS) library; GKS libraries available without fee include Gli/gks (available from and xgks (available as the file As provided in the source distribution, the software is set up to be compiled under Solaris in the /usr/opt/wrdapp directory. A small number of changes may be needed to compile on other UNIX platforms or in another directory. Additional changes will be required to compile on a PC or other non-UNIX platform. The versions.txt file found in the doc subdirectory identifies items that may need to be changed. To generate a new executable and message file, do the following: 1. The values for the indicated variables in the following files may need to be modified (see versions.txt in the doc subdirectory for more details): may need to be modified ------------------------------- version compiler file name variables flags name library --------------------- --------- ----------- ------- src/Makefile WrdA Libr FFLAGS FC LGks FFVrsn Strip LdA LdB LdC FNAME msg/ WrdA Libr test/ WrdA Stat Iowd Anne Gks 2. Run make in the src directory to compile the source and build the message file. cd swstat4.1/src make make will: a. create the subdirectories bin and bin_data, if they do not already exist, b. compile the source code, c. place the program executable in the bin subdirectory, d. run the script found in the msg subdirectory to build the message file (swstms.wdm); the file is placed in bin_data, and e. run the script in the msg subdirectory to build the test.wdm file; the file is placed in the data directory. E. INSTALLING To make the program easy to use, a link to the executable should be placed in a directory that is included in each user's search path. Run make in the src subdirectory to create the link: make install BINDIR=directory_for_links A link to the executable will be placed in the directory assigned to BINDIR. For example, if each user's search path consists of /usr/bin:/usr/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin using the command make install BINDIR=/usr/local/bin will make the program accessible from any directory without requiring the full pathname of the executable. Note that to create and delete links to the executable, the installer must have sufficient rights to the BINDIR directory. This program uses the GLIGKS graphics library, V4.5.24, to generate graphics. You do not need to install the GLIGKS graphics library on your computer to use this pre-compiled distribution. You do need the GLIGKS file gksfont.dat; the bin_data subdirectory of this distribution contains a copy of the file. The program expects to find the file in the /usr/local/lib directory, but, you can install it elsewhere. If you do not already have gksfont.dat installed: o For the standard installation, copy the file to /usr/local/lib, from the bin_data directory of this distribtution: cp -p gksfont.dat /usr/local/lib (note that you may need system administrator rights) o If you install the file elsewhere, you will need to tell GLIGKS about the new font path: setenv GLI_HOME path or export GLI_HOME=path (Note that each user of the software will need to set the path for GLI_HOME.) F. RUNNING THE PROGRAM If the program has been installed in a directory included in the users' PATH (as described above), the program can be executed with the command "swstat". Otherwise, the full pathname of the executable will need to be typed. G. TESTING Test data sets are provided to verify that the program is correctly installed and running on the system. The tests may also be looked at as examples of how to use the program. The test subdirectory contains the scripts to run the tests. The data subdirectory contains the input data and the expected results for each test. Tests are usually run in the test subdirectory, but they can be run in any user directory. Do NOT run the tests in the data subdirectory. Type the following commands to test the program installation. [path]/ [start [stop]] where: path = path to the script use "." if running the tests in the test directory, use full pathname if running in a directory other than test; do _NOT_ run the test in the data directory. start = the number of the first test to perform, default = 1 stop = the number of the last test to perform, default = 9 For example: command what happens -------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ./ runs tests 1 - 9 ./ 1 1 runs the first test ./ 2 4 runs tests 2, 3, and 4 /usr/opt/wrdapp/swstat4.1/test/ runs tests 1 - 9 ./ 0 10 starts with new wdm file runs swstat tests 1 - 9, and runs annie export After the tests are completed, the results are compared to the expected results (found in the data subdirectory). See the file check.log to verify the tests produced the expected results. Expect to find the following differences: a) The standard data sets were created on a Sun UltraSPARC-II system. You may notice slight numeric differences in the results on other computers. These are generally due to different round-off algorithms and the different architecture of the central processing unit chip. Slight differences in output formats may occur on other computers, particularly for the value 0.0. b) Each data set in an archive file (.exp) will contain the attribute DATCRE and DATMOD, the dates the data set was created and last modified, respectively. c) Graphics output files (.ps and .cgm) contain the date the file was generated. d) If a graphics library other than GliGks is used, there will probably be significant differences in the graphics output files (.ps and .cgm); they should still produce the same images. To clean up after the tests, type the command: [path]/ where path is as described above. The tests are described in the table below, where 'test' is the test number, 'program' is the program used to run the test, and the 'usage' column indicates how a file is used, with i for input, o for output, and i/o for both input and output. Notes: a) Some of the tests may require input generated by a previous test, so they should be run in sequential order. b) If the implementation of GKS being used does not support output files, the .ps and .cgm files will not be generated. c) Two of the tests require other programs, 1) test 0 requires the iowdm program (version 4.0 or later) 2) test 10 requires the annie program (version 4.0 or later) test program description of test and files file name & usage ---- ------- ------------------------------------- ----------------- 0 iowdm create and fill the wdm file (NOTE: if the test.wdm file is included in the data directory, it will be copied into the current directory instead of running IOWDM to build it.) command file test0.log i daily data, WATSTORE klamath.gsd i daily data, WATSTORE scottsha.gsd i peak flow data, WATSTORE bult17b.pks i 7-day low flows va.ndy i data management file test.wdm o summary of processed data test0.out o error file test0.err o 1 swstat generate various high and low flows and various seasons; output to text file and/or wdm file command file test1.log i data management file test.wdm i/o 20 standard n-day high and low flows test1.out o 7-day flow, low for July high for May test1.ot2 o 7-day low & high for Jun 15 - Sep 15, test1.ot3 o 7,30,60&4-day low, Jun 15 - Sep 15, 7-day high Jun 15 - Sep 15 error file test1.err o 2 swstat generate 7 & 30-day low flows for months May, June, July, and August for 3 sites; output to text file and wdm file. command file test2.log i data management file test.wdm i/o n-day tables test2.out o error file test2.err o 3 swstat calculate basic statistics command file test3.log i data management file test.wdm i/o for daily and annual peaks test3.out o for n-day flows test3.ot2 o error file test3.err o 4 swstat kendall tau trend analysis command file test4.log i data management file test.wdm i/o 3-day low flow test4.out o peak (table & time), 7-day low test4.ot2 o daily (avg & min transformation), test4.ot3 o 365-day high and low error file test4.err o 5 swstat perform flow-duration analysis command file test5.log i data management file test.wdm i/o daily, upper bound to 100000 test5.out o daily avg to annual, limits 50-400 test5.ot2 o flow duration plot, postscript o flow duration plot, hp test5.hpgl o flow duration plot, cgm test5.cgm o error file test5.err o 6 swstat compare two daily time series command file test6.log i data management file test.wdm i comparison tables test6.out o duration plot, postscript o duration plot, cgm test6.cgm o error file test6.err o 7 swstat perform frequency analysis on 7-day low flow annual series produced in test 1; output to text and wdm files command file test7.log i data management file test.wdm i/o 7-day low flow test7.out o 7-day low&high, 7-day low w/zero data test7.ot2 o 4-day low flow, no log/log transform tet7.ot3 o frequency plot, postscript o frequency plot, cgm test7.cgm o error file test7.err o 8 swstat compute duration hydrograph table and curves for a full year; output to text file and graphic file command file test8.log i data management file test.wdm i duration hydrograph table test8.out o duration hydrograph plot, ps o duration hydrograph plot, cgm test8.cgm o error file test8.err o 9 swstat compute duration hydrograph table and curves for June, July and August, output to text file and graphic file command file test9.log i data management file test.wdm i duration hydrograph table test9.out o duration hydrograph plot, ps o duration hydrograph plot, cgm test9.cgm o error file test9.err o 10 annie export data sets for verification command file test10.log i data management file test.wdm i tabular listing, selected attributes test10.out o all data from annual data sets test10.exp o attributes from daily data sets test10.ex2 o error file test10.err o H. CONTACTS Inquiries about this software distribution should be directed to: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Analysis Software Support Program 437 National Center Reston, VA 20192 e-mail: