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 Home > Policies > Identification of Web Site Owner
Identification of Web Site Owner


All Department of Commerce organizations' Web pages shall identify the "Web site owner".  This identification shall be accomplished in either of two ways:

  • by placing the text "Web site owner: " followed by the name of the organization which manages the content of the Web site, anywhere on the page, or
  • by placing a "Contact Us" link on the page, and placing the text "Web site owner: " followed by the name of the organization which manages the content of the Web site, on the page that is reached by the "Contact Us" link.


All Department of Commerce Web pages.


The purpose of this policy is to identify the Department of Commerce organization that manages the content of the Web site.


  • Any Web page, document, or file which is a verbatim copy of a legal document.
  • Any Web page or file which is part of a larger document and which is not the first Web page of the overall document.

Deadline for Implementation:

August 11, 2000


Note that this policy applies to all Web pages, and not merely to Web sites

Exceptions:  An example of an exception would be a document found in an electronic FOIA reading room. Another example would be Chapter 3 of an agency's annual report to Congress which is posted on the Web.

See related Best Practice: Identification of Content Source.

Revision History:
August 25, 2008: Revised Policy (WAG).
February 6, 2008: Corrected formatting.
June 9, 2000: Approved.

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