[Federal Register: December 16, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 241)]
[Proposed Rules]               
[Page 75287-75291]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Department of the Army

32 CFR Part 637

RIN 0702-AA44

Military Police Investigations

AGENCY: Department of the Army, DoD.

ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.


SUMMARY: The Department of the Army proposes to add its regulation 
concerning military police investigations. The regulation prescribes 
policies and procedures on types and categories of offenses 
investigated by Military Police and DA Civilian detectives/

DATES: Comments submitted to the address below on or before February 
14, 2005 will be considered.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by ``32 CFR Part 637 and 
RIN 0702-AA44'' in the subject line, by any of the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 

Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
     E-mail: james.crumley@hqda-aoc.army.pentagon.mil. Include 
32 CFR part 637 and RIN 0702-AA44 in the subject line of the message.
     Mail: Headquarters, Department of the Army, Office of the 
Provost Marshal General, ATTN: DAPM-MPD-LE, 2800 Army Pentagon, 
Washington, DC 20310-2800.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James Crumley (703) 692-6721.


A. Background

    This rule has not previously been published. The Administrative 
Procedure Act, as amended by the Freedom of Information Act requires 
that certain policies and procedures and other information concerning 
the Department of the Army be published in the Federal Register. The 
policies and procedures covered by this regulation fall into that 

B. Regulatory Flexibility Act

    The Department of the Army has determined that the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act does not apply because the proposed rule does not have 
a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities 
within the meaning of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601-612.

C. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    The Department of the Army has determined that the Unfunded 
Mandates Reform Act does not apply because the proposed rule does not 
include a mandate that may result in estimated costs to State, local or 
tribal governments in the aggregate, or the private sector, of $100 
million or more.

D. National Environmental Policy Act

    The Department of the Army has determined that the National 
Environmental Policy Act does not apply because the proposed rule does 
not have an adverse impact on the environment.

E. Paperwork Reduction Act

    The Department of the Army has determined that the Paperwork 
Reduction Act does not apply because the proposed rule does not involve 
collection of information from the public.

F. Executive Order 12630 (Government Actions and Interference With 
Constitutionally Protected Property Rights)

    The Department of the Army has determined that Executive Order 
12630 does not apply because the proposed rule does not impair private 
property rights.

[[Page 75288]]

G. Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory Planning and Review)

    The Department of the Army has determined that according to the 
criteria defined in Executive Order 12866 this proposed rule is not a 
significant regulatory action. As such, the proposed rule is not 
subject to Office of Management and Budget review under section 6(a)(3) 
of the Executive Order.

H. Executive Order 13045 (Protection of Children From Environmental 
Health Risk and Safety Risks)

    The Department of the Army has determined that according to the 
criteria defined in Executive Order 13045 this proposed rule does not 

I. Executive Order 13132 (Federalism)

    The Department of the Army has determined that according to the 
criteria defined in Executive Order 13132 this proposed rule does not 
apply because it will not have a substantial effect on the States, on 
the relationship between the national government and the States, or on 
the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels 
of government.

Jeffery B. Porter,
Chief, Law Enforcement Policy and Oversight Section.

List of Subjects in 32 CFR Part 637

    Crime. Investigations. Law. Law enforcement. Law enforcement 
officers. Military law. Search Warrant.

    For reasons stated in the preamble the Department of the Army 
proposes to add Part 637 to Subchapter I of Title 32 to read as 


Subpart A--Investigations
637.1 General.
637.2 Use of MPI and DAC Detectives/Investigators.
637.3 Installation Commander.
637.4 Military Police and the USACIDC.
637.5 Off-post investigations.
637.6 Customs investigations.
637.7 Drug enforcement activities.
637.8 Identification of MPI.
637.9 Access to U.S. Army facilities and records.
637.10 Authority to apprehend or detain.
637.11 Authority to administer oaths.
637.12 Legal considerations.
637.13 Retention of property.
637.14 Use of National Crime Information Center (NCIC).
637.15 Polygraph activities.
637.16 Evidence.
637.17 Police intelligence.
637.18 Electronic equipment procedures.
637.19 Overseas MP desk.
637.20 Security surveillance systems.
637.21 Recording interviews and interrogations.

    Authority: 28 U.S.C. 534 note, 42 U.S.C. 10601, 18 U.S.C. 922, 
42 U.S.C. 14071, 10 U.S.C. 1562, 10 U.S.C. Chap. 47.

Subpart A--Investigations

Sec.  637.1  General.

    (a) Military Police Investigators (MPI) and Department of the Army 
Civilian (DAC) detectives/investigators fulfill a special need for an 
investigative element within the military police to investigate many 
incidents, complaints, and matters not within U.S. Army Criminal 
Investigation Command (USACIDC) jurisdiction, but which cannot be 
resolved immediately through routine military police operations. 
Investigative personnel are assets of the installation or activity 
commander, under the supervision of the local provost marshal. USACIDC 
elements will provide investigative assistance in the form of 
professional expertise, laboratory examinations, polygraph 
examinations, or any other assistance requested which does not distract 
from the USACIDC mission of investigating serious crimes. A spirit of 
cooperation and close working relationship is essential between USACIDC 
and the provost marshal office in order to accomplish the mission and 
project a professional police image.
    (b) Creation of a formalized investigation program does not 
constitute the establishment of a dual ``detective'' force. The 
separation of investigative responsibilities is very distinct. The MPI 
Program is neither a career program nor a separate Military 
Occupational Specialty (MOS). Individuals in the MPI Program are 
specially selected, trained, and experienced military or civilian men 
and women performing traditional military police functions. Military 
personnel are identified by their additional skill identifiers (ASI V5) 
and may be employed in any assignment appropriate to their grade and 
    (c) The provost marshal may authorize wearing of civilian clothing 
for the MPI investigative mission.
    (d) MPI and DAC detective/investigator personnel must be familiar 
with and meet the requirements of Army Regulation (AR) 190-14 (Carrying 
of Firearms and Use of Force for Law Enforcement and Security Duties).

Sec.  637.2  Use of MPI and DAC Detectives/Investigators.

    Only those matters requiring investigative development will be 
referred to the MPI for investigation. Provost marshals will develop 
procedures to determine which incidents will be referred to the MPI for 
completion and which will be retained and completed by uniformed MP 
personnel. Except as otherwise provided, MPI and DAC detectives/
investigators will normally be employed in the following 
    (a) Offenses for which the maximum punishment listed in the Table 
of Maximum Punishment, Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 2002 
is confinement for 1 year or less. Provisions of the Federal 
Assimilative Crimes Act will also be considered when assigning cases to 
MPI. The same punishment criteria apply.
    (b) Property-related offenses when the value is less than $1,000 
provided the property is not of a sensitive nature, such as government 
firearms, ammunition, night vision devices, or controlled substances.
    (c) Offenses involving use and/or possession of non-narcotic 
controlled substances when the amounts are indicative of personal use 
only. Military police will coordinate with the local USACIDC element in 
making determinations of ``personal use''. MPI and DAC detectives/
investigators may be employed in joint MPI/USACIDC drug suppression 
teams; however, the conduct of such operations and activities remain 
the responsibility of USACIDC. When employed under USACIDC supervision, 
MPI and DAC detectives/investigators may also be utilized to make 
controlled buys of suspected controlled substances.
    (d) Activities required for the security and protection of persons 
and property under Army control, to include support of Armed Forces 
Disciplinary Control Boards as prescribed in AR 190-24. If MPI detect a 
crime-conducive condition during the course of an investigation, the 
appropriate physical security activity will be promptly notified. 
Crime-conducive conditions will also be identified in military police 
    (e) Allegations against MP personnel, when not within the 
investigative responsibilities of USACIDC.
    (f) Offenses committed by juveniles, when not within the 
investigative responsibilities of USACIDC.
    (g) Gang or hate crime related activity, when not within the 
investigative responsibilities of USACIDC.

Sec.  637.3  Installation Commander.

    The installation commander, whose responsibilities include ensuring 
good order and discipline on his installation, has authority to order 
the initiation of a criminal investigation upon receipt of information 
of activity of a criminal nature occurring on the installation.

[[Page 75289]]

Sec.  637.4  Military Police and the USACIDC.

    (a) The military police or the USACIDC are authorized to 
investigate allegations of criminal activity occurring on the 
installation. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to conflict with or 
otherwise undermine the delineation of investigative responsibilities 
between the military police and the USACIDC as set forth in AR 195-2.
    (b) When investigative responsibility is not clearly defined, and 
the matter cannot be resolved between military police investigations 
supervisors and USACIDC duty personnel, or between military police 
investigations supervisors and unit commanders, the provost marshal 
will be informed and will resolve the matter with the appropriate 
USACIDC activity commander/Special Agent in Charge (SAC) or unit 
    (c) The control and processing of a crime scene and the collection 
and preservation of the evidence are the exclusive responsibilities of 
the investigator or supervisor in charge of the crime scene when the 
military police have investigative responsibility. To prevent the 
possible loss or destruction of evidence, the investigator or 
supervisor in charge of the crime scene is authorized to exclude all 
personnel from the scene. The exercise of this authority in a 
particular case may be subject to the requirement to preserve human 
life and the requirement for continuing necessary operations and 
security. These should be determined in conjunction with the 
appropriate commander and, where applicable, local host country law 
enforcement authorities.
    (d) Unit commanders should consult with the installation provost 
marshal concerning all serious incidents. Examples of incidents 
appropriate for investigation at the unit level include simple assaults 
not requiring hospitalization and not involving a firearm, or wrongful 
damage to property of a value under $1,000. Other incidents should be 
immediately referred to the installation provost marshal.
    (e) The military police desk is the official point of contact for 
initial complaints and reports of offenses. The provisions of AR 190-45 
are to be followed for all military police records, reports, and 
    (1) When incidents are reported directly to a USACIDC field 
element, USACIDC may either direct the reporting person to the MP desk 
or report the incident to the MP desk themselves.
    (2) Upon receipt of the complaint or report of offense, the MP desk 
will dispatch an available patrol to the scene of the incident. The 
patrol will take appropriate measures to include locating the 
complainant, witnesses, suspects, and victims, apprehending offenders, 
securing the crime scene, rendering emergency assistance, determining 
and reporting to the MP desk, by the most expeditious means possible, 
the appropriate activity having investigative responsibility.
    (f) In those cases in which the USACIDC has an ongoing 
investigation (typically fraud and narcotics matters), they may delay 
notification to the military police to avoid compromising their 
    (g) Procedures will be developed to ensure mutual cooperation and 
support between MPI, DAC detectives/investigators and USACIDC elements 
at each investigative level; however, MPI, DAC detectives/investigators 
and USACIDC personnel will remain under command and control of their 
respective commanders at all times.
    (1) With the concurrence of the commander concerned, MPI and DAC 
detectives/investigators may provide assistance to USACIDC whenever 
elements assume responsibility for an investigation from MPI.
    (2) When requested by a USACIDC region, district, or the special 
agent-in-charge of a resident agency, the provost marshal may provide 
MPI or DAC detective/investigator assistance to USACIDC on a case-by-
case basis or for a specified time period.
    (3) With the concurrence of the appropriate USACIDC commander, CID 
personnel may be designated to assist MPI or DAC detectives/
investigators on a case-by-case basis without assuming control of the 
    (4) Modification of investigative responsibilities is authorized on 
a local basis if the resources of either USACIDC or the military police 
cannot fully support their investigative workload and suitable 
alternatives are not available. Such modifications will be by written 
agreement signed by the provost marshal and the supporting USACIDC 
commander. Agreements will be in effect for no more than two years 
unless sooner superseded by mutual agreement.

Sec.  627.5  Off-post investigations.

    (a) In Continental United States (CONUS), civilian law enforcement 
agencies, including state, county, or municipal authorities, or a 
Federal investigative agency normally investigate incidents occurring 
off-post. When an incident of substantial interest to the U.S. Army 
occurs off-post, involving U.S. Army property or personnel, the 
military police exercising area responsibility will request copies of 
the civilian law enforcement report.
    (b) In Overseas areas, off-post incidents will be investigated in 
accordance with Status of Forces Agreements and other appropriate U.S. 
host nation agreements.

Sec.  637.6  Customs investigations.

    (a) Customs violations will be investigated as prescribed in AR 
190-41. When customs authorities find unauthorized material such as 
contraband, explosives, ammunition, unauthorized or illegal weapons or 
property, which may be property of the U.S. Government, notification 
must be made via electronic message or facsimile to HQDA, Office of the 
Provost Marshal General (DAPM-MPD-LE). All such notifications will be 
made to the military police and investigated by CID or the military 
police, as appropriate.
    (b) Military police will receipt for all seized or confiscated U.S. 
Government property and contraband shipped by U.S. Army personnel. 
Property receipted for by military police will be accounted for, and 
disposed of, in accordance with evidence procedures outlined in AR 195-
    (c) When it has been determined that the subject of an MP customs 
investigation is no longer a member of the U.S. Army, the investigation 
will be terminated, a final report submitted indicating the subject was 
released from the U.S. Army, and an information copy of the report 
furnished to the appropriate civil investigative agency.
    (d) Recovery of weapons and significant amounts of ammunition will 
be reported by the U.S. Army element receipting for them from the U.S. 
Customs Service in accordance with AR 190-11 and AR 190-45.

Sec.  637.7  Drug enforcement activities.

    Provost marshals and U.S. Army law enforcement supervisors at all 
levels will ensure that active drug enforcement programs are developed 
and maintained, and that priorities for resources reflect the critical 
and important nature of the drug enforcement effort.
    (a) MPI and DAC detectives/investigators will conduct 
investigations of offenses involving use and possession of non-narcotic 
controlled substances. A copy of all initial, interim and final 
military police reports concerning drug investigations will be provided 
to the USACIDC at the local level. Enforcement activities will be 
coordinated with the USACIDC at the local level.
    (b) Any investigation of offenses involving possession/use of non-

[[Page 75290]]

narcotic controlled substances generated as a result of another USACIDC 
investigation may be transferred to MPI with the concurrence of both 
the supporting USACIDC commander and provost marshal.
    (c) Elements of USACIDC will be provided the opportunity to 
interview subjects, suspects or witnesses in MPI or DAC detective 
investigations involving controlled substances without assuming 
responsibility for the investigation. MPI and DAC detectives/
investigators may also interview subjects, suspects or witnesses of 
USACIDC investigations.

Sec.  637.8  Identification of MPI.

    (a) During the conduct of investigations, MPI will identify 
themselves by presenting their credentials and referring to themselves 
as ``INVESTIGATOR.'' When signing military police records the title 
``Military Police Investigator'' may be used in lieu of military 
titles. Civilian personnel will refer to themselves as ``INVESTIGATOR'' 
if they are classified in the 1811 series, and as ``DETECTIVE'' if they 
are in the 083 series. Civilian personnel will use the title ``DAC 
Investigator'' or ``DAC Detective'' corresponding to their 
classification series.
    (b) The use of titles such as ``Mr.'', ``Mrs.'', ``Miss'' or 
``Ms.'' in connection with an individual's identification as an MPI is 
prohibited, except when employed in a covert investigative role. When 
MPI or DAC detectives/investigators are employed in covert roles, 
supervisors will ensure that coordination with USACIDC or civilian law 
enforcement agencies is accomplished as appropriate.

Sec.  637.9  Access to U.S. Army facilities and records.

    (a) MPI and DAC detectives/investigators will be granted access to 
all U.S. Army facilities, records or information when necessary for an 
ongoing investigation, consistent with the investigator's clearance for 
access to classified national defense information, the requirements of 
medical confidentiality, and the provisions of applicable regulations.
    (b) Upon presentation of proper identification when conducting an 
official investigation, MPI and DAC detectives/investigators will be 
authorized access to information contained in medical records and may 
request extracts or transcripts. Medical records will remain under the 
control of the records custodian who will make them available for 
courts-martial or other legal proceedings. Procedures for obtaining 
information from medical records are contained in AR 40-66.

Sec.  637.10  Authority to apprehend or detain.

    MPI and DAC detectives/investigators have authority to make 
apprehensions in accordance with Article 7, Uniform Code of Military 
Justice (UCMJ); Rule for Courts-Martial 302 (b)(1), Manual for Courts-
Martial, United States 2002 (Revised Edition). They may detain 
personnel for identification and remand custody of persons to 
appropriate civil or military authority as necessary. Civilians 
committing offenses on U.S. Army installations may be detained until 
they can be released to the appropriate Federal, state, or local law 
enforcement agency.

Sec.  637.11  Authority to administer oaths.

    MPI and DAC detectives/investigators have authority pursuant to 
Article 136(b)(4), UCMJ to administer oaths to military personnel who 
are subject to the UCMJ. The authority to administer oaths to civilians 
who are not subject to the UCMJ is 5 U.S.C. 303(b).

Sec.  637.12  Legal considerations.

    (a) Coordination between installation judge advocates and 
investigators must occur during the conduct of investigations.
    (b) The use of the DA Form 3881 (Rights Warning Procedure/Waiver 
Certificate) to warn accused or suspected persons of their rights is 
    (c) When necessary, investigators will coordinate with a judge 
advocate or civilian attorney employed in the Office of the Staff Judge 
Advocate for the purpose of establishing a legal opinion as to whether 
sufficient credible evidence has been established to title an 
individual in a report. Investigators should also coordinate with the 
Office of the Staff Judge Advocate in drafting search warrants and in 
determining whether probable cause exists to conduct a search.

Sec.  637.13  Retention of property.

    Reports of investigation, photographs, exhibits, handwritten notes, 
sketches, and other materials pertinent to an investigation, including 
copies, negatives or reproductions, are the property of the U.S. 
Government, either as owner, or custodian.

Sec.  637.14  Use of National Crime Information Center (NCIC).

    Provost marshals will make maximum use of NCIC terminals available 
to them, and will establish liaison with the U.S. Army Deserter 
Information Point (USADIP) as necessary to ensure timely exchange of 
information on matters concerning deserters. The USADIP will ensure 
replies to inquiries from provost marshals on subjects of MP 
investigations are transmitted by the most expeditious means. Use of 
NCIC will be in accordance with AR 190-27.

Sec.  637.15  Polygraph activities.

    MPI and DAC detectives/investigators will utilize the polygraph to 
the full extent authorized. Requests for polygraph examination 
assistance will be forwarded to the supporting USACIDC element in 
accordance with provisions of AR 195-6. The investigative or 
intelligence element requesting approval to conduct a polygraph 
examination will submit a completed DA Form 2805 (Polygraph Examination 
Authorization) to the authorizing official. A request may also be sent 
via an electronic message or electronic mail or media provided all 
elements of the DA Form 2805 are included in the request. Approvals 
will be obtained prior to the conduct of an examination. Telephonic 
requests, followed with written requests, may be used in emergencies. 
The requesting official will include the following data on every 
polygraph examination request for criminal investigations:
    (a) The offense, which formed the basis of the investigation, is 
punishable under Federal law or the UCMJ by death or confinement for a 
term of 1 year or more. Even though such an offense may be disposed of 
with a lesser penalty, the person may be given a polygraph examination 
to eliminate suspicion.
    (b) The person to be examined has been interviewed and there is 
reasonable cause to believe that the person has knowledge of, or was 
involved in, the matter under investigation.
    (c) Consistent with the circumstances, data to be obtained by 
polygraph examination are needed for further conduct of the 
    (d) Investigation by other means has been as thorough as 
circumstances permit.
    (e) Examinee has been interviewed on all relevant subjects 
requested for testing and the polygraph examination is essential and 

Sec.  637.16  Evidence.

    Military police are authorized to receive, process, safeguard and 
dispose of evidence, to include non-narcotic controlled substances, in 
accordance with AR 195-5. If no suitable facility is available for the 
establishment of a military police evidence depository or other 
operational circumstances so dictate, the evidence custodian of the 
appropriate USACIDC element may be

[[Page 75291]]

requested to receipt for and assume responsibility for military police 
evidence. Personnel selected as military police evidence custodians 
need not be trained as MPI and should not be issued MPI credentials, 
unless they are also employed as operational MPI. Further information 
concerning evidence collection and examination procedures can be found 
in Field Manual (FM) 3-19.13, Law Enforcement Investigations.

Sec.  637.17  Police intelligence.

    (a) The purpose of gathering police intelligence is to identify 
individuals or groups of individuals in an effort to anticipate, 
prevent, or monitor possible criminal activity. If police intelligence 
is developed to the point where it factually establishes a criminal 
offense, an investigation by the military police, (USACIDC) or other 
investigative agency will be initiated.
    (b) Police intelligence will be actively exchanged between 
Department of Defense (DOD) law enforcement agencies, military police, 
USACIDC, local, state, federal, and international law enforcement 
agencies. One tool under development by DOD for sharing police 
intelligence is the Joint Protection Enterprise Network (JPEN). JPEN 
provides users with the ability to post, retrieve, filter, and analyze 
real-world events. There are seven reporting criteria for JPEN:
    (1) Non-specific threats;
    (2) Surveillance;
    (3) Elicitation;
    (4) Tests of Security;
    (5) Repetitive Activities;
    (6) Bomb Threats/Incidents; and
    (7) Suspicious Activities/Incidents.
    (c) If a written extract from local police intelligence files is 
provided to an authorized investigative agency, the following will be 
included on the transmittal documents: ``THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR 
    (d) Local police intelligence files may be exempt from certain 
disclosure requirements by AR 25-55 and the Freedom of Information Act 

Sec.  637.18  Electronic equipment procedures.

    (a) DOD Directive 5505.9 and AR 190-53 provide policy for the 
wiretap, investigative monitoring and eavesdrop activities by DA 
personnel. The recording of telephone communications at MP operations 
desks is considered to be a form of command center communications 
monitoring which may be conducted to provide an uncontroversial record 
of emergency communications. This includes reports of emergencies, 
analysis of reported information, records of instructions, such as 
commands issued, warnings received, requests for assistance, and 
instructions as to the location of serious incidents.
    (b) The following procedures are applicable to the recording of 
emergency telephone and/or radio communications at MP operations desks 
within the 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia, 
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Panama, and Guam.
    (1) All telephones connected to recording equipment will be 
conspicuously marked ``FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY--connected to recording 
device'' and access to use will be restricted to MP operations desk 
    (2) The connection of voice-recording equipment or private-line 
service with the telecommunications network will be in accordance with 
applicable telephone company tariffs which permit direct electrical 
connection through telephone company recorder-connector equipment. An 
automatic audible-tone device is not required.
    (3) Official emergency telephone numbers for MP desks will be 
listed in appropriate command, activity, or installation telephone 
directories with a statement that emergency conversations will be 
recorded for accuracy of record purposes. Other forms of pre-warning 
are not required.
    (4) Recordings, which contain conversations described in this 
section, will be retained for a period of 60 days. Transcripts may be 
made for permanent files, as appropriate.
    (5) The recording of telephone communications or radio 
transmissions by MP personnel for other than emergency purposes is 
prohibited. If an investigator requires the use of electronic 
surveillance equipment, assistance must be requested from the USACIDC. 
This policy is established pursuant to Department of Defense directives 
that limit such activity to the criminal investigative organizations of 
the Services and DOD.
    (6) Commanders having general courts-martial convening authority 
will issue written authorizations for the recording of emergency 
telephone communications at MP operations desks. The letter of 
authorization will contain specific authority for the type of equipment 
to be used, the phone numbers identified as emergency lines and 
instructions limiting recordings to calls received on the phones so 
designated. One copy of the authorization will be forwarded to the 
Office of the Provost Marshal General (OPMG), 2800 Army Pentagon, 
Washington, D.C. 20310-2800.

Sec.  637.19  Overseas MP desk.

    The recording of telephone communications at MP operations desks 
outside the United States will be conducted within restrictions 
contained in international agreements between the U.S. and host 

Sec.  637.20  Security surveillance systems.

    Closed circuit video recording systems, to include those with an 
audio capability, may be employed for security purposes in public 
places so long as notices are conspicuously displayed at all entrances, 
providing persons who enter with a clear warning that this type of 
monitoring is being conducted.

Sec.  637.21  Recording interviews and interrogations.

    The recording of interviews and interrogations by military police 
personnel is authorized, provided the interviewee is on notice that the 
testimony or statement is being recorded. This procedure is a long-
accepted law enforcement procedure, not precluded by DA policies 
pertaining to wiretap, investigative monitoring, and eavesdrop 

[FR Doc. 04-27569 Filed 12-15-04; 8:45 am]