[Federal Register: December 31, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 250)]
[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 75453-75455]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Emergency Management Agency

44 CFR Part 62

RIN 1660-AA29

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP); Assistance to Private 
Sector Property Insurers; Extension of Term of Arrangement

AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Emergency 
Preparedness and Response Directorate, Department of Homeland Security.

ACTION: Interim final rule.


SUMMARY: FEMA is changing the current Financial Assistance/Subsidy 
Arrangement (the Arrangement) to extend its term of October 1, 2002, 
through December 31, 2003, to a term of October 1, 2002, through May 1, 
2004. The Arrangement defines the duties and responsibilities of 
insurers that sell and service insurance under the Write Your Own (WYO) 
program. It also identifies the responsibilities of the Government to 
provide financial and technical assistance to these insurers.

DATES: Effective January 1, 2004. Comments on this interim final rule, 
should be received on or before March 1, 2004.

ADDRESSES: Please send your comments to the Rules Docket Clerk, Office 
of the General Counsel, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C 
Street, SW., Room 840, Washington, DC 20472, (facsimile) 202-646-4536, 
or (e-mail) rules@fema.gov.

SW., Washington, DC 20472, 202-646-3429 (Phone), 202-646-3445 
(facsimile), or Edward.Connor@dhs.gov (e-mail).

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On August 9, 2002, FEMA published in the 
Federal Register, 67 FR 51768, a final rule to revise the effective 
date of the Arrangement to agree with the new Arrangement year 
beginning October 1, 2002, and ending September 30, 2003.
    FEMA had planned to make significant changes in the Arrangement 
regarding litigation issues effective October 1, 2003. The proposed 
rule for these changes was not published until October 14, 2003, 68 FR 
59146. As an interim measure, an interim final rule was published 
September 5, 2003, 68 FR 52700, extending the Arrangement term 
beginning October 1, 2002, to December 31, 2003. No comments were 

[[Page 75454]]

on that interim final rule. It was anticipated that comments on the 
October 14, 2003, proposed rule could be reviewed and a final rule 
published effective January 1, 2004. However, as the final rule for 
these changes has not yet been published in the Federal Register, it is 
not feasible to complete the rulemaking for an effective date of 
January 1, 2004. WYO insurers need to receive an offer to enter into 
the Arrangement each year well in advance of the beginning of the 
Arrangement year. By extending the current Arrangement for an 
additional four months, the revised Arrangement with the litigation 
changes can be effective May 1, 2004, instead of postponing these 
changes to October 1, 2004. WYO insurers can always elect to cease 
participation in the WYO program at any time, so any insurer not 
desiring to participate for the additional four months of this 
extension may cease participation as of January 1, 2004.
    Under this extension of the current Arrangement, the expense 
allowance provided for in Article III.B of APPENDIX A TO PART 62--
additional four months as it is now, including the additional expense 
allowance of up to two percentage points for meeting marketing goals. 
This additional expense allowance will be based on the period October 
1, 2002, through April 1, 2004.

National Environmental Policy Act

    This interim final rule falls within the exclusion category 44 CFR 
part 10.8(d)(2)(ii), which addresses the preparation, revision, and 
adoption of regulations, directives, and other guidance documents 
related to actions that qualify for categorical exclusions. Qualifying 
for this exclusion and because no other extraordinary circumstances 
have been identified, this interim final rule will not require the 
preparation of either an environmental assessment or environmental 
impact statement as defined by the National Environmental Policy Act.

Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review

    We have prepared and reviewed this rule under the provisions of 
E.O. 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review. Under Executive Order 
12866, 58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993, a significant regulatory action is 
subject to an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review and the 
requirements of the Executive Order. The Executive Order defines 
``significant regulatory action'' as one that is likely to result in a 
rule that may:
    (1) have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or 
adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or 
    (2) create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
action taken or planned by another agency;
    (3) materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, 
user fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients 
thereof; or
    (4) raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
the Executive Order.
    For the reasons that follow we have concluded that this interim 
final rule is neither an economically significant nor a significant 
regulatory action under the Executive Order. The interim final rule 
will not have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more 
or adversely affect in a material way the economy, the insurance 
sector, competition, or other sectors of the economy. It will create no 
serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an action taken or 
planned by another agency. It will not materially alter the budgetary 
impact of entitlements, grants, user fees, or loan programs or the 
rights and obligations of recipients thereof. Nor does it raise novel 
legal or policy issues arising out of legal mandates, the President's 
priorities, or the principles set forth in the Executive Order.
    OMB has not reviewed this rule under the principles of Executive 
Order 12866.

Paperwork Reduction Act

    This interim final rule does not contain a collection of 
information and it is therefore not subject to the provisions of the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520).

Executive Order 13132, Federalism

    Executive Order 13132, Federalism, dated August 4, 1999, sets forth 
principles and criteria that agencies must adhere to in formulating and 
implementing policies that have federalism implications, that is, 
regulations that have substantial direct effects on the States, or on 
the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels 
of government. Federal agencies must closely examine the statutory 
authority supporting any action that would limit the policymaking 
discretion of the States, and to the extent practicable, must consult 
with State and local officials before implementing any such action.
    We have reviewed this rule under E.O. 13132 and have concluded that 
the rule does not have federalism implications as defined by the 
Executive Order. We have determined that the rule does not 
significantly affect the rights, roles, and responsibilities of States, 
and involves no preemption of State law nor does it limit State 
policymaking discretion.

Executive Order 12778, Civil Justice Reform

    This interim final rule meets the applicable standards of section 
2(b)(2) of E.O. 12778.

Administrative Procedure Act Statement

    In general, FEMA publishes a rule for public comment before issuing 
a final rule, under the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 533 and 
44 CFR 1.12. The Administrative Procedure Act, however, provides an 
exception from that general rule where the agency for good cause finds 
the procedures for comment and response contrary to public interest. 
The public benefit of this rule is the continuation of the WYO 
arrangement without interruption. Therefore, we believe it is contrary 
to the public interest to delay the benefits of this rule. In 
accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3), 
we find that there is good cause for the interim final rule to be 
published without prior public comment and without a full 30-day 
delayed effective date.

List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 62

    Flood insurance.

Accordingly, we amend 44 CFR Part 62 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 62 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 
1978, 43 FR 41943, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127 of Mar. 31, 
1979, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 376.

2. In Appendix A to part 62, revise the first sentence of Article V, 
Section A to read as follows:

[[Page 75455]]

Appendix A to Part 62--Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal 
Insurance Administration, Financial Assistance/Subsidy Arrangement

    Article V * * *
    A. This Arrangement shall be effective for the period October 1, 
2002 through May 1, 2004. * * *
* * * * *

    Dated: December 23, 2003.
Michael D. Brown,
Under Secretary, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Department of 
Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. 03-32198 Filed 12-30-03; 8:45 am]