[Federal Register: May 14, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 93)] [Notices] [Page 26427] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:fr14my99-80] ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Indian Affairs DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Indian Health Service Renewal of Agency Information Collection for Indian Self- Determination and Education Assistance Contracts AGENCIES: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, and Indian Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services. ACTION: Notice of request for comments. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The Department of the Interior (DOI) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) announce a request for comments concerning renewal of 1076-0136, the Information Collection Request used for Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance actions. The information collection will be used to process contracts, grants or cooperative agreements for award by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (Bureau) and the Indian Health Service (IHS) as authorized by the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act as amended and set forth in 25 CFR part 900. DOI and DHHS invite comment on the information collection described below. DATES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments on or before July 13, 1999. ADDRESSES: If you wish to comment, you may submit your comments to James Thomas, Office of Tribal Services, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW, MS 4603 MIB, Washington, DC 20240. You may telefax comments on this information collection to (202) 208-5113. You may also hand deliver written comments or view comments at the same address. You may obtain a copy of this information collection document at no charge by a written request to the same address, telefaxing a request to the above number, or by calling (202) 208-5727. Please identify the information collection by the number 1076-0136. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James Thomas, (202) 208-5727. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: DOI and DHHS developed a joint rule, 25 CFR part 900, to implement section 107 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, as amended, and Title I, Public Law 103-413, the Indian Self-Determination Contract Reform Act of 1994. Section 107(a)(2)(A)(ii) of the Indian Self-Determination Contract Reform Act requires the joint rule to permit contracts and grants be awarded to Indian tribes without the unnecessary burden or confusion associated with two sets of rules and information collection requirements when there is a single program legislation involved. The Bureau expects that the base burden hours established for this Information Collection Request, OMB 1076-0136, will be substantially reduced during the renewal process. The reduction in the number of base burden hours established for information collection requirements of 25 CFR part 900 is a result of three following factors: (1) More tribes are contracting under 25 CFR 900.8 which permits tribes to contract several programs under a single contract; (2) The number of self-governance tribes has increased. Self- governance tribes may combine all programs under a single self- governance compact; (3) A moratorium on new and expanded self-determination contracting for FY 1999, which is expected to carry over into FY 2000, has prevented the tribes from requesting new contracts which have a higher burden than the recontracting proposals. The information requirements for this joint rule represent significant differences from other agencies in several respects. Both the Bureau and IHS let contracts for multiple programs whereas other agencies usually award single grants to tribes. Under the Indian Self- Determination and Education Assistance Act, as amended, and the Indian Self-Determination Contract Reform Act of 1994, tribes are entitled to contract and may renew contracts annually where other agencies provide grants on a discretionary/competitive basis. The proposal and other supporting documentation identified in this information collection is used by the DOI and DHHS to determine applicant eligibility, evaluate applicant capabilities, protect the service population, safeguard Federal funds and other resources, and permit the Federal agencies to administer and evaluate contract programs. Tribal governments or tribal organizations provide the information by submitting Public Law 93-638 contract or grant proposals to the appropriate Federal agency. No third party notification or public disclosure burden is associated with this collection. Request for Comments DOI and DHHS request comments on this information collection particularly concerning: (1) the necessity of the information collection for the proper performance of the agencies' functions; (2) whether this information collection duplicates a collection elsewhere by the federal government; (3) whether the burden estimate is accurate or could be reduced using technology available to all respondents; (4) if the quality of the information requested ensures its usefulness to the agency(ies); (5) if the instructions are clear and easily understood, leading to the least burden on the respondents. Burden Statement Each respondent is required to respond from 1 to 12 times per year, depending upon the number of programs they contract from the Bureau and IHS. In addition, each Subpart concerns different parts of the contracting process. For example, Subpart C relates to provisions of initial contract proposal contents. The burden associated with this would not be used when contracts are renewed. Subpart F describes minimum standards for the management systems used by Indian tribes or tribal organizations under these contracts. Subpart G addresses the negotiability of all reporting and data requirements in the contract. Total annual burden: 299,552 hours. Total number of respondents: 620. Total number of responses: 6,880. Dated: May 10, 1999. Kevin Gover, Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior. Dated: May 10, 1999. Michel E. Lincoln, Acting Director, Indian Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services. [FR Doc. 99-12176 Filed 5-13-99; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4310-02-P