Surface Transportation Board


Case Management System (CASE)

September 21, 2005

Table of Contents

Overview of the Surface Transportation Board (STB) privacy management process for CASE
Personally-identifiable (PII) information and CASE
Why CASE collects information
How CASE uses information
How CASE shares information
How CASE provides notice and consent
How CASE ensures data accuracy
How CASE provides redress
How CASE secures information
How long CASE retains information
System of records

Overview of the Surface Transportation Board (STB) privacy management process for CASE

The Surface Transportation Board (STB) is an economic regulatory agency that Congress charged with the fundamental missions of resolving railroad rate and service disputes and reviewing proposed railroad mergers.  The STB serves as both an adjudicatory and a regulatory body. The agency has jurisdiction over railroad rate and service issues and rail restructuring transactions (mergers, line sales, line construction, and line abandonments); certain trucking company, moving van, and non-contiguous ocean shipping company rate matters; certain intercity passenger bus company structure, financial, and operational matters; and rates and services of certain pipelines not regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

One set of activities that supports this mission is to hear and decide application and petition cases referred to as “dockets”. The Case Management System (CASE) helps STB manage the flow of dockets brought before STB. To do this, CASE records and tracks:

In addition, CASE allows STB to meet requirements to display through a public Web site information on applicants, petitioners, and other parties to a docket, as well as the filings, decisions, and notices in the docket and correspondence related to environmental issues.  

Privacy management is an integral part of the CASE system. DOT/STB has retained the services of privacy experts to help assess its privacy management program, utilizing proven technology, sound policies and procedures, and proven methodologies. In addition, the CASE planning team includes participation by STB’s Privacy Officer. This individual is assisting the CASE team to consider all the fair information practices and applicable laws when making decisions that may affect privacy.

The privacy management process is built upon a methodology that has been developed and implemented in leading companies around the country and globally.  The methodology is designed to help ensure that the Department of Transportation (DOT) and STB will have the information, tools, and technology necessary to manage privacy effectively and employ the highest level of fair information practices while allowing STB to achieve its mission of regulating and enhancing a most important U.S. transportation system.  The methodology is based upon the following:

Personally-identifiable (PII) information and CASE

CASE collects and maintains personal information of all persons who file applications, petitions and other filings in a docket, which may include name, email address, postal address, affiliation/group or person or persons represented, phone number, and in some cases Bar number of attorneys.   In order to make an initial filing in a docket, an individual must provide, along with the filing, the above information and either fax (faxes must be followed up by delivery of the originals),  mail, or hand deliver the hard copy to STB, along with payment for the filing, if applicable. At that point, CASE data entry staff enters the data into CASE. For all filings other than the initial filing, commenters and parties to a docket may register online through STB’s public Web site and submit their comments and filings electronically. Or if the commenters and parties prefer, filings and comments subsequent to the initial filing may be presented to the STB by mail or in person. All submitters must provide the same personal information, which is stored and accessed through CASE. In addition, the submitter, if filing electronically, must create a user name and password to access information and submit filings. CASE maintains these passwords and IDs, and it associates this information with the individual in question.   For an individual’s PII to be included in CASE, that individual must be involved in a docket before STB. When an individual chooses to become part of this process, his or her personal information is considered public information and is shared within and outside of STB without additional authorization.  

Why CASE collects information

STB has responsibility for handling the docket process in a way dictated by federal regulations. CASE collects personal information from parties involved in a docket in order to:

How CASE uses information

STB staff assigned to a docket may use CASE to track and record docket activities, contact parties and their representatives, review information, and make public all necessary information.

How CASE shares information

Most of the PII in CASE is considered public information, and it is posted publicly on the STB Web site without restriction. In addition, STB provides public information related to cases to the public for a fee, on request and without restriction to use.  The information may contain PII.

How CASE provides notice and consent

The section of the STB Web site associated with CASE provides a link to a privacy policy that describes STB’s privacy practices. In addition, before an individual submits PII through a hard copy or online form, STB provides an explanation and warning that all personal data entered is considered public and may be shared without restriction with both public and private third parties, for both primary and secondary purposes.

How CASE ensures data accuracy

Personal information contained in CASE is provided by the individual in question. After PII is posted on the public Web site, any individual can view the personal data. If there are inaccuracies in the data, the individual can call or email the STB’s Privacy Officer to request a change. Information on how to request changes to personal information is located on the STB Web page under FAQs/Administrative Inquiries/How do I report an error in the information displayed.  An email may be sent directly to the STB Privacy Officer by choosing e-Filing/Information Quality Comments.  

Under the Privacy Act, individuals may request searches of CASE data to determine if any records have been added that may pertain to them. This is accomplished by sending a written notarized request directly to the responsible CASE staff member(s) that contains name, designee number, and information regarding the request.

How CASE provides redress

As provided for by the applicable System of Records notice under the Privacy Act, individuals with questions about CASE and Web privacy practices can contact STB’s Privacy Officer. Contact information for STB’s Privacy Officer is posted on the STB privacy policy.

How CASE secures information

CASE takes appropriate security measures to safeguard PII and other sensitive data. CASE applies DOT security standards, including but not limited to routine scans and monitoring, back-up activities, and background security checks of STB employees and contractors.

In addition, access to logon and password information in CASE is limited to STB staff. These staff members access the CASE databases with the following safeguards:

How long CASE retains information

In order to provide historical information trends and in compliance with its Privacy Act System of Records notice, CASE keeps data permanently.  

System of records

CASE is part of an existing system of records, ICC-V: Case Status System (Formal Case Control) subject to the Privacy Act, because it can be searched by name.

STB has certified and accredited the security of CASE in accordance with DOT standard requirements.