For Immediate Release
Wednesday, October 21, 1999

Contact: Ranjit deSilva


Washington, D.C. - The Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and International Trade Administration (ITA) along with the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) will host an industry briefing for the fifth Latin American Telecommunications Summit (LATS), scheduled for March 13-15, 2000, in Lima, Peru. LATS, the annual telecommunications policy meeting among U.S. government/industry officials and Latin American government/industry officials, serves to foster, promote and develop foreign and domestic commerce. The LATS organizers are also hosting this meeting to provide an opportunity for telecommunications industry representatives to comment on the event.

WHEN: November 10, 1999

TIME: 1:00 PM

WHERE: Telecommunications Industry Association
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 350

Note: Preliminary comments and questions may be addressed via telephone or e-mail to:

Judy Kilpatrick, NTIA (202) 482-1087,
Elizabeth Farrand, ITA, (202) 482-2953,
Jonathan Streeter, TIA (202) 383-1493,
