Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Sparrows of North Dakota

Streaked Sparrows

JPEG--LeConte's Sparrow                 GIF--Map of Range

7. LeConte's Sparrow One of the smallest sparrows. Has a similar appearance to the Nelson's Sharp-tailed sparrow but a narrow central white stripe down the middle of the head rather than a gray stripe as in the Nelson's sharp-tailed. Sides of head are a yellowish-orange, with a wide orange eyebrow and a grayish cheek patch. Light brownish-orange with a streaked breast with dark streaks and a white belly. Yellow-brown throat. Sexes alike. Prefers wet meadows and marshes with dense sedges and grasses of northern and eastern North Dakota. Is secretive and difficult to flush because of its habit of running along the ground. Song is an insect like buzz. Feeds along the ground on seeds of weeds and grasses and insects during the summer. Nests within a foot of the ground in drier parts of a wetland beneath dead cattails, bulrushes and other vegetation. Nest built of grasses woven around standing stems. Populations are variable and much more common in wet years.
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