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Alternative Urbanization Scenarios for an Agricultural Watershed: Design Criteria, Social Constraints, and Effects on Groundwater and Surface Water Systems
Grant Number R828010
RFA: Water and Watersheds (1999)

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  • Journal Article (19)
  • Reference Type Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources
    Journal Article Brander KE, Owen KE, Potter KW. Modeled impacts of development type on runoff volume and infiltration performance. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 2004;40(4):961-969. R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Cabot PE, Bowen SK, Nowak P. Manure management in urbanizing settings. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 2004;59(6):235-243. R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Cabot PE, Nowak P. Farm decision-making during manure distribution and placement: planned versus actual outcomes. Journal of Environmental Quality 2005;34:761-773. R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Cabot PE, Nowak P. Planned versus actual outcomes as a result of animal feeding operation decisions for managing phosphorus. Journal of Environmental Quality 2005;34(3):761-773. R828010 (Final)
    R830669 (2003)
    R830669 (2004)
    R830669 (2005)
    R830669 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Journal of Environmental Quality Full Text
    Exit EPA Disclaimer
  • Abstract: Journal of Environmental Quality Abstract
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  • Journal Article Dussaillant AR, Wu C, Potter KW. Richards equation model of a rain garden. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE 2004;9(3):219-225. R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Kercher SM, Frieswyk CB, Zedler JB. Effects of sampling teams and estimation methods on the assessment of plant cover. Journal of Vegetation Science 2003;14(6):899-906. R828010 (Final)
    R828675C002 (2004)
    R828675C002 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Kercher SM, Carpenter Q, Zedler JB. Interrelationships of hydrologic disturbance, reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.), and native plants in Wisconsin wet meadows. Natural Areas Journal 2004;24(4):316-325. R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Kercher SM, Zedler JB. Multiple disturbances accelerate invasion of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) in a mesocosm study. Oecologia 2004;138:455-464. R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Kercher SM, Zedler JB. Flood tolerance in wetland angiosperms: a comparison of invasive and noninvasive species. Aquatic Botany 2004;80(1):89-102. R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Maurer DA, Zedler JB. Differential invasion of a wetland grass explained by tests of nutrients and light availability on establishment and clonal growth. Oecologica 2002;131:279-288. R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Maurer DA, Lindig-Cisneros R, Werner KJ, Kercher S, et al. The replacement of wetland vegetation by Phalaris arundinacea (reed canary grass). Ecological Restoration 2003;21(2):116-119. R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article

    Nowak PJ, Cabot PE. The human dimension of resource management programs. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 2004;59(6):128A-135A.

    R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Nowak P, Cabot PE, Bowen S. The concept of disproportionality: a paradigm for linking social and aquatic systems. Society and Natural Resources (in review, 2005). R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Potter KW. Managing stormwater at the source. Transactions, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters 2004;90:67-73. R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article

    Swanson SK, Bahr JM, Schwar MT, Potter KW. Two-way cluster analysis of geochemical data to constrain spring source waters. Chemical Geology 2001;179(1):73-91.

    R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Swanson SK, Bahr JM. Analytical and numerical models to explain steady rates of spring flow. Ground Water 2004;42(5):747-759. R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article

    Swanson SK, Bahr JM, Bradbury KR, Anderson K. Evidence for preferential flow through sandstone aquifers in southern Wisconsin. Journal of Sedimentary Geology 2006;184:331-342.

    R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Wilcox JD, Bradbury KR, Thomas CL, Bahr JM. Assessing background ground water chemistry beneath a new unsewered subdivision. Ground Water 2005;43(6):787-795. R828010 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Zedler JB, Kercher S. Causes and consequences of invasive plants in wetlands:Opportunities, opportunists, and outcomes. Critical Reviews In Plant Sciences. 2004;23(5):431-452. R828010 (Final)
    not available

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    The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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