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Departmental Office
of Civil Rights
U.S. Department of
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Calendar of Events for 2008

January 2008

  1 Jan 2008

  New Years Day

  17 Jan 2008
  (National Holiday)

  Martin Luther King Birthday

February 2008

  Feb 2008

  African American History Month

  9 Feb 2008

  African American History Month Observance:
  100th Anniversary of the Niagra Movement

  21 Feb 2008
  (National Holiday)

  President's Day

March 2008

  Mar 2008

  National Women’s History Month

April 2008

  Apr 24-30 2008

  Administrative Professionals Week

May 2008

  May 2008

  Asian  American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month
  Theme: "Liberty and Freedom for All"
  POC: (202) 366-8810

  30 May 2008
  (National Holiday)

  Memorial Day

June 2008

  Jun 2008

  National Gay and Lesbian Pride Month

  Jun 6 2008

 Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) Summer Internship Program  Opening Ceremony
 POC: (202) 366-9256

July 2008

  Jul 2008

  Americans with Disabilities Act Anniversary

  4 Jul 2008

  Independence Day

August 2008

  2 Aug 2008

 Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) Summer Internship Program  Closing Ceremony
 POC: (202) 366-9256

  26 Aug 2008

  Women’s Equality Day

September 2008

  15 Sep to
  15 Oct 2008

  National Hispanic Heritage Month
  Theme: "Enhancing the National Tapestry"
  POC: (202) 366-3254

  5 Sep 2008
  (National Holiday)

  Labor Day

  Sep 2008
  (4th week)

  National Deaf Awareness Week

October 2008

  Oct 2008

  National Disability Awareness Month

  10 Oct 2008
  (National Holiday)

  Columbus Day

November 2008

  Nov 2008

  American Indian Heritage Month

  11 Nov 2008
  (National Holiday)

  Veteran's Day

  24 Nov 2008
  (National Holiday)

  Thanksgiving Day

December 2008

  25 Dec 2008
  (National Holiday)

  Christmas Day

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