Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Sago Pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus L.):
A Literature Review

Appendix D

Appendix D.-- Use of Sago Pondweeda as Food by Groups of Waterfowl

Legend: a1 = unknown or no specific parts mentioned; 2 = whole plant; 3 = drupelets; 4 = leaves; 5 = rhizomes or stems; 6 = turions.

                          Waterfowl          Diving          Dabbling
Reference                 (general)           ducks            ducks           Geese          Swans
McAtee 1911 1 McAtee 1917 2 McAtee 1918 2 McAtee 1922 3 McAtee 1939 2 Moore 1915 6 Mabbott 1920 3 Oberholzer and McAtee 1920 3,6 Wetmore 1921 2 Phillips 1923 3 Terrell 1923 1 Metcalf 1931 3,6 Kubichek 1933 3,4,5,6 Pirnie 1935 3,6 Christensen 1938 1 Bennett 1938 1 Cottam 1939 3,4,5,6 Martin and Uhler 1939 3,4,5,6 Jensen 1940 1 Bellrose and Anderson 1943 1 Moyle 1945 3,6 Moyle and Hotchkiss 1945 3,6 Campbell 1946 2 2 Smith 1946 3,6 Erickson 1948 3,6 Stollberg 1950 3 Yocom 1951 1 Harris 1952 1 1 Huber 1952 1 1 Hancock 1953 3 Kortright 1953 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 Nelson 1954 6 6 6 Cronan 1957 1 Gates 1957 1 Hoffman 1958 3,6 Anderson 1959 3,4,6 Davison and Neely 1959 1 Sherwood 1959 1 Lutz 1960 1 1 Perret 1962 1 Quay and Critcher 1962 3,4,6 3,4,6 3,4,6 Sincock 1962 1 Stewart 1962 3,6 3,6 Craner 1964 3,4,5,6 3,4,5,6 Gaevskaya 1966 1 1 1 Cronan and Halla 1968 1 1 Bartonek and Hickey 1969a,b 5,6 Duebbert 1969 1 1 Olney 1969 1 Sterling 1970 6 6 6 Watson et al. 1970 3 3 3 Hocutt and Dimmick 1971 5,6 Kerwin and Webb 1972 1 Bergman 1973 5,6 Paullin 1973 3,6 3,6 Sugden 1973 3,6 Anderson and Low 1976 2,3,6 2,3,6 2,3,6 Serie and Swanson 1976 4 Jupp and Spence 1977b 3,4,6 3,4,6 Dirksen 1982 1 Munro and Perry 1982 1 Thomas 1982 3 Wishart 1983 3,4 Bailey and Titman 1984 3,4,5,6 Skinner and Smart 1984 1 Noyes and Jarvis 1985 6 Gerbeaux and Ward 1986 1 Jarvis and Noyes 1986 6 Swanson 1986b 1 1 Anderson and Ohmart 1988 1 Korschgen et al. 1988 3,6 Van Wijk 1988 1 1
Reference Waterfowl Diving Dabbling Geese Swans (general) ducks ducks

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