

Safety Status

Measurement System


(Version 8.6)





What is SafeStat?




Uses of SafeStat


·        FMCSA Compliance Reviews (CRs):

o       Semiannually identifies and prioritizes carriers for on-site FMCSA compliance reviews.


·         PRISM Program: 

o       Identifies and monitors poorly performing carriers for the PRISM Federal/State safety improvement process (MCSIP).


·         Inspection Selection System (ISS):

o       Supports recommendation of evaluated carriers’ drivers and vehicles for roadside inspections.


·         A&I Online (

o       Makes SafeStat results available via the Internet to industry and the public to promote safety awareness and self-improvement.



SafeStat Methodology





SafeStat Design




SafeStat Hierarchy and Features



Description of Hierarchy and Features Pyramid:


Base Level:     Carrier Descriptive Data

Level Two:     Safety Event Data

Level Three:     Safety Measures

Level Four:     Indicators

Level Five:     SEA Values

Top Level:     SafeStat Score



SafeStat Overview Pyramid:


Base Level:               Data Sources by Carrier

·         State Reported & FMCSA Collected Truck Crashes

·         Moving Violations

·         Out-of-Service Violations from Roadside Inspections

·         Violations from onsite Compliance Reviews

·         Closed Enforcement Cases            

      Level Two:             Measures       

      Level Three:          Indicators

      Level Four:            Accident SEA, Driver SEA, Vehicle SEA,

                                    Safety Management SEA

      Top Level:             Motor Carrier SafeStat Score



SafeStat Data


At the foundation of SafeStat are safety event data and exposure data.


SafeStat Measures




SafeStat Indicators




SafeStat SEA Values


o        85% of the carriers (that have sufficient data) have a better safety status in that SEA

o       15% have a worse safety status



SafeStat SEAs


·         Accident

·         Driver

·         Vehicle

·         Safety Management



Accident SEA Summary


Base Level:                            

Level Two:                              

Level Three:

Top Level:  Accident SEA



Accident SEA


Data & Measures:



Accident SEA Accident Involvement Indicator (AII)


Base Level:                             State-Reported Crash Data and Census Data

Level Two:                               Accident Involvement Measure (AIM)

Level Three:                            Accident Involvement Indicator (AII)

Top Level:                               Accident SEA




Accident SEA - Recordable Accident Indicator (RAI)


Base Level:                             Compliance Review Data

Level Two:                               Recordable Accident Rate (RAR)

Level Three:                            Recordable Accident Indicator (RAI)

Top Level:                               Accident SEA




Accident SEA Value Calculation


Level Three:       Accident Involvement Indicator (AII)
Level Three:         Recordable Accident Indicator (RAI)
Top Level:          Accident SEA Value



Driver SEA Summary


 Base Level:

Level Two:

Level Three:

Top Level:  Driver SEA



Driver SEA


Data and Measures:



Driver SEA Driver Inspection Indicator (DII)


Base Level:       Driver Roadside Inspections
Level Two:         Driver Inspections Measure (DIM)
Level Three:       Driver Inspections Indicator (DII)
Top Level:          Driver SEA




Driver SEA - Driver Review Indicator (DRI)


Base Level:       Compliance Review Data
Level Two:         Driver Review Measure (DRM)
Level Three:      Driver Review Indicator (DRI)
Top Level:          Driver SEA



Driver SEA - Moving Violations Indicator (MVI)


Base Level:       Moving Violation Data from Roadside Inspections
Level Two:         Moving Violations Measure (MVM)
Level Three:      Moving Violations Indicator (MVI)
Top Level:         Driver SEA



Driver SEA Value Calculation


Level Three:
Top Level: Driver SEA Value




Vehicle SEA Summary


Base Level:

Level Two:

Level Three:

Top Level:  Vehicle SEA



Vehicle SEA


Data and Measures:



Vehicle SEA - Indicators VII & VRI



Vehicle SEA Value Calculation


Level Three:

Top Level:  Vehicle SEA Value




Safety Management SEA Summary


 Base Level:

Level Two:

Level Three:

Top Level:  Safety Management SEA



Safety Management SEA


Data and Measures:



Safety Mgmt SEA - Indicators SMRI & HMRI

Base Level:

Level Two:

Level Three:

Top Level: Safety Management SEA



Safety Mgmt SEA - Enforcement History Indicator (EHI)

Base Level: Closed Enforcement Cases
Level Two: Enforcement Severity Measure (ESM)
Level Three: Enforcement History Indicator (EHI)
Top Level: Safety Management SEA



Safety Mgmt SEA Value Calculation


Level Three:

Top Level: Safety Management SEA Value


Safety Management SEA Value is the highest of the EHI, SMRI & HMRI.



SafeStat Detailed Summary:


Motor Carrier Safety Score is calculated through the Safety Evaluation Areas:

·         Accident SEA

·         Driver SEA

·         Vehicle SEA

·         Safety Management SEA


Accident SEA:

·         Indicators RAI and AII

·         Safety Data:

o       State-Reported Crashes

o       Recordable Crashes (Last CR)

·         Normalizing Data:

o       Number of Power Units Owned and Term-Leased (MCS-150 Census Data)

o       Vehicle Miles Traveled (Last CR)


Driver SEA

·         Indicators DRI, DII, MVI

·         Safety Data

o        Driver Violations (Critical and Acute from last CR)

o        Driver OOS Violations (Roadside Inspections)

o        Jumping OOS Orders (Roadside Inspections)

o        Moving Violations (Roadside Inspections)

·         Normalizing Data

o        Number of Driver Roadside Inspections

o        Number of Drivers (MCS-150 Census Data)


Vehicle SEA

·         Indicators VRI, VII

·         Safety Data

o        Vehicle Violations (Critical and Acute from last CR)

o        Vehicle OOS Violations (Roadside Inspections)

·         Normalizing Data

o        Number of Vehicle Roadside Inspections


Safety Management SEA

·         Indicators SMRI, EHI, HMRI

·         Safety Data

o        Safety Management Violations (Critical and Acute from last CR)

o        HAZMAT Violations (Critical and Acute from last CR)

o        Enforcement History Closed Cases (Enforcement Database)

o        HAZMAT OOS Violations (Roadside Inspections)*


      *Pending HM Inspection normalizing data.


SafeStat Results


  • The SafeStat Score
  • Assignment of Carriers to Categories
    • Scored Carriers
    • Single SEA Carriers
  • Example of SafeStat Results
  • Effectiveness Study


The SafeStat Score


  • The SafeStat score only applies to carriers with safety deficiencies.
  • Only carriers that have deficient SEA values of 75 and higher (the worst 25th percentile) in two or more of the four SEAs receive a SafeStat Score



SafeStat Score Calculation
  • A carrier must have two or more SEAs with a value of 75 or greater (worst 25th percentile).
  • SafeStat sums only the SEAs with values of 75 or greater to determine the SafeStat Score.

  • More emphasis is put on the Accident SEA (twice the weight) and Driver SEA (1.5 greater weight) than Vehicle and Safety Mgmt SEAs.


SafeStat Score = (2 x Accident SEA) + (1.5 x Driver SEA) + Vehicle SEA + Safety Management SEA



SafeStat Categories for Scored Carriers


SafeStat evaluated carriers are assigned to Categories (A-G) based on their SafeStat Scores and SEA Values.



SafeStat Categories for Scored Carriers


Category A:

·         SafeStat Score Range: 350-550, > or = 350 to < or = 550.

·         All 4 SEAs; 3 SEAs that result in weighted score of 350 or more.


Category B:

·         SafeStat Score Range: 225-350, > or = 225 to < 350.

·         3 SEAs that result in weighted score of less than 350.

·         2 SEAs that result in weighted score of 225 or more.


Category C:

·         SafeStat Score Range: > or = 150 to < 225.

·         2 SEAs that result in weighted score less than 225.



Single-SEA SafeStat Categories

Categories of carriers deficient in one SEA (SEA Value of 75 or higher) 


Category D:

·         Specific SEA: Accident

·         SEA Value: 75-100


Category E:

·         Specific SEA: Driver

·         SEA Value: 75-100


Category F:

·         Specific SEA: Vehicle

·         SEA Value: 75-100


Category G:

·         Specific SEA: Safety Management

·         SEA Value: 75-100



Example of SafeStat Results

Name: Rollemover Express
DOT # 12345
Physical Address: 35 Launch Pad Road, Yourtown, Ourstate 12345 Mailing Address: P.O... BOX 1234, Yourtown, Ourstate 12345 Power units: 35 Hazmat Carrier: Yes Passenger Carrier: No


SafeStat Score:             383.02

Overall Rank:                19

State Rank:                    3

Previous  Status:            Warning letter

Current Status:               Category A ( At Risk), CR Recommended



SafeStat Effectiveness Study


A study was conducted to confirm SafeStat effectiveness by comparing post-run crash rates for scored vs. unscored carriers:


1) SafeStat was run 18 months in the past with data available at that time to identify and score carriers

2) Carriers with sufficient data were assigned to 3 groups based on the SafeStat run results: At-Risk (Categories A&B), Other Scored (Category C) and unscored

3) Post-run crash rates for each group were observed and compared



Effectiveness Study Results


Carriers identified by SafeStat have higher crash rates than carriers not identified by SafeStat.