Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge
Southeast Region
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Frequently Asked Questions

How many eagles are there in the Reelfoot Lake Area in the winter?

The number varies depending on weather conditions and winter season. The refuge, in cooperation with other state agency partners, conducts aerial census/surveys in December, January, and February each year. This information is widely distributed locally and outside the lake area for wildlife observers. The Reelfoot Lake area winters 150-200 bald eagles annually.

How do I apply for the refuge deer quota hunt?

The refuge accepts applications for the deer quota hunt during the month of July. Applicants submit a U.S. Postal Service post card with their name and address and their hunting partners name and address (two may apply on the same card) to the refuge. The quota hunt drawing is held the first Friday in August and selected parties are notified by mail. The individuals not selected are notified by the post card they submitted.

Does the refuge have camping facilities?

No. The refuge does not have camping facilities, however, there are several state and private concerns that provide accommodations near the refuge. Many are a short drive or boat ride from the refuge.

Can you provide a tour of the refuge or meet with our group about the refuge?

Yes. The refuge provides educational, interpretive, and informational opportunities to a host of civil, non-government, and educational organizations. The refuge maintains the largest "Watchable Wildlife" facility and administers one of the top five Resident Volunteer Programs in Region IV. The Visitor Contact Station at Walnut Log, TN provides displays and audio/visual programs and is open to the public seven days a week.

What's the current water level elevation of the lake?

Reelfoot NWR was established in 1941 under the terms of a 75-year lease agreement with the State of Tennessee. The agreement states that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will manage the water level on the 25,000-acre Reelfoot lake and the associated wetlands. There are several special interest groups around the lake (farmers, resort owners, commercial/sport fishermen, waterfowl hunters, lake bank residence, etc.) that have a keen interest on how lake levels are managed.


Last updated: September 2, 2008