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Compliance Review Activity by Safety Rating for Calendar Years
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Safety Rating    2003  2004  2005  2006  2007 
Compliance Reviews Compliance Reviews Compliance Reviews Compliance Reviews Compliance Reviews
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Satisfactory  5,006  59.97%  4,433  57.94%  5,264  64.87%  6,867  66.28%  6,384  65.32% 
Conditional  2,348  28.13%  2,301  30.07%  2,112  26.03%  2,593  25.03%  2,606  26.66% 
Unsatisfactory  751  9.00%  701  9.16%  528  6.51%  656  6.33%  536  5.48% 
Not Rated  242  2.90%  216  2.82%  211  2.60%  244  2.36%  248  2.54% 
Total 8,347  100% 7,651  100% 8,115  100% 10,360  100% 9,774  100%
This report is a summary of Compliance Reviews and does not include Shipper, Tank Facility or other review types. All reviews shown are Federal reviews that have been processed at the state level and entered into the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS).
  Data Source: FMCSA Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) March 28, 2008 data snapshot
U.S. Department of Transportation Logo U.S. Department of Transportation   Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
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