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 Sector 52

 Finance and Insurance

Questions about this sector General FAQs List of all forms in this sector

This section provides information about census coverage and reporting for establishments in the Finance and Insurance sector. It includes answers to frequently asked questions about this sector and its census forms.

 Establishments Covered

Finance and insurance establishments engage in financial transactions or facilitate financial transactions. Financial transactions are transactions that involve creating, liquidating, or changing the ownership of financial assets. NAICS classifies establishments in the Finance and Insurance sector using numbers that start with 52. Financial services establishments are sub-classified using numbers that start with 521, 522, 523, or 525; and insurance services establishments are sub-classified using numbers that start with 524.

The Economic Census covers all finance and insurance establishments that operated during all or part of calendar year 2007, except specialized financial vehicles (such as pension funds, health and welfare funds, and trusts). Examples of establishments covered in the Finance and Insurance sector are:

  • Financial services establishments that raise funds from depositors or investors; lend funds to individual or business borrowers; or provide related brokerage, clearinghouse, check cashing, or other services.

  • Insurance services establishments that issue insurance or annuity contracts, accept contract premiums and fees, manage pooled assets, make contract payments, and provide related services.

 Census Mail Package

Finance and insurance establishments with paid employees will receive a census mail package that may include several types of materials. The materials are similar in content, but customized to make reporting easier for different groups of finance and insurance establishments. Each establishment will receive either an Instruction Sheet and census form, or a classification form.

Information Sheets provide general information about the census and instructions for reporting selected items on the census form. Single establishment businesses will receive Information Sheet FI-S(I). Most multi-establishment businesses will receive Information Sheet FI-M(I). Multi-establishment businesses that are consolidated census reporters will receive either Information Sheet FI-BS(Q) or Information Sheet FI-IN(Q).

Census Forms describe each data item for finance and insurance establishments, and provide instructions and formats for reporting them. Census forms for financial and insurance services establishments are numbered FI-52xxx, and sixteen forms are available for use by different kinds of finance and insurance establishments.

 Forms in this Sector

View information sheets and sample forms
Form No. Form Description
FI-52101 Monetary Authorities
FI-52201 Commercial Banking, Savings Institutions, and Other Depository Credit Intermediation
FI-52202 Other Banks and Depository Institutions, Except Credit Unions
FI-52203 Credit Unions
FI-52204 Credit Card Issuing and Sales Financing
FI-52205 Nondepository Credit Intermediation, Except Credit Card Issuing and Sales Financing
FI-52206 Activities Related to Credit Intermediation
FI-52250 Commercial Banking, Savings Institutions, and Other Depository Credit Intermediation, Consolidated
FI-52301 Securities and Commodity Exchanges
FI-52360 Securities and Commodity Contracts Intermediation and Brokerage and Other Financial Investments
FI-52401 Life, Health, and Medical Insurance Carriers
FI-52402 Insurance Carriers, Except Life, Health, and Medical
FI-52403 Insurance Agencies and Brokerages
FI-52450 Life, Health, and Medical Insurance Carriers (Consolidated)
FI-52451 Insurance Carriers, Except Life, Health, and Medical (Consolidated)
FI-52460 Other Insurance Related Activities and Employee Benefit Funds
FI-52490 Insurance Classification

Last revised: December 03 2007 10:53:10

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