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FHWA Office of Professional
and Corporate Development

Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program
2009 Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship


This collection of information is voluntary and will be used to determine the applicant's qualifications for the DDETFP. Public reporting burden is estimated to average three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions and completing the application. All information collected is confidential and will be used by program staff for program administration purposes only. Please note that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 2125-0617. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, Federal Highway Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590.


Objectives of the Program
Eligibility Requirements
Criteria for Evaluation
Stipend, Tuition and Taxes
Tuition Cap
Conditions of Acceptance
How to Apply
Application Forms


The EISENHOWER GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP (GRAD) provides funding for the pursuit of Master's Degrees or Doctorates in transportation related fields. The program objectives are: 1) to attract the nation's brightest minds to the field of transportation, 2) to enhance the careers of transportation professionals by encouraging them to seek advanced degrees, and 3) to retain top talent in the transportation industry of the United States. The Program is intended to bring innovation and enhance the breadth and scope of knowledge of the entire transportation community in the United States. The Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship Program encompasses all modes of transportation.


The Eisenhower Graduate Transportation Fellowships sponsor the pursuit of a Master's, Doctorate (or equivalent) degree in a field of study that is directly related to transportation. Recipients of the 2009 Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship must be enrolled full time at an accredited U.S. Institution of Higher Education not later than the fall 2009 academic year.

The Department of Transportation encourages students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), and Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) to apply for the Eisenhower Graduate Transportation Fellowships.


Applicants of the Eisenhower Graduate Fellowships must:

  • Possess an earned baccalaureate degree or be a confirmed graduating senior;
  • Be enrolled in an accredited U.S. institution of higher education
  • Be pursuing a degree in a full-time program in a transportation-related discipline
  • Have at least one full academic year remaining in program of study;
  • Conduct ongoing research in one or more transportation-related disciplines; and
  • Be planning to enter the transportation profession after completing their higher level education.

Non-U.S. citizens must attach a copy of their I-20 or I-551 ID issued by the U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Service (INS).


The Eisenhower Graduate Fellowships National Review Panel will evaluate applications. This panel will be composed of prominent national transportation professionals who will review each applicant's qualifications. The recommendations for selection will be ranked in merit order and furnished to the Office of Professional and Corporate Development. The Program Manager, Universities & Grants Programs, will make final selections.


The Eisenhower Graduate Fellowships will be awarded on the basis of merit. Merit includes:

  • Class standing, GPA, and official university transcripts;
  • Transportation work experience, if any, including employer's endorsement;
  • Letters of recommendation regarding the applicant's qualifications; and
  • Proposed plan of study.


All recipients may not receive a full award (i.e. tuition, stipend, and travel to Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting). Recipient awards will be based on the rankings from the National Selection Panel. Recipients will receive a minimum of $1,500.00 for travel to TRB in January, based on the ranking from the National Selection Panel.

Fellowship recipients should be advised that the stipend portion of the fellowship is subject to taxation in accordance with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations (Publication 520, revised June 2002).

The stipends for the Eisenhower Graduate Fellowships are as follows:

  • Master's Level - $1,700/mo.
  • Doctoral Level - $2,000/mo.

Actual Stipend level may vary based upon available funding.


The duration of funding for Eisenhower Graduate Fellowships for Master's and Doctoral studies will be based upon the availability of funds.


Annually the Eisenhower Graduate Transportation Fellowships will cover a maximum of $10,000 in tuition. Any additional tuition and fees will be the responsibility of the fellowship recipient.

Restrictions on the use of fellowship funds are as follows:

  • No dependency allowances;
  • No reimbursement of university administrative/indirect costs;
  • Fellowship recipients are eligible for funding only during months of enrollment in full-time programs leading to graduate degrees;
  • The recipient's university has the responsibility of administering the funds and for making periodic payments to the recipient; and
  • Unused funds must be returned to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) within 90 days of the termination date of the fellowship.


All fellowship recipients must conduct original research and prepare a paper or report suitable for publication on the topic for which they are selected. Recipients must make the results of their research available to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Department will retain an unlimited royalty-free privilege to use the results of the research.

Students' academic programs may include a reasonable amount of teaching as deemed appropriate by the institution as contributing to the Fellowship recipient's academic progress. Fellowship recipients may only accept remuneration for tuition from another fellowship for funding the difference above the $10,000 limitation for tuition and the actual tuition amount.

Once an award is made, the initial graduate study plan and research topic may be changed only after consultation between the fellowship recipient's Faculty Advisor and the Universities & Grants Program Manager.

Award funding is contingent upon the recipient's satisfactory academic progress as determined by university policies.


All applications and supporting material (official transcripts and letters of recommendation) for Eisenhower Graduate Transportation Fellowships must be received by 5:00 p.m. Friday, February 13, 2009. Send the application to the address in the section entitled "How to Apply".


Notification of Selection

Selected fellowship recipients' Faculty Advisor will be contacted by the Universities and Grants Programs via e-mail to notify of award selection.


The Eisenhower Graduate Transportation Fellowships application and supporting materials must be received at the following address by 5:00 p.m. Friday, February 13, 2009.

Mr. Henry C. Murdaugh , Program Manager,
 Universities & Grants Programs
Office of Professional and Corporate Development, HPC-32
4600 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 800
Arlington , VA 22203

TEL: (703) 235-0538
FAX: (703) 235-0593
Website: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/opd/universitygrants.htm

General Instructions: Please read the Eisenhower Graduate Fellowships Announcement and these instructions before preparing the application materials. Applicants must submit ONE (1) original (with original signatures) and FOUR (4) copies of all materials. APPLICANTS MUST SUBMIT THE REQUESTED NUMBER OF COPIES. All materials must be typed.

Students should request:

  • One (1) official transcript be sent to the above address;
  • Four (4) copies to be sent with application materials.

Complete Application:

  • Must be typed;
  • Eisenhower Graduate Fellowships Application, Parts 1 - 3; applicant and faculty advisor signatures are required;
  • Academic records, including class standing, GPA and official transcripts;
  • Four (4) letters of recommendation and/or endorsement; and
  • Resume/CV (Must be limited to two pages)

It is permissible to use copies of the application forms.

Application - Part 1: All requested information must be provided unless labeled "optional." If an item is not available, state "NA". Non-U.S. citizens must attach a copy of their I-20 ID or I-551 Permanent Resident Card issued by the U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Service (INS).

The application must have an original signature.

Application - Part 2: List only those universities where a degree was obtained. List only those internships/employers where a transportation function was performed. Each applicant must have four (4) recommendation and/or endorsement letters. If currently employed in a transportation function, it is imperative that your employer submits an endorsement letter. The recommendation and endorsement letters should contain length and nature of the person's relationship with the applicant, and comments on the applicant's overall ability, and suitability for graduate school, and potential for major contributions in one or more areas of transportation.

Application - Part 3: The narrative should demonstrate an applicant's intent to pursue a plan of graduate study and a career in transportation. The applicant should relate graduate study, research plans and career goals. Part 3 must be limited to two pages.

Mailing the Application: When possible, applicants are urged to submit their application and supporting documents in the same envelope. (Incomplete application packets will not be considered). All applications and supporting material (official transcripts and letters of recommendation) for Eisenhower Graduate Transportation Fellowships must be received by 5:00 p.m. Friday, February 13, 2009. When submitting the application, please package them in sequential order (i.e., Application Form Part 1, Application Form Part 2, Proposed Plan of Study, Transcripts, Resume, 4 Letters of Recommendation and I-20 or I-551 if applicable). Universities are permitted to send transcripts directly to the address shown in the "How To Apply" section. Unofficial copies of official transcripts may be submitted with the four copies of the application packet.

RETURN OF MATERIAL: Applications and any supporting documents become the property of Universities and Grants Programs and cannot be returned to applicants.


The information is required under the authority of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended and Title 49 U.S.C. 332(b)(3)(4)(5). Your request cannot be processed unless the data below is complete. Disclosure of your race and ethnicity are optional. Refusal to furnish your race and/or ethnicity will not result in the denial of any right, benefit or privilege provided by law. Records maintained in the system are routinely used to determine eligibility/qualifications for fellowships, and for program evaluation and analysis purposes.

Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program
2009 Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship

Application Form - Part 1
Must be typed

Name (Last, First, MI)

For Official Use Only:

Current Address

Telephone No.:

E-mail Address:

Alt. Number:

Permanent Address

Telephone No.:

Check the box of the degree you are seeking:

___ Masters Degree
___ Doctorate Degree

Year of Study __________

(i.e. . 1st,2nd )

Current Grade Point Average ___________

RACE (optional)

__ American Indian
__ Alaska Native (Aleut or Eskimo)
__ Asian
__ African American/Black
__ Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
__ White
__ Other

ETHNICITY (optional)

__ Hispanic or Latino
__ Not Hispanic or Latino
__ Hispanic or Latino in Puerto Rico
__ Not Hispanic or Latino in Puerto Rico


__ Male
__ Female

U.S. Citizen

__ Yes
__ No - If no, please attach a certified copy of your I-20 or I-551 ID issued by the I.N.S.

College or University (Current or Pending)

Academic Dept.

Name, Title and Address of Faculty Advisor

Telephone No.:
E-mail Address:

Applicant's Major

Applicant's Field of Study


Signature of Applicant (Required)


Signature of Faculty Advisor (Required)


Application Form - Part 2
Must be typed






Employer (most recent first)


Name of Supervisor
and Telephone No.

Dates of







List Academic Honors, Scholarships, Offices Held in Student /Professional Organizations, etc.


Community Activities/Organizations:


Experience in Transportation Education Programs

__ ENO Fellow   Year _____

__ UTC Award   Year _____
University Transportation Centers

__ DDE Fellowship   Year _____
Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship

__ STIPDG   Year _____
Summer Transportation Intern Program for Diverse Groups

__ NSTI   Year _____
National Summer Transportation Institute

__ Other   Year _____

Name ____________________________


Application Form - Part 3
Must be typed

Proposed Plan of Graduate Study

Please provide a summary of how your plan of study will impact and enhance the field of transportation and what role transportation takes in your professional goals. Incorporate educational, personal and work experiences, accomplishments, volunteer activities and/or events that support your plan of study. Limit 2 pages.


Universities and Grants Programs logo

2009 DDETFP Applicant Checklist

(Keep This Page for Your Records)


Dear Applicant:

This letter is provided in an effort to ensure that all information is submitted in a timely manner. Incomplete packages will NOT be considered. Please pay attention to all deadlines and information.

Prior to sending your packet to Universities and Grants Programs, 4600 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 800, Arlington, VA 22203, ensure that you have reviewed your application thoroughly and are confident that all materials are enclosed.

If you would like confirmation of delivery provide a Postage Paid Postcard w/ your return address.

Application Items


- Citizenship


- 4 Copies of Application Packet


- Contact Information


Phone #




Faculty Advisor Signature


Signed Application


OfficialUniversity Transcripts


Letters of Recommendations
(minimum 4)




** Applications, and all supporting materials are due by 5:00p.m. February 13, 2009 **

NO Exception!!






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