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American Forces Press Service
06/30/2000 Independence Day Message from the President to Members of the Armed Forces  

06/30/2000 Military News Briefs for the Week of June 30, 2000  

06/30/2000 European Command to Host Quality of Life Conference  

06/30/2000 'AFIS On Assignment' Now Available on the Web  

06/29/2000 De Leon Renews POW/MIA Full Accounting Pledge  

06/29/2000 Pentagon Going to the Dogs   With Photos With Audio Clip

06/28/2000 22 Asian Americans Inducted into Hall of Heroes   With Photos With Audio Clip

06/28/2000 DoD Announces Slight Child Care Fee Hike  

06/27/2000 Washington Ceremonies Commemorate Korean War Start   With Photos With Audio Clip

06/27/2000 NCOs Offer Voice of Experience  

06/26/2000 Top NCOs Call for Pay, QOL Reforms  

06/26/2000 Top NCOs Say Forum Worthwhile, Too Short  

06/26/2000 CENTCOM Chief Zinni Talks Issues, Bids Farewell   With Photos

06/23/2000 Military News Briefs for the Week of June 23, 2000  

06/22/2000 Independence Day 2000 Message From the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff  

06/22/2000 Independent Assessment Says Missile Defense on Track   With Audio Clip

06/22/2000 Couple Recall Navy Careers, 55 Years of Married Bliss   With Photos

06/21/2000 Women's Health a Major Concern; Needs More Attention   With Photos

06/21/2000 DoD Working Toward First-Class Civilian Education System   With Photos

06/21/2000 DoD Task Force Looks at Domestic Violence  

06/21/2000 Memorial Reminds That 'Freedom Is Not Free'   With Photos

06/20/2000 U.S. Women Win Bronze at 2000 CISM Triathlon Championship  

06/20/2000 WWW.Huh?: Absentee Voting Deadlines Sooner Than You Think   With PDF File

06/20/2000 Chairman, Baseball Commissioner Honor Korean War Veterans  

06/20/2000 Military Fantasy Job Contest Continues through July 4   With Audio Clip

06/19/2000 No U.S. Troop Reductions Planned in Korea   With Audio Clip

06/19/2000 Most Service Members Will See Pay Hikes in July   With Audio Clip

06/16/2000 Military News Briefs for the Week of June 16, 2000  

06/15/2000 Engaging Russia at Center of Recent Cohen Trip   With Audio Clip

06/14/2000 DoD Forum to Spotlight Senior Enlisted  

06/14/2000 Russia, U.S. Agree to Expand Cooperation, Disagree on NMD   With Audio Clip

06/13/2000 New Dental Plan Expands Services, Includes Reservists  

06/12/2000 Army Triathletes Cop All-Service Gold, Lead U.S. Team to CISM Meet  

06/12/2000 Jets Escort Cohen to Swedish Defense Talks, Vasa Visit   With Photos

06/12/2000 Baltic Ministers, Cohen Discuss Engaging Russia, NATO Membership   With Photos

06/12/2000 Cohen Cautious on Russian TMD Counterbid, Seeks More Detail   With Audio Clip

06/09/2000 Military News Briefs for the Week of June 9, 2000  

06/09/2000Portugal Joins F-16 Group, Precision Munitions Group Formed  

06/09/2000Commissary's "Best Value" Promises Quality at Lowest Prices  

06/08/2000 NATO Chief Says Allies Must Spend More for Defense  

06/08/2000 Korean War Death Stats Highlight Modern DoD Safety Record  

06/08/2000 Defense Ministers Chart NATO Progress  

06/08/2000 Kosovo: One Year Later  

06/08/2000 The Passing of the Torch   With Photos

06/07/2000 U.S. Will Study Russian Missile Defense Proposals  

06/07/2000 America Honors 'Greatest Generation'   With Photos With Audio Clip

06/06/2000 Funding Holdup Threatens Army Training, Civilian Hires  

06/06/2000 Mrs. Kirwan Goes to Washington: A DoD Cinderella Story   With Photos

06/06/2000 Cohens Tour D-Day Museum   With Photos With Audio Clip

06/06/2000 Alcohol Abuse Costs DoD Dearly  

06/06/2000 Less Smoking Improves Troops' Health, Cuts Healthcare Costs  

06/05/2000 Interest Grows in Music Pioneer James Europe, WWI Hero   With Photos

06/05/2000 Civilians Vital to DoD Mission  

06/02/2000 Cohen Trip Focuses on NATO, Russia  

06/02/2000 Joint Vision 2020 Emphasizes Full-spectrum Dominance  

06/02/2000 Cohen, Shelton, Top Leaders Hear How It Is   With Audio Clip

06/02/2000 Military Families Share QOL 'Best Practices'   With Audio Clip

06/02/2000 Military News Briefs for the Week of June 2, 2000  

06/02/2000 Forum Lets Families Tell It Like It Is   With Photos With Audio Clip

Updated: 28 May 2004
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