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Public Submissions

Updated October, 2007


  • Thirty-four submissions have been filed under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC). Twenty-one were filed with the U.S. NAO of which nineteen involved allegations against Mexico and two against Canada. Eight were filed with the Mexican NAO and involved allegations against the United States. Five submissions have been filed in Canada, two raising allegations against Mexico and three raising allegations against the United States.
  • Fifteen of the twenty-one submissions filed with the U.S. NAO involved issues of freedom of association and seven of them also involved issues of the right to bargain collectively. One submission (9802) concerned the use of child labor, one (9701) raised issues of pregnancy-based gender discrimination; two (9801, 2005-01) concerned the right to strike; four (9403, 9901, 2003-01, 2004-01) concerned minimum employment standards; and six (9702, 9703, 9901, 2000-01, 2003-01, 2004-01) raised issues of occupational safety and health.
  • Of the submissions filed to date with the U.S. NAO, four (940004, 9602, 9803, and 2004-01) were withdrawn by the submitters before hearings were held or the review process completed. Hearings were held on ten (940001, 940002, 940003, 9601, 9701, 9702, 9703, 9901, 2000-01, 2003-01). Eight of the U.S. submissions (940003, 9601, 9701, 9702, 9703, 9901, 2000-01, 2003-01) have gone to ministerial-level consultations. The U.S. NAO declined to accept submissions 9801, 9802, 9804, 2001-01, ,2005-01, and 2005-02 for review.
  • Mexican NAO submissions 9501, 9801, 9802, 9803, 9804 resulted in ministerial consultations. Canadian NAO submission CAN 98-1 resulted in ministerial consultations. Canada declined to accept submissions CAN 98-2, CAN 99-1, and CAN 05-01 for review.



United States




U.S. NAO Submission No. 2006-01 (Coahuila)




U.S. NAO Submission No. 2005-01 (Labor Law Reform)

U.S. NAO Submission No. 2005-02 (Mexican Pilots - ASPA)

U.S. Submission No. 2005-03 (Hidalgo)

Mexico NAO Submission 2005-1 (H-2B Visa Workers)

Canadian NAO Submission No. 2005-1


U.S. NAO Submission No. 2004-01 (YUCATAN)


U.S. NAO Submission No. 2003-01 (PUEBLA)

Mexico NAO Submission No. 2003-1 (North Carolina)

Canadian NAO Submission No. 2003-1



U.S. NAO Submission No. 2001-01 (DURO BAG)

Mexico NAO Submission No. 2001-01 (New York State)


U.S. NAO Submission No. 2000-01 (Auto Trim/Custom Trim)


U.S. NAO Submission No. 9901 (TAESA)

Canadian NAO Submission No. CAN 99-1 (LPA)


U.S. NAO Submission No. 9801 (Flight Attendants)

U.S. NAO Submission No. 9802 (Tomato/Child Labor)

U.S. NAO Submission No. 9803 (McDonald's)

U.S. NAO Submission No. 9804 (Rural Mail Couriers)

Mexico NAO Submission No. 9801 (Solec)

Mexico NAO Submission No. 9802 (Apple Growers)

Mexico NAO Submission No. 9803 (Decoster Egg)

Mexico NAO Submission No. 9804 (Yale/INS)

Canadian NAO Submission No. CAN 98-1 (ITAPSA)

Canadian NAO Submission No. CAN 98-2 (Yale/INS)


U.S. NAO Submission No. 9701 (Gender Discrimination)

U.S. NAO Submission No. 9702 (Han Young)

U.S. NAO Submission No. 9703 (ITAPSA)


U.S. NAO Submission No. 9601 (SUTSP)

U.S. NAO Submission No. 9602 (Maxi-Switch)


Mexico NAO Submission No. 9501 (Sprint)


U.S. NAO Submission Nos. 940001 and 940002 (Honeywell & General Electric)

U.S. NAO Submission No. 940003 (SONY)

Submission No. 940004 (General Electric)

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