Office of the Inspector General for the GSA

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Office of Audits: Other Services

Fraud Probes - normally are performed when either GSA management or the OIG suspects that fraudulent activity may exist. They are often performed in conjunction withan OIG investigation. A good example of this type probe was the audit of the Surplus Sales Centers. This review started when management noticed an error when reconciling sales records to bank deposits. The auditors and investigators were asked to determine whether any fraudulent activity had taken place, and whether controls werein place to prevent such activity.

Attendance at Meetings - pertains to the availability of high level Office of Audit staff members to attend meetings held at the Commissioner or Regional Administrator level. Presently, many of our Regional Inspectors General for Auditing regularly attend Regional Administrator briefings. This allows for an exchange of information on the ongoing activities of both the Region and this office. We believe that our attendance at such meetings permits better coordination and communication on matters impacting the Agency.

Speaking at Meetings/Functions - entails providing a staff representative of the Office to address meetings or functions on agreed upon subjects. An example of this type of briefing would be an Integrity Awareness Briefing that emphasizes GSA employees' roles and responsibilities in preventing and detecting fraud. In addition, we are often called upon to address professional organizations or GSA management conferences on areas where we have a particular expertise or to explain the services or functions of our office. We are always ready to discuss the many functions of this Office and how we can be of assistance to GSA .

Sharing of Expertise - involves subjects where this Office has expertise that may/should be shared with Agency employees. Examples of the expertise we could share would be training contracting officers on cost or pricing data, management and financial controls, and changes in procurements laws.

Task Force Participation- involves this Office furnishing staff auditors to advise and assist Agency Task Forces.

Consultation on Proposed Laws and Regulation- provides an independent assessment of proposed legislation and regulations. Based on our knowledge of the subject area, we can advise management of the potential impact on Agency programs and operations of legislative and regulatory initiatives.

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