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e-CFR Data is current as of November 3, 2008

Title 18: Conservation of Power and Water Resources

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Section Contents

Application for an Order Directing the Establishment of Physical Connection of Facilities

§ 32.1   Contents of application; filing fee.
§ 32.2   Required exhibits.
§ 32.3   Other information.
§ 32.4   Form and style; number of copies.

Authority:   Department of Energy Organization Act, 42 U.S.C. 7101–7352 (1982); E.O. No. 12,009, 3 CFR 1978 Comp., p. 142; Independent Offices Appropriations Act, 31 U.S.C. 9701 (1982); Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 791a–825r (1988); Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act, 16 U.S.C. 2601–2645 (1988).

Source:   Order 141, 12 FR 8494, Dec. 19, 1947, unless otherwise noted.

Application for an Order Directing the Establishment of Physical Connection of Facilities
§ 32.1   Contents of application; filing fee.

Every application under section 202(b) of the Act shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in part 381 of this chapter and shall set forth the following information:

(a) The exact legal name of the applicant and of all persons named as parties in the application.

(b) The name, title, and post office address of the person to whom correspondence in regard to the application shall be addressed.

(c) The person named in the application who is a public utility subject to the act.

(d) The State or States in which each electric utility named in the application operates, together with a brief description of the business of and territory, by counties and States, served by such utility.

(e) Description of the proposed interconnection, showing proposed location, capacity and type of construction.

(f) Reasons why the proposed connection, of facilities will be in the public interest.

(g) What steps, if any, have been taken to secure voluntary interconnection under the provisions of section 202(a) of the Act.

[Order 141, 12 FR 8494, Dec. 19, 1947, as amended by Order 427, 36 FR 5596, Mar. 25, 1971; Order 435, 50 FR 40357, Oct. 3, 1985]

§ 32.2   Required exhibits.

There shall be filed with the application and as a part thereof the following exhibits:

Exhibit A. Statement of the estimated capital cost of all facilities required to establish the connection, and the estimated annual cost of operating such facilities.

Exhibit B. A general or key map on a scale not greater than 20 miles to the inch showing, in separate colors, the territory served by each utility, and the location of the facilities used for the generation and transmission of electric energy, indicating on said map the points between which connection may be established most economically.

§ 32.3   Other information.

The Commission may require additional information when it appears to be pertinent in a particular case.

§ 32.4   Form and style; number of copies.

An original and six conformed copies of an application under §§32.1 to 32.4 must be filed.

[Order 342, 32 FR 6622, Apr. 29, 1967, as amended by Order 225, 47 FR 19056, May 3, 1982]

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August 1, 2007
