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Title:Management of Large Highway and Transit Projects
Date:May 01, 2002
Project ID:CC-2002-155
Summary:The Inspector General testified regarding management of major highway and transit projects before the House Transportation Subcommittee on Highways and Transit. The following areas offer opportunities for improved management and oversight and increased vigilance:

  • As DOT strengthens oversight, the key will be sustained follow-through.
  • FTA’s use of oversight contractors has improved oversight with potential for further improvement, particularly in spot checking grantee cost and schedule estimates.
  • FHWA must be willing to follow through on its plans and commitments on a broad front—not just on projects experiencing high-profile difficulties—and needs better data to successfully refocus its oversight efforts.
  • FHWA needs to hire staff with private-sector project management skills, such as financing and cost-estimating; streamline and delegate project-level approvals to the states in order to refocus staff time on overseeing higher level management and financial issues; or adopt FTA’s oversight contractor approach in some cases.
  • Full document: PDF PDF document

    Related Information: OIG