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Exploratory Research: Nanotechnology Research Grants Investigating Fate, Transport, Transformation, and Exposure of Engineered Nanomaterials: A Joint Research Solicitation - EPA, NSF, & DOE
Progress Reports
In Response to a Request for Applications which closed on August 22, 2007

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Identifier Abstract Principal Investigator Annual/ Final Reports Pubs Count Institution Project Period
1 R833859
Analysis and Fate of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Their Manufacturing Byproducts in Estuarine Sediments and Benthic Organisms Ferguson, P. Lee
Chandler, G. Thomas
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   University of South Carolina at Columbia July 2008 -
June 2011  
2 R833856
Development of an In Vitro Test and a Prototype Model to Predict Cellular Penetration of Nanoparticles Chen, Yongsheng
Capco, David
Chen, Zhongfang
Crittenden, John C.
Seifert, Gotthard
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   Arizona State University - Main Campus,Technische Universität at Dresden,University of Georgia July 2008 -
June 2011  
3 R833861
Environmental Transport, Biodegradation, and Bioaccumulation of Quantum Dots and Oxide Nanoparticles Aga, Diana S.
Banerjee, Sarbajit
Colon, Luis
Watson, David
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   University at Buffalo July 2008 -
June 2011  
4 R833862
Bioavailability, Environmental Transformation, and Detoxification of Core/Shell Nanomaterials Hurt, Robert H.
Kane, Agnes B.
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   Brown University July 2008 -
June 2011  
5 R833858
Quantum Dot Weathering and its Effects on Microbial Communities Alvarez, Pedro J.
Colvin, Vicki L.
Mahendra, Shaily
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   Rice University July 2008 -
June 2011  
6 R833860
Functionalized Metal Oxide Nanoparticles: Environmental Transformations and Ecotoxicity Pedersen, Joel A.
Hamers, Robert J.
Heideman, Warren
Peterson, Richard E.
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   University of Wisconsin July 2008 -
June 2011  
7 R833857
“Effects of Surface Oxides on the Behavior of Carbon Nanotubes and their influence on the Mobility of Contaminants in Aquatic Environments” Ball, William P.
Fairbrother, D. H.
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   Johns Hopkins University July 2008 -
June 2011  
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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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