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Sources, Composition, and Health Effects of Coarse Particulate Matter
Progress Reports
In Response to a Request for Applications which closed on November 30, 2006

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Identifier Abstract Principal Investigator Annual/ Final Reports Pubs Count Institution Project Period
1 R833740
Cardiovascular Effects of Urban and Rural Course Particulate Matter in African American and White Adults Keeler, Gerald J.
Brook, Jeffrey R.
Brook, Robert D.
Dvonch, Joseph T.
Gold, Diane R.
Kaciroti, Niko
Silverman, Frances
Urch, Bruce
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   School of Public Health,Department of Biostatistics,Division of Cardiovascular Medicine,Gage Occupational & Environmental Health Unit (GOEHU),Harvard School of Public Health March 2008 -
February 2011  
2 R833741
Spatial Investigation of Sources, Composition, and Long-Term Health Effects of Coarse Particulate Matter (PM10-2.5) in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) Cohort Larson, Timothy V.
Adar, Sara D.
Barr, R. Graham
Burke, Greg
Daviglus, Martha
Jacobs, David
Kaufman, Joel D.
Sheppard, Lianne
Simpson, Chris
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   University of Washington,Columbia University,Northwestern University,University of Minnesota,Wake Forest University March 2008 -
February 2011  
3 R833742
Comparative Toxicity of Coarse Particles Gordon, Terry
Chen, Lung Chi
Ito, Kazuhiko
Lippmann, Morton
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   New York University March 2008 -
February 2011  
4 R833744
Health Effects and Characterization of Urban and Rural Coarse Particulate Matter in Northeastern Colorado Hannigan, Michael P.
Milford, Jana B.
Miller, Shelly
Navidi, William C.
Peel, Jennifer
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   University of Colorado at Boulder,Colorado School of Mines,Colorado State University January 2008 -
December 2011  
5 R833743
Sources, Composition, Variability and Toxicological Characteristics of Coarse (PM10-2.5) Particles in Southern California Sioutas, Constantinos
Cho, Arthur K.
Froines, John R.
Geller, Michael
Nel, Andre E.
Schauer, James J.
  University of Southern California,University of California - Los Angeles,University of Wisconsin - Madison August 2007 -
July 2010  
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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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