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Grants Frequently Asked Questions

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Grant Solicitations

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These FAQs apply only to competitions sponsored by EPA's National Center for Environmental Economics (NCEE). This page will be updated as we receive questions regarding grants. We are not able to answer a question if the answer involves individual advice to a potential applicant.

This page was most recently updated on Tuesday, October 21, 2008.

Q1. Are indirect (overhead) costs allowable costs to include in the budget of the application?

Q2. Where do I add details explaining the basis for the budget calculations of indicated sums?
Q3. Is cost sharing crucial?
Q4. Can grant funds be used to pay travel expenses, including overseas travel?
Q5. What happens if I submit an application after the 11:59pm EST on December 5, 2008 deadline?
Q6. What happens if my proposal is longer than the specified page limit?
Q7. How can I determine whether the subject matter addressed in my proposal is covered under the statutory authority the EPA is using to provide the means for funding of assistance agreements covered under this solicitation?

Q8. Will the indirect cost rate that is applicable to projects funded under this announcement be our institution’s standard negotiated indirect cost rate for federal grants and contracts, or another rate such as a lower indirect cost rate negotiated under alternative programs supporting issuance of cooperative agreements? If another rate is applicable, what is that rate, or how will it be determined? Q9. Are other federal agencies and federally-funded research and development centers (FFRDC) eligible to participate in this solicitation? Q10. Does the applicant need to complete the information on the SF-424 form that asks for the "Federal Entity Identifier" and the "Federal Award Identifier"?
new question: posted October 21, 2008
Q11. Can I request advice on whether my proposal falls within the scope of the RFP? Can I request feedback on whether the EPA is interested in my proposal? Can you give me any suggestions on how to improve the proposal?

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