Table 6. Percent distribution of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work by selected injury or illness characteristics and major industry sector, 2006

     TABLE 6. Percent distribution of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work(1) by selected injury or illness characteristics and major industry sector,



                                   |           |                                               |                                                                                               

                                   |           |                Goods producing                |                                       Service providing                                       

                                   |           |_______________________________________________|_______________________________________________________________________________________________

                                   |  Private  |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

             Characteristic        |  industry |           |  Natural  |           |           |           |   Trade,  |           |           |  Profes-  | Education |           |           

                                   | (2)(3)(4) |   Total   | resources | Construc- |  Manufac- |   Total   | transpor- |           | Financial |   sional  |    and    |  Leisure  |   Other   

                                   |           |   goods   |    and    |    tion   |   turing  |  service  | tation and|Information| activities|    and    |   health  |    and    |  services 

                                   |           | producing |mining(2)(-|           |           | providing |utilities(-|           |           |  business |  services |hospitality|           

                                   |           |           |     3)    |           |           |           |     4)    |           |           |  services |           |           |           


                                   |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

     Total [1,183,500 cases].......|   100.0   |   100.0   |   100.0   |   100.0   |   100.0   |   100.0   |   100.0   |   100.0   |   100.0   |   100.0   |   100.0   |   100.0   |   100.0   

                                   |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

     Nature of injury or illness:  |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

       Sprains, strains............|    39.9   |    33.9   |    31.3   |    34.5   |    33.7   |    42.8   |    44.4   |    42.3   |    39.7   |    36.6   |    49.4   |    32.9   |    38.6   

       Bruises, contusions.........|     8.6   |     7.7   |    11.3   |     6.2   |     8.4   |     9.0   |     9.5   |     8.5   |     9.4   |     8.4   |     8.6   |     8.6   |     6.7   

       Cuts, lacerations...........|     8.4   |    10.9   |     7.9   |    12.1   |    10.4   |     7.2   |     7.2   |     4.1   |     4.6   |     8.7   |     2.6   |    15.6   |     8.8   

       Fractures...................|     8.0   |     9.9   |    13.0   |    11.5   |     8.3   |     7.0   |     7.6   |     8.7   |     6.8   |     7.1   |     5.8   |     6.7   |     7.7   

       Heat burns..................|     1.5   |     1.4   |     1.7   |     1.0   |     1.7   |     1.5   |      .7   |      .3   |      .6   |      .8   |     1.2   |     6.3   |     1.8   

       Carpal tunnel syndrome......|     1.1   |     1.6   |      .2   |      .6   |     2.5   |      .9   |      .8   |     2.3   |     2.5   |      .9   |      .7   |      .7   |     1.3   

       Tendonitis..................|      .4   |      .5   |      .3   |      .1   |      .8   |      .3   |      .3   |      .5   |      .3   |      .5   |      .4   |      .3   |      .5   

       Chemical burns..............|      .6   |      .8   |      .6   |      .7   |      .9   |      .6   |      .5   |      .1   |      .3   |      .8   |      .4   |      .9   |      .3   

       Amputations.................|      .7   |     1.4   |     1.2   |      .8   |     1.9   |      .3   |      .4   |      .2   |      .9   |      .5   |    (5)    |      .5   |      .3   

       Multiple traumatic injuries |     3.9   |     3.7   |     4.2   |     3.7   |     3.5   |     4.0   |     3.8   |     4.4   |     6.5   |     4.2   |     4.3   |     3.1   |     3.7   

                                   |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

     Part of body affected by the  |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

      injury or illness:           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

       Head........................|     7.0   |     8.1   |    10.1   |     8.2   |     7.7   |     6.4   |     6.5   |     5.9   |     7.1   |     7.6   |     5.5   |     6.6   |     6.7   

        Eye........................|     3.0   |     4.7   |     4.4   |     4.6   |     4.8   |     2.3   |     2.3   |     1.7   |     2.2   |     3.2   |     1.9   |     2.0   |     3.1   

       Neck........................|     1.5   |     1.2   |     1.6   |     1.4   |     1.0   |     1.6   |     1.7   |     2.2   |     1.9   |     1.2   |     2.0   |     1.2   |      .9   

       Trunk.......................|    34.0   |    30.3   |    31.0   |    29.1   |    31.2   |    35.7   |    37.1   |    31.2   |    32.8   |    30.0   |    41.1   |    28.0   |    34.2   

        Shoulder...................|     6.4   |     5.9   |     4.7   |     5.0   |     6.7   |     6.7   |     7.6   |     6.5   |     4.9   |     4.9   |     6.8   |     4.9   |     7.9   

        Back.......................|    21.2   |    17.8   |    18.0   |    18.3   |    17.4   |    22.8   |    22.7   |    19.8   |    21.6   |    18.4   |    28.9   |    17.8   |    19.1   

       Upper extremities...........|    23.2   |    29.0   |    22.5   |    25.0   |    32.9   |    20.4   |    19.6   |    19.9   |    15.3   |    20.5   |    15.8   |    32.2   |    25.1   

        Wrist......................|     4.1   |     4.5   |     3.1   |     3.2   |     5.7   |     3.9   |     3.8   |     5.0   |     4.7   |     3.3   |     4.0   |     4.3   |     4.2   

        Hand, except finger........|     4.2   |     5.2   |     4.6   |     5.2   |     5.3   |     3.7   |     3.4   |     3.0   |     1.9   |     3.7   |     2.5   |     7.5   |     3.7   

        Finger.....................|     9.0   |    13.0   |     9.4   |    10.7   |    15.1   |     7.1   |     6.9   |     5.4   |     4.7   |     7.8   |     4.2   |    13.1   |     9.1   

       Lower extremities...........|    22.2   |    22.0   |    23.0   |    26.2   |    18.6   |    22.2   |    23.7   |    23.7   |    25.9   |    24.4   |    19.0   |    20.1   |    20.1   

        Knee.......................|     8.1   |     7.8   |     7.9   |     9.5   |     6.6   |     8.2   |     8.5   |     9.9   |     8.0   |     8.2   |     8.0   |     7.2   |     7.3   

        Foot, except toe...........|     3.7   |     3.7   |     3.5   |     4.0   |     3.4   |     3.7   |     4.6   |     2.7   |     6.0   |     3.8   |     2.2   |     2.9   |     3.5   

        Toe........................|     1.1   |     1.2   |     1.0   |     1.2   |     1.3   |     1.1   |     1.4   |     1.4   |     1.1   |     1.1   |      .8   |      .5   |      .8   

       Body systems................|     1.5   |     1.2   |     1.8   |     1.1   |     1.2   |     1.7   |     1.1   |     2.2   |     3.2   |     2.2   |     2.3   |     1.7   |     1.7   

       Multiple parts..............|     9.8   |     7.3   |     8.6   |     8.1   |     6.6   |    11.0   |     9.3   |    14.1   |    13.2   |    12.8   |    13.5   |     9.4   |     9.7   

     Source of injury or illness:  |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

       Chemicals and chemical      |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

        products...................|     1.6   |     1.8   |     2.7   |     1.1   |     2.2   |     1.6   |     1.3   |      .8   |     2.5   |     2.1   |     1.8   |     1.7   |     1.0   

       Containers..................|    12.4   |     8.5   |     5.6   |     4.9   |    11.6   |    14.3   |    20.6   |     8.3   |     9.0   |    11.2   |     5.8   |    14.7   |     8.8   

       Furniture and fixtures......|     3.8   |     2.2   |      .9   |     1.6   |     2.9   |     4.6   |     4.0   |     3.3   |     7.8   |     3.8   |     4.9   |     6.3   |     3.9   

       Machinery...................|     6.5   |    10.3   |     8.6   |     7.1   |    13.0   |     4.8   |     5.0   |     5.5   |     5.5   |     5.8   |     2.2   |     6.7   |     7.0   

       Parts and materials.........|    10.5   |    19.5   |    10.6   |    22.8   |    18.2   |     6.3   |     9.4   |     5.7   |     5.1   |     7.1   |     1.1   |     2.7   |    12.5   

       Worker motion or position...|    13.8   |    14.7   |     9.2   |    12.9   |    16.8   |    13.4   |    13.6   |    22.1   |    16.7   |    13.2   |    12.2   |    11.8   |    14.4   

       Floors, walkways, ground    |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

        surfaces...................|    18.1   |    14.9   |    19.1   |    18.3   |    11.8   |    19.6   |    16.7   |    25.3   |    25.8   |    19.0   |    21.6   |    24.9   |    17.1   

       Tools, instruments, and     |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

        equipment..................|     6.9   |     9.1   |     7.6   |    12.0   |     7.1   |     5.9   |     5.1   |     6.4   |     5.5   |     6.6   |     4.7   |     9.8   |     9.4   

       Vehicles....................|     8.6   |     5.6   |     9.5   |     5.5   |     5.2   |    10.0   |    13.7   |    10.0   |     9.5   |    10.6   |     5.3   |     4.5   |     9.7   

       Health care patient.........|     4.4   |     -     |     -     |     -     |     -     |     6.6   |    (5)    |     -     |      .4   |      .8   |    28.3   |     -     |      .7   

                                   |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

     Event or exposure leading to  |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

      injury or illness:           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

       Contact with objects and    |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

        equipment..................|    28.3   |    38.0   |    37.5   |    38.2   |    38.0   |    23.8   |    26.4   |    18.4   |    23.1   |    28.1   |    13.2   |    29.7   |    28.9   

        Struck by object...........|    13.9   |    17.8   |    18.4   |    19.7   |    16.2   |    12.1   |    13.5   |     7.6   |    10.8   |    13.0   |     6.9   |    15.7   |    16.9   

        Struck against object......|     7.2   |     8.3   |     8.0   |     9.5   |     7.5   |     6.7   |     6.9   |     6.0   |     7.8   |     8.6   |     4.2   |     9.2   |     5.8   

        Caught in equipment or     |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

         object....................|     5.0   |     8.6   |     8.6   |     5.2   |    11.1   |     3.3   |     4.0   |     3.8   |     2.3   |     4.1   |     1.4   |     3.3   |     3.3   

       Fall to lower level.........|     6.3   |     7.4   |     7.6   |    11.9   |     3.9   |     5.8   |     6.4   |     9.5   |     8.1   |     8.1   |     3.5   |     4.4   |     4.2   

       Fall on same level..........|    12.8   |     8.7   |    11.6   |     8.0   |     8.9   |    14.8   |    11.6   |    17.2   |    17.0   |    11.9   |    18.4   |    21.4   |    13.2   

       Slip, trip, loss of         |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

        balancewithout fall.......|     3.0   |     2.5   |     2.5   |     2.8   |     2.3   |     3.2   |     2.8   |     3.8   |     3.6   |     3.3   |     3.1   |     4.6   |     2.6   

       Overexertion................|    24.1   |    19.7   |    14.7   |    17.4   |    22.1   |    26.1   |    28.2   |    16.5   |    17.3   |    17.9   |    34.8   |    15.4   |    24.4   

        Overexertion in lifting....|    12.8   |    10.6   |     6.4   |    10.1   |    11.6   |    13.8   |    16.0   |     7.9   |     9.2   |     9.4   |    15.8   |     9.1   |    11.7   

       Repetitive motion...........|     3.2   |     4.6   |     1.3   |     1.7   |     7.3   |     2.6   |     2.5   |     6.2   |     4.9   |     2.8   |     2.1   |     1.8   |     2.8   

       Exposure to harmful         |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

        substances.................|     4.8   |     4.5   |     5.4   |     3.3   |     5.3   |     4.9   |     2.9   |     4.1   |     5.1   |     6.3   |     5.5   |    10.0   |     4.1   

       Transportation accidents....|     4.7   |     3.1   |     5.5   |     4.1   |     2.0   |     5.5   |     6.8   |     7.4   |     6.7   |     7.2   |     3.4   |     2.6   |     5.0   

       Fires and explosions........|      .2   |      .3   |      .4   |      .4   |      .2   |      .1   |      .1   |     -     |      .1   |      .4   |      .1   |      .2   |     -     

       Assaults and violent acts by|           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |           

        person.....................|     1.3   |      .1   |      .4   |      .1   |      .1   |     1.9   |      .5   |      .5   |     2.6   |     1.0   |     5.7   |     1.4   |     1.2   


       1 Days-away-from-work cases include those that resulted in days away from work, some of which also included job transfer or restriction.         

       2 Excludes farms with fewer than 11 employees.

       3 Data for Mining (Sector 21 in the North American Industry Classification System-- United States, 2002) include establishments not governed by the Mine Safety and Health

     Administration rules and reporting, such as those in Oil and Gas Extraction and related support activities.  Data for mining operators in coal, metal, and nonmetal mining are provided to

     BLS by the Mine Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.  Independent mining contractors are excluded from the coal, metal, and nonmetal mining industries.  These data

     do not reflect the changes the Occupational Safety and Health Administration made to its recordkeeping requirements effective January 1, 2002; therefore, estimates for these industries

     are not comparable to estimates in other industries.     

       4 Data for employers in rail transportation are provided to BLS by the Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation.  

       5 Data too small to be displayed.


       NOTE:  Dash indicates data do not meet publication guidelines.  Because of rounding and data exclusion of nonclassifiable responses, percentages may not add to 100.

       SOURCE:  Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in cooperation with participating State agencies

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Last Modified Date: November 08, 2007