Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Effects of Management Practices on Wetland Birds

Drawings by Patsy Renz and Chris Goldade: Wetland Birds
Series Coordinators:
Douglas H. Johnson
Jill A. Dechant-Shaffer
Production Staff:
Christopher M. Goldade
Amy L. Zimmerman
Brent E. Jamison
James O. Church
Joel S. Brice
Silka L. Finkbeiner
Betty R. Euliss
Christopher M. Goldade
Patsy Renz

These reports are a series of literature syntheses on North American wetland birds. The need for these reports was identified by the Prairie Pothole Joint Venture (PPJV), a part of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. The PPJV recently adopted a new goal, to stabilize or increase populations of declining grassland- and wetland-associated wildlife species in the Prairie Pothole Region. To further that objective, it is essential to understand the habitat needs of birds other than waterfowl, and how management practices affect their habitats. The focus of these reports is on management of breeding habitat, particularly in the northern Great Plains.

Organization and Features of Species Accounts

Species Accounts

Below is a list of species for which syntheses are available. Some waterbird species (*) were treated in the grassland bird series Effects of Management Practices on Grassland Birds. Those accounts differ slightly from the other waterbird accounts by retaining their "Grassland" labels. Species accounts are updated periodically.

Eared Grebe   Marbled Godwit*   Black Tern
American Bittern* Long-billed Curlew* Sedge Wren*
Virginia Rail Willet* Marsh Wren
Sora Wilson's Phalarope* Le Conte's Sparrow*
Yellow Rail American Avocet Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow*

For information on grassland bird species, see the resource Effects of Management Practices on Grassland Birds.

(Search) Enter Grassland and Wetland Birds Bibliography

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Please note:  This searchable, annotated bibliography includes all references used in writing the species accounts for the Effects of Management Practices on Grassland Birds and for the Effects of Management Practices on Wetland Birds, as well as additional uncited references.

Annotated Method Bibliographies:

The need for establishing standardized survey protocols for waterbird species was identified in the North American Waterbird Conservation Plan (NAWCP). In support of NAWCP's suggestion, information on survey, capture, nest-finding, and banding methods has been provided in the form of annotated bibliographies for the species listed below.

Eared Grebe
Virginia Rail
Yellow Rail
American Avocet
Black Tern

Colonial and Non-colonial Waterbird Bibliography

This link takes the viewer to a page organized by partner agencies working collaboratively on the Northern Prairie and Parkland Waterbird Conservation Plan. This page contains a bibliography on survey, inventory, and monitoring methods for colonial and non-colonial waterbirds.

This resource is based on the following source:

Johnson, Douglas H., and Jill A. Dechant-Shaffer (Series Coordinators).  2002.  Effects of management practices on wetland birds. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Jamestown, ND.

This resource should be cited as:

Johnson, Douglas H., and Jill A. Dechant-Shaffer (Series Coordinators).  2002.  Effects of management practices on wetland birds. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Jamestown, ND.  Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online. (Version 12DEC2003)

We invite comments and suggestions. Please direct them to:
Douglas H. Johnson
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
U.S. Geological Survey
8711 37th Street SE
Jamestown, North Dakota 58401
telephone: 701-253-5539
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