May 01, 2003 (The Editor’s Desk is updated each business day.)

Mass layoffs in March

Employers initiated 1,170 mass layoff actions in March 2003. Each action involved at least 50 persons from a single establishment, and the number of workers involved totaled 109,838.

Number of mass layoff events in January-March of each year, 1996-2003
[Chart data—TXT]

Compared with March 2002, the number of layoff events declined by 20 percent and the number of workers involved fell by 32 percent. (March 2003 contained 4 weeks for possible mass layoffs, compared with 5 weeks in each March of the prior 3 years.)

From January through March 2003, the total number of events, at 4,767, and initial claims, at 450,312, were lower than the January-March 2002 levels of 4,989 and 564,141, respectively.

These data are from the Mass Layoff Statistics program. Mass layoffs data for February and March 2003 are preliminary and subject to revision. For more information, see news release USDL 03-201, "Mass Layoffs in March 2003" (PDF) (TXT).

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The very first issue of The Editor's Desk (TED) was posted on September 28, 1998. TED was the first online-only publication of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For 10 years, BLS has been committed to posting a new TED article each business day, for a total of over 2,400 articles so far.

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