Price and Index Number Research

The Division of Price and Index Number Research (PINR) conducts research to strengthen and improve existing price and expenditure measurement concepts and techniques and enhance the analytical usefulness of BLS programs.


NEW 2011 Supplemental Poverty Measure Thresholds Based on Consumer Expenditure Survey Data

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Division of Price and Index Number Research

The Division was created in 1963 in response to the Stigler Commission Report on Federal price statistics. It has had a long and successful professional history, both in providing economic consulting services to the Bureau and in serving as a source of, and conduit for, new ideas in the economics profession.

A large portion of Division staff time is devoted to individual, long term research on both theoretical and empirical topics. Traditionally, Division research has been oriented toward resolution of measurement problems, using a wide range of methods from microeconomic and macroeconomic theory, consumer economics, industrial organization, labor economics, mathematical economics, econometrics, and statistics.

The Division also provides consulting services to the other price program Divisions as the need arises. For example, staff members have worked with analysts from the Consumer Price Program to develop and analyze the new C-CPI-U (superlative price index). Currently consulting efforts also include projects involving the Producer Price Index Program and the Consumer Expenditure Surveys.

Current research includes:

PINR Publications

Publications and Working Papers

Monthly Labor Reviews

PINR Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I obtain copies of the research papers?
  2. Are there opportunities to be a full-time or visiting researcher at BLS?
  3. How can I obtain access to confidential data?
  4. How can I learn more about the research that is conducted in the Division


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General Information
(202) 691-6573
Division Chief
Greenlees, John (202) 691-6997
Research Economists
Bradley, Ralph (202) 691-6575
Erickson, Timothy (202) 691-5145
Garner, Thesia (202) 691-6576
Jain, Raj (202) 691-6579
Kim, Mina (202) 691-6596
Kurtzon, Greg (202) 691-6574
Sullivan, Paul (202) 691-6593
To, Theodore (202) 691-6590
Verbrugge, Randal (202) 691-6587
Zadrozny, Peter (202) 691-6591
Gudrais, Marisa (202) 691-6568
Sabetti, Leonard (202) 691-6586
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