How To File A FOIA Request

Requests for public information do not require a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. You may wish to contact "FOIA Coordinators"  regarding the information in which you are interested from the state of your interest.

Privacy Act requests are not accepted electronically. Regulations require a signature for such requests. Please mail your request to the "FOIA Coordinators" at the listed address.

Filing Steps

If a FOIA request must be submitted to receive releasable portions of information identified as "non-public" please follow these procedures. (Procedures are based on the FOIA and Departmental Regulations at 43 CFR Part 2.)

The time for processing requests may be delayed if the following information is not provided with the original FOIA request:

You may make your request via email or in writing.  To make an email request, link to the "FOIA Coordinators" to see the email address for all BLM offices.

If the same information is requested from more than one BLM office, you may mail your request to the Washington Office, at the following address:  Headquarters, Washington Office Bureau of Land Management, Ms. Barbara Brown, FOIA Coordinator, Rm 750 LS, WO-560, 1849 C. St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240.  We will send your request to the most appropriate State office to address your request.  However, if the information you want is only in one State office, it will speed up the processing time of your request , if you communicate directly with the "FOIA Coordinators" located locally in that region. 

Specific information is required in your request.  See the sample letter with additional information on what to include.

Note: Agencies may not be able to protect the privacy interests of individuals as much as they would like when processing FOIAs via EMail. Electronic communication systems are harder to secure from unauthorized access, and it may not be wise for FOIA requesters to send some requests such as those for personal information to an email mailbox. We recommend that requests for information that are personal in nature be sent in writing to the appropriate "FOIA Coordinators" listed.