Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Wyoming Rare Plant Field Guide

Bureau of Land Management Rare Plant List

Rare Plants of the Rock Springs District

Scientific Name Distribution by Resource Area
Common Name G K P
Antennaria arcuata X    
Meadow Pussytoes
Arabis pusilla X    
Small Rock Cress
Artemisia biennis var. diffusa X    
Mystery Wormwood
Asclepias uncialis X?    
Dwarf Milkweed
Astragalus drabelliformis     X
Bastard Draba Milkvetch
Astragalus jejunus var. jejunus X X  
Starveling Milkvetch
Astragalus proimanthus X    
Precocious Milkvetch
Cirsium aridum X    
Cedar Rim Thistle
[C. sp. nov.]
Cirsium ownbeyi     X
Ownbey's Thistle
Descurainia torulosa X    
Wyoming Tansymustard
Lesquerella macrocarpa X X  
Large-Friuted Bladderpod
Lesquerella paysonii     X
Payson's Bladderpod
Muhlenbergia glomerata     X?
Marsh Muhly
Oryzopsis contracta X X X
Contracted Indian Ricegrass
[O. hymenoides var. c. ]
Penstemon acaulis var. acaulis X    
Stemless Beardtongue
Phlox opalensis X X  
  Opal Phlox
[P. sp. nov]
Physaria condensata X? X X
Tufted Twinpod
Physaria dornii   X  
Dorn's Twinpod
Physaria integrifolia var. monticola   X  
Creeping Twinpod
Thelesperma caespitosum X    
Green River Greenthread
[T. subnudum var. c.]
Thelesperma pubescens X    
Uinta Greenthread
Townsendia microcephala X    
Cedar Mountain Easter Daisy
[T. sp. nov.]


G = Green River; K = Kemmerer; P = Pinedale. X = Present on Resource Area; X? = may occur on Resource Area.
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