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Component Writing Sample, Resume, and Transcript Requirements

(Select one of the links below for program-specific information.)

           Attorney General's Honors Program      Summer Law Intern Program

A. Attorney General's Honors Program Requirements. Only the components listed below request writing samples, resumes, or transcripts from Honors Program interview candidates. Please follow the submission requirements listed for each component as guidance differs. Any questions relating to the writing sample or other submissions should be addressed to the Attorney Recruitment Coordinator(s) (ARCs) for the specific component. Components requiring writing samples or other submissions at or prior to Honors Program interviews are:

Antitrust Division
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives
Civil Division
Civil Rights Division
Criminal Division
Drug Enforcement Administration
Environment and Natural Resources Division
Executive Office for Immigration Review
Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys
Federal Bureau of Prisons
National Security Division
Tax Division
U.S. Attorney – District of Arizona
U.S. Attorney – Central District of California
U.S. Attorney – Southern District of California
U.S. Attorney – Middle District of Florida
U.S. Attorney – Western District of Michigan
U.S.Trustee's Offices


ANTITRUST DIVISION: The Antitrust Division requests a writing sample and a transcript.

Submission Deadline Not later than October 3, 2008
Writing Sample Format Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat PDF, or Word Perfect
Type of Writing Sample Interview candidates should submit one writing sample only, not to exceed 15 pages in length. An excerpt from a longer piece is acceptable. The sample should provide evidence of the candidate’s skills in legal analysis and writing. It should represent the candidate’s own work, without extensive editing by anyone else.
Submission Method Submit by writing sample and transcript by e-mail as an attachment to: If transcript cannot be sent via e-mail, it can be faxed to (202) 514-0580.

All writing sample submissions should include a standard subject line formatted as:
HP Writing Sample – Name of Candidate

For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” should read:
HP Writing Sample – J.Q. Candidate
Special Instructions Candidates should place their name in the top right-hand corner of the documents.



BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS & EXPLOSIVES: ATF requests a writing sample and an official law school transcript.

Submission Deadline Two weeks prior to interview.
Format Paper copy.
Type of Sample Legal analysis writing sample not to exceed 10 pages in length. Do not submit work that has been heavily edited by others. Extracts from an article, brief, or memorandum are acceptable. If the work is authored by more than one person, the candidate should highlight the portions that he or she authored.

Official copy of law school transcript.
Submission Method By mail to the appropriate office:

Boston Field Division:

Office of the Division Counsel
ATF/Boston Field Division
10 Causeway Street #791
Boston, MA 02222
Tampa Field Division:

Office of the Division Counsel
ATF/Tampa Field Division
400 N. Tampa Street #2100
Tampa, FL 33602
Special Instructions Candidates should place their name on the upper right-hand corner of the first page of the of the writing sample and ensure their full names and law school are on the transcript.



CIVIL DIVISION: The Civil Division requests a writing sample and an electronic resume.

Writing Sample and Resume Submission Deadline Not later than four business days following notification of selection for an interview.
Format Microsoft Word or Word Perfect or Adobe Acrobat PDF
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit one writing sample only, not to exceed 15 pages in length. An excerpt from a longer piece is acceptable. The sample should provide evidence of the candidate's skills in legal analysis and writing. It should represent the candidate's own work, without extensive editing by a third party.
Submission Method Submit by e-mail as an attachment to:

The email subject line should include the candidate’s name and the letters “HP” or the words “Honors Program”

For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” should read:
HP Writing Sample – J.Q. Candidate
Special Instructions The document submitted should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner. Each candidate selected for interview must also submit an electronic copy of his/her resume, in addition to the writing sample. The resume should be submitted to the e-mail address listed above.



CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION: The Civil Rights Division requests a writing sample and a transcript.

Submission Deadline By October 2, 2008. (If notified of selection late, within 3 business days following notification of selection for interview.)
Format Microsoft Word or Word Perfect
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit one sample only, of sufficient length to demonstrate the candidate’s writing abilities. The sample should be the candidate’s exclusive work, unedited by third parties
Submission Method Submit by e-mail as an attachment to:

The email subject line should include the candidate’s name and the letters “HP” or the words “Honors Program”

For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” should read:
Honors Program Writing Sample – J.Q. Candidate
Special Instructions The document submitted should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner.



CRIMINAL DIVISION: The Criminal Division requests a writing sample.

Submission Deadline Not later than three business days following notification of selection for an interview.
Format Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, or Adobe Acrobat
Type of Sample Legal analysis writing sample not to exceed 10 pages in length. Do not submit work that has been heavily edited by others. Extracts from an article, brief, or memorandum are acceptable. If the work is authored by more than one person, the candidate should highlight the portions that he or she authored.
Submission Method Submit by e-mail as an attachment to:

All submissions should include a standard subject line formatted as:
Writing Sample – Name of Submitter

For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” should read:
Writing Sample – J.Q. Candidate
Special Instructions Candidates should place their name on the upper right-hand corner of the sample.



DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION (DEA): DEA requests a writing sample (both electronic and hard copy), a current resumé, and a transcript.

Writing Sample Submission Deadline Not later than 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), Wednesday, October 1, 2008.
Writing Sample Format Microsoft Word or Word Perfect
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit two writing samples. The sample should be an original piece that has not been extensively edited by a third party (e.g., not a heavily-edited law review article or a judicial opinion).
Submission Method Submit the writing sample by e-mail as an attachment to:

The email subject line should reflect:
“Honors Program Writing Sample” and include the candidate’s name.

For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” could read:
Honors Program Writing Sample (J.Q. Candidate)
Special Instructions The documents submitted by e-mail should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner. DEA will collect the candidate’s resumé, transcript, and hard copy writing sample at the interview. Candidates should ensure their full name and law school are on the transcript.




Submission Deadline As soon as possible but not later than five days following notification of selection for an interview.
Format Microsoft Word or Word Perfect or Adobe Acrobat
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit one sample only reflecting the candidate’s best writing. The sample should be an original piece of the candidate’s choice, not too lengthy, and should not have been extensively edited by a third party (e.g., not a heavily-edited law review article or a judicial opinion).
Submission Method Submit by e-mail as an attachment to: or to

The email subject line should reflect: “Writing Sample – Honors Program.”

For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” could read:
Writing Sample – Honors Program (J.Q. Candidate)
Special Instructions The document submitted should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner.



EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR IMMIGRATION REVIEW: EOIR requests an electronic writing sample and a transcript.

Writing Sample Submission Deadline Not later than 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), Wednesday, October 1, 2008.
Writing Sample Format Microsoft Word or Word Perfect
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit one writing sample only, not to exceed 15 pages. The sample should be an original piece that has not been extensively edited by a third party (e.g., not a heavily-edited law review article or a judicial opinion).
Submission Method Submit writing sample by e-mail as an attachment to:

The email subject line should reflect: “Honors Program Writing Sample.”

For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” could read:
Honors Program Writing Sample (J.Q. Candidate)
Special Instructions The document submitted by e-mail should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner. EOIR will collect the candidate’s transcript at the interview. Candidates should ensure their full name and law school is on the transcript.



EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR U.S. ATTORNEYS: EOUSA requests a writing sample and an electronic resume.

Submission Deadline As soon as possible after notification of selection for an interview.
Format Microsoft Word, TIF, Word Perfect or Adobe Acrobat
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit one sample only, not to exceed 15 pages in length. An excerpt from a longer piece is acceptable. The sample should provide evidence of the candidate’s skills in legal analysis and writing. It should represent the candidate’s own work, without extensive editing by a third party. Candidates who have published writings on legal topics (e.g., books. Law review articles, etc.) should include a list giving full citations, dates, and a general description of the subject matter.
Submission Method Submit by e-mail as an attachment to:

The email subject line should reflect: “Writing Sample – Honors Program.” For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” could read: Writing Sample – Honors Program (J.Q. Candidate)
Special Instructions Documents submitted should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner.



FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS: BOP requests a writing sample.

Submission Deadline Not later than five business days prior to the interview date
Format Microsoft Word or Word Perfect
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit one sample only reflecting the candidate’s best writing. The sample should be an original piece of the candidate’s choice, not more than 10 pages in length.
Submission Method Submit by e-mail as an attachment to:

The email subject line should reflect: “Honors Program Writing Sample” and include the candidate’s name.

For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” could read:
Honors Program Writing Sample – J.Q. Candidate
Special Instructions The document submitted should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner.



NATIONAL SECURITY DIVISION: The National Security Division requests a writing sample.

Submission Deadline As soon as possible but not later than five days following notification of selection for an interview.
Format Microsoft Word, Word Perfect or Adobe Acrobat
Type of Writing Sample Interview candidates should submit one sample only reflecting the candidate’s best writing. The sample should be an original piece of the candidate’s choice, not more than 10 pages, and should not have been extensively edited by a third party (e.g., not a heavily-edited law review article or a judicial opinion).
Submission Method Submit by e-mail as an attachment to: or

The email subject line should reflect: “Writing Sample – Honors Program” and the candidate’s name.

For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” could read:
Writing Sample – Honors Program (J.Q. Candidate)

For example, a sample submitted by “Jane Q. Candidate” should read:
Honors Program Writing Sample – Jane Q. Candidate
Special Instructions The document submitted should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner.



TAX DIVISION: The Tax Division requests a writing sample and a transcript.

Submission Deadline Not later than September 25, 2008, or within 3 days following notification of selection for an interview.
Format Microsoft Word or Word Perfect
Type of Writing Sample Interview candidates should submit one writing sample only, reflecting his or her best writing. The sample should be an original piece – if possible, an advocacy piece (e.g., a brief or motion) – and not one extensively edited by a third party (e.g., not a heavily-edited law review article or judicial opinion).
Submission Method Submit by e-mail as an attachment to:

All email writing sample submissions should include a standard subject line formatted as:
Honors Program Writing Sample –Candidate First and Last Name

For example, a sample submitted by “Jane Q. Candidate” should read: Honors Program Writing Sample – Jane Q. Candidate
Special Instructions Candidates should place their name in the top right-hand corner of the writing sample. The Division prefers candidates to e-mail their transcript to the address above, but if that is not possible, candidates can mail a transcript to the U.S. Department of Justice, Tax Division, Attn: Connie Adkins, Human Resources Specialist, P.O. Box 813, Washington, DC 20044. Candidates must ensure that their full name and law school are on the transcript. Candidates who mail a transcript must also bring a copy to the interview in case there are delays in delivery.



U.S. ATTORNEY FOR THE DISTRICT OF ARIZONA (TUCSON): The District of Arizona requests a writing sample, resume, transcript and questionnaire.

Submission Deadline As soon as possible after notification of selection for an interview.
Format Hard copy print version or electronic submission (Word, Word Perfect, or PDF format) to
Type of Writing Sample Interview candidates should submit one sample only, of sufficient length to demonstrate the candidate’s writing and analytical abilities. The sample should be the candidate’s exclusive work, and should not have been extensively edited by a third party. Candidates who have published writings on legal topics (e.g., books, law review articles, etc.) should include a list giving full citations, dates, and a general description of the subject matter.
Questionnaire The District of Arizona AUSA Applicant Questionnaire can be retrieved on the District of Arizona USAO website,
Submission Method Submit electronically or by mail along with a cover letter, resume, and a transcript to:

Heidi Dunn-Adkins
United States Attorney’s Office
District of Arizona (Tucson)
405 W. Congress, Suite 4800
Special Instructions The cover letter should indicate that the candidate was selected for an Honors Program interview. Candidates should ensure that their full names are on the transcript and the writing sample.



U.S. ATTORNEY FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA: The Central District of California requests a writing sample, resume, and a transcript.

Submission Deadline As soon as possible after notification of selection for an interview.
Format Hard copy print version (no electronic submission)
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit one sample only, of sufficient length to demonstrate the candidate’s writing and analytical abilities. The sample should be the candidate’s exclusive work, and should not have been extensively edited by a third party. Candidates who have published writings on legal topics (e.g., books, law review articles, etc.) should include a list giving full citations, dates, and a general description of the subject matter.
Submission Method Submit by mail, along with a cover letter, resume, and a transcript to:

George Cardona
United States Courthouse 1200
312 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, California 90012.
Tucson, AZ 85701-5040
Special Instructions Candidates must attach a cover letter, current resume, and a law school transcript to the writing sample, and indicate that he or she was selected for an Honors Program interview. Candidates should ensure their full names and law school is on the transcript.



U.S. ATTORNEY FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA: The Southern District of California requests a writing sample and a resumé.

Submission Deadline As soon as possible after notification of selection for an interview.
Format Hard copy print version (no electronic submission)
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit one sample only, of sufficient length to demonstrate the candidate’s writing and analytical abilities. The sample should be the candidate’s exclusive work, and should not have been extensively edited by a third party. Candidates who have published writings on legal topics (e.g., books, law review articles, etc.) should include a list giving full citations, dates, and a general description of the subject matter.
Submission Method Submit by mail, along with a cover letter and a resume to:

Renee Miranda
Southern District of California
880 Front Street, Room 6293
San Diego, CA 92101-8893
Special Instructions Candidates must attach a cover letter and current resume to the writing sample, and indicate that he or she was selected for an Honors Program interview.



U.S. ATTORNEY FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA: The Middle District of Florida requests a writing sample, resume, and a transcript.

Submission Deadline Not later than five business days following notification of selection for an interview.
Format Microsoft Word or Word perfect or Adobe Acrobat PDF
Type of Writing Sample Interview candidates should submit one sample only, not to exceed 15 pages in length. An excerpt from a longer piece is acceptable. The sample should provide evidence of the candidate’s skills in legal analysis and writing. It should represent the candidate’s own work, without extensive editing by a third party.
Submission Method Submit all documents (writing sample, resume and transcript) by e-mail as an attachment to:
Special Instructions The documents submitted should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner of each document.



U.S. ATTORNEY FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN: The Western District of Michigan requests a writing sample, resume, and a transcript.

Submission Deadline As soon as possible after notification of selection for an interview.
Format Hard copy print version (no electronic submission)
Type of Writing Sample Interview candidates should submit one sample only, of sufficient length to demonstrate the candidate’s writing and analytical abilities. The sample should be the candidate’s exclusive work, and should not have been extensively edited by a third party. Candidates who have published writings on legal topics (e.g., books, law review articles, etc.) should include a list giving full citations, dates, and a general description of the subject matter.
Submission Method Submit by mail, along with a cover letter, resume and transcript, to:

Ellie Drumm
United States Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Michigan
P.O. Box 208
Grand Rapids, MI 49501-0208
Special Instructions Candidates must attach a cover letter indicating that he or she was selected for an Honors Program interview, a current resume, and a transcript to the writing sample. Candidates should ensure their full names and law school are on the transcript.



U.S. TRUSTEE'S OFFICES: The U.S. Trustee Program requests a writing sample and transcript.

Submission Deadline Writing samples and transcripts will be collected at the time of the interview.
Writing Sample Format Microsoft Word or Word Perfect
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit one writing sample only, reflecting his or her best writing.
Submission Method Submit in printed format at the time of the interview.
Special Instructions Candidates should place their name in the top right-hand corner of the writing sample document.



B. Summer Law Intern Program Component Writing Sample Requirements. Only the components listed below request writing samples, resumes or transcripts from candidates selected for consideration for employment.  Please follow the submission requirements listed.  Any questions relating to the writing sample or other submissions should be addressed to the Attorney Recruitment Coordinator(s) (ARCs) for the specific component.  The Office of the Solicitor General and the Office of Legal Counsel may independently contact candidates to request writing samples.  Components requiring writing samples or other submissions as part of the consideration for the SLIP are:

Antitrust Division
Civil Division
Civil Rights Division
Executive Office for Immigration Review
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Office of Justice Programs
Professional Responsibility Advisory Office
Tax Division
U.S. Attorney for the District of Wyoming


ANTITRUST DIVISION: The Antitrust Division requests a writing sample and a transcript.

Submission Deadline Not later than September 29, 2008
Format Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat PDF, or Word Perfect
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit one writing sample only, not to exceed 15 pages in length. An excerpt from a longer piece is acceptable. The sample should provide evidence of the candidate’s skill in legal analysis and writing. It should represent the candidate’s own work, without extensive editing by anyone else.
Submission Method Submit a writing sample and transcript by e-mail as an attachment to: If transcript cannot be sent via e-mail, it can be faxed to (202) 514-0580.

All writing sample submissions should include a standard subject line formatted as:
SLIP Writing Sample – Name of Candidate

For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” should read:
SLIP Writing Sample – J.Q. Candidate
Special Instructions Candidates should make sure their full name and school appears on top left hand side of the documents.



CIVIL DIVISION: The Civil Division requests a writing sample.

Submission Deadline Not later than four business days following notification of selection for consideration for employment.
Format Microsoft Word or Word Perfect
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit one writing sample only, not to exceed 15 pages in length. An excerpt from a longer piece is acceptable. The sample should provide evidence of the candidate’s skills in legal analysis and writing. It should represent the candidate’s own work, without extensive editing by a third party.
Submission Method Submit by e-mail as an attachment to:

The email subject line should read “SLIP Writing Sample.”
For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” should read:
SLIP Writing Sample – J.Q. Candidate
Special Instructions The document submitted should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner and indicate that it is for the Summer Law Intern Program.



CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION: The Civil Rights Division requests a writing sample.

Submission Deadline Within 3 business days following notification of selection for consideration for employment.
Format Microsoft Word or Word Perfect
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit one sample only, of sufficient length to demonstrate the candidate’s writing abilities. The sample should be the candidate’s exclusive work, unedited by third parties
Submission Method Submit by e-mail as an attachment to:

The email subject line should include the candidate’s name and the letters “SLIP.”

For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” should read:
SLIP Writing Sample – J.Q. Candidate
Special Instructions The document submitted should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner and indicate that it is for the Summer Law Intern Program.

The Civil Rights Division will conduct SLIP interviews by telephone.




Submission Deadline Within 3 business days following notification of selection for consideration for employment.
Format Microsoft Word or Word Perfect
Type of Sample SLIP candidates should submit one writing sample only, not to exceed 15 pages. The sample should be an original piece that has not been extensively edited by a third party (e.g., not a heavily-edited law review article or a judicial opinion).
Submission Method Submit by e-mail as an attachment to:

The email subject line should reflect: “SLIP Writing Sample.”

For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” could read:
SLIP Writing Sample - J.Q. Candidate
Special Instructions The document submitted should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner.



FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS: BOP requests a writing sample.

Submission Deadline Not later than five business days prior to the interview date
Format Microsoft Word or Word Perfect
Type of Sample Candidates selected for consideration for employment should submit one sample only reflecting the candidate’s best writing. The sample should be an original piece of the candidate’s choice, not more than 10 pages in length.
Submission Method Submit by e-mail as an attachment to:

The email subject line should reflect: “SLIP Writing Sample” and include the candidate’s name.

For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” could read:
SLIP Writing Sample -J.Q. Candidate
Special Instructions The document submitted should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner.



OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS (OJP): OJP requests a writing sample.

Submission Deadline To be provided at the time the candidate is contacted for a telephone interview.
Format Microsoft Word or Word Perfect
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit one sample only, not to exceed 10 pages in length, reflecting the candidate’s best writing. The sample should be an original piece - if possible, an advocacy piece such as a brief or motion, legal memorandum, or an early draft or a published note or article. The submission should not be extensively edited by a third party (e.g., not a heavily-edited law review article or a judicial opinion).
Submission Method Submit by e-mail as an attachment to:

All submissions should include a standard subject line formatted as:
SLIP Writing Sample – Name of Candidate

For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” should read:
SLIP Writing Sample – J.Q. Candidate
Special Instructions The document submitted should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner and indicate that it is for the Summer Law Intern Program.

The Office of Justice Programs will conduct SLIP interviews by telephone.



PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY ADVISORY OFFICE (PRAO): PRAO requests a writing sample and a transcript.

Submission Deadline Not later than one week following notification of selection for consideration for employment.
Format Microsoft Word or Word Perfect
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit one sample only, not to exceed 15 pages in length, reflecting the candidate’s best writing. The sample should be an original piece – if possible, an advocacy piece such as a brief or motion, legal memorandum, or an early draft or a published note or article. The submission should not be extensively edited by a third party (e.g., not a heavily-edited law review article or a judicial opinion).
Submission Method Submit writing samples by e-mail as an attachment to:

The email subject line should include the candidate’s name and the phrase “SLIP Writing Sample”
For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” should read:
SLIP Writing Sample – J.Q. Candidate.
Submit transcripts by e-mail to the same address if possible. If e-mail submission of transcripts is not possible, it can be faxed or mailed to: Maria.McClam, 1425 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 12000, Washington, D.C. 20530, (Fax) (202) 353-7483.
Special Instructions The writing sample document submitted should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner.



TAX DIVISION: The Tax Division requests a writing sample and a transcript.

Submission Deadline To be provided at the time the candidate is contacted for a telephone interview.
Format Microsoft Word, Word Perfect
Type of Sample Candidates who are notified of selection for consideration for employment will be asked to provide a writing sample prior to a telephone interview. The candidate will be given the email address to use for submission upon being contacted for the interview. The sample should reflect his or her best writing and be an original piece – if possible, an advocacy piece (e.g., a brief of motion) – and not one extensively edited by a third party (e.g., not a heavily-edited law review article or judicial opinion.)
Submission Method Submit by e-mail as an attachment to the address provided when contacted for a telephone interview. All submissions should include a standard subject line formatted as:

SLIP Writing Sample –Candidate First and Last Name

For example, a sample submitted by “Jane Q. Candidate” should read:
SLIP Writing Sample – Jane Q. Candidate
Special Instructions Candidates should place their name in the top right-hand corner of the document and indicate that it is for the Summer Law Intern Program. The Division prefers candidates to e-mail their transcript to the address provided, but if that is not possible, candidates can mail a transcript to the U.S. Department of Justice, Tax Division, Attn: Connie Adkins, Human Resources Specialist, P.O. Box 813, Washington, DC 20044. Candidates who mail a transcript must also bring a copy to the interview in case there are delays in delivery.



USAO FOR THE DISTRICT OF WYOMING: The District of Wyoming requests a writing sample.

Submission Deadline Not later than five business days following notification of selection for consideration for employment.
Format Microsoft Word, Word Perfect
Type of Sample Interview candidates should submit one sample only, not to exceed 15 pages in length, reflecting the candidate’s best writing. The sample should be an original piece - if possible, an advocacy piece such as a brief or motion, legal memorandum, or an early draft of a published note or article. The submission should not be extensively edited by a third party (e.g., not a heavily-edited law review article or a judicial opinion).
Submission Method Submit by e-mail as an attachment to:

The email subject line should read “SLIP Writing Sample.”
For example, a sample submitted by “J.Q. Candidate” should read:
SLIP Writing Sample – J.Q. Candidate
Special Instructions The document submitted should contain the candidate’s name at the top, right corner and indicate that it is for the Summer Law Intern Program.

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