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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Local Health Departments in a Managed Care Environment

Integrating Multiple Responsibilities

With Respect to Managed Care


Lloyd F. Novick, M.D., M.P.H., County Health Officer, Onondaga County Health Department, Syracuse, NY.

One of the challenges faced by local health departments (LHDs) in a managed care environment is to find the appropriate ways to interact with managed care organizations in carrying out their core public health responsibilities, which may include both service delivery and oversight activities.

Dr. Lloyd Novick described the approach he pursued to establish an appropriate set of relationships between his LHD and the Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs). operating in his county. In particular, he discussed the Public Health-Managed Care Partnership Agreement that he developed that spells out the LHDs' and the MCOs' responsibilities in a number of key areas.

Dr. Novick also discussed key issues associated with the development of quality indicators for assessing plan performance in a number of important areas.


Public Health—Managed Care Partnership Agreement Between Onondaga County Health Department and Managed Care Plan, Revised September 4, 1996.

Rosenbaum S, Richards T. Medicaid Managed Care and Public Health Policy. Journal of Public Health Management Practice 1996;2(3):76-82.

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