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Frequently Asked Questions about South Carolina

I. Water Information

1. How can I obtain streamflow and ground-water level data?
2. How do I get low-flow and flood frequency statistics?
3. Where can I get precipitation and air temperature data?
4. Where can I get river stage forecasts?
5. How do I get information on wetlands?
6. Where can I get information on tides and charts?
7. How can I get information on flood plains?

II. Water Quality and Health Issues

8. Where can I get the water from my local well tested?
9. Where can I get information on the health effects of radon
and other substances in water?
10. Where can I find water-quality standards that apply to
streams in South Carolina?
11. Where can I find standards for drinking water in South Carolina?
12. Where can I find consumption advisories that are in effect for
fish in South Carolina?

III. Mapping and Related Topics

13. How do I obtain a USGS topographic map?
14. How do I obtain satellite images?
15. How do I obtain an aerial photograph?
16. How do I get data on map projections and other data on how
USGS maps are made?
17. Where can I get information on benchmarks?
18. Where can I get information on datums and coordinate conversions?
19. Where can I get correction data for Global Positioning System (GPS) field files?

IV. Geology and Related Topics

20. How can I get information on earthquakes?
21. Where can I get data on soils?
22. Where can I get geologic maps?
23. Where can I get information on Mineral Resources?

V. USGS Activities South Carolina and USGS Publications

24. How do I obtain a USGS publication?
25. How do I obtain information on projects and activities of
the USGS in South Carolina?
26. How can I get information on job openings in the USGS?
27. Where in South Carolina are USGS Water-Resources Division Offices located?

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Answers to many common questions can be found on our
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Further information is available through the USGS Frequently Asked Questions. For questions that aren't covered, you may want to try Ask-A-Geologist or Ask USGS.

Specific questions for South Carolina information can be directed to the:

Director, South Carolina Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
720 Gracern Road, Suite 129
Columbia, SC 29210-7651
Phone: (803) 750-6100
FAX: (803) 750-6181
Please direct web related comments to: SC WebTeam