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Flow Statistic Data for Pennsylvania Streams

A series of updates of previously published peak-flow, low-flow, and mean-flow statistics as well as the development of new base-flow statistics has created the need to visit multiple web pages, applications, or reports to gather results from the most recent statistical analyses. This web page ensures that users of Pennsylvania streamflow statistics have access to the most current statistics and analyses. Links are provided to the most up-to-date flow statistics as determined from data collected at USGS streamgaging stations located on Pennsylvania streams or from regional regression equations developed using the same streamflow data.

In the following list of sources of current streamflow statistics, the term unregulated means no significant flow-altering impoundment or reservoir is located upstream of the data-collection location.

The most-current methods and results of statistical analyses for Peak-Flow Statistics are described in Regression Equations for Estimating Flood Flows at Selected Recurrence Intervals for Ungaged Streams in Pennsylvania, USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5102 by Roland and Stuckey.

The most-current methods and results of statistical analyses for Low-Flow, Base-Flow, and Mean-Flow Statistics from unregulated streams are described in Low-Flow, Base-Flow, and Mean-Flow Regression Equations for Pennsylvania Streams, USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5130 by Stuckey.

The most-current methods and results of statistical analyses for Low-Flow Statistics from regulated streams are described in Comparison of Methods for Computing Streamflow Statistics for Pennsylvania Streams, USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 99-4068 by Ehlke and Reed.

Current Sources of Pennsylvania Streamflow Statistic Data

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 21-Oct-2008 13:25:17 EDT