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Chemical Sampling Information
alpha-Alumina (Respirable Fraction)
Chemical Sampling Information - Table of Contents Chemical Sampling Information - Table of Contents  Field Definitions
 Analytical Methods
General Description

NAME: alpha-Alumina (Respirable Fraction)

SYNONYM(s): Aluminum Oxide (2:3); alpha-Aluminum Oxide; beta-Aluminum Oxide; gamma-Aluminum Oxide; Aluminum Sesquioxide; alpha-Alumina (Total Dust) from 7/17 to 9/1/89

IMIS: A201

CAS: 1344-28-1

NIOSH: RTECS BD1200000; 5474


MW: 101.96

Exposure Limits

NIOSH REL: 10 mg/m3

Health Factors



MEDIA: Tared Low Ash Polyvinyl Chloride (LAPVC) filter 5 microns preceded by 10 mm Nylon Cyclone
MAX V: 816 Liters   MIN V: 408 Liters   MAX F: 1.7 L/min
ANL 1: Gravimetric analysis
REF: 11, 12
CLASS: Fully Validated
ANL 2: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy; AAS/Lithium Borate fusion
REF: 2 (OSHA ID-109SG)
CLASS: Partially Validated
NOTE: Submit as a separate sample. When analysis of a compound is requested, an elemental analysis is performed and reported as the compound. The analytical method does not distinquish between dust and fume. If the gross weight of the sample yields a concentration below the standard for the air contaminant, do not submit the sample to SLTC for analysis.

Chemical Sampling Information - Table of Contents Chemical Sampling Information - Table of Contents
Revision Date: 12/21/2001
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